montgomery college online phone directories
help keep the directory current – validate your contact information
To report changes to individual White Pages listings, please e-mail the online phone directory administrator listed for your department/unit area below:Department/Unit Primary Administrator /Secondary Administrator
Admissions, Records, & Registration / Patti Chalkley / Enas Elhanafi
Auxiliary Services / Yolanda Martinez / Mike Honsaker
Budget / Sarahy Pena / Donna Dimon
Office of Business Services / Debbie Juneja
Sr. VP for Education Services / Tina Bak / Rita Dodson
Facilities – Central / Rose Denegal
Facilities – Germantown / Gail Lantion / Jo Harshman
Facilities – Rockville / Wendy Brown / Christina Nordlie
Facilities -TP/SS / Genet Aklilu / Diane Kelley
Information Technology / Viola Sellman / Becky Phillips
Institutional Advancement / Marcia Sirulnik / Nichole Given
Institutional Research & Analysis / Margaret Marchese / Bob Lynch
Office of Human Resources / Susana Gilardi / Lynette Evans
President’s Office / Lynette Telford / Genell
Student Financial Aid / Gloria Walker / Harry Li
VP Administrative & Fiscal Services / Helen Chapson / Raquel Bunai
VP & Provost – Germantown Campus / Burcu Crothers / Sella Gesumwa
VP & Provost – Rockville Campus / Ellen Wallace / Margaret Ebner
VP & Provost – TP/SS Campus / Linda Frazier / Kim McGettigan
Work Force Development & Continu-ing Education / Sharon Maxwell
The accuracy of the Montgomery College Online Phone Directory is maintained by the various academic and administrative units. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) works with these various units to assure that individual contact information (White Pages) and department contact information (Yellow Pages) is current. Online Phone Directory unit administrators have been designated throughout the College. These staff members maintain the currency of the information for employees in their assigned areas.
The OIT sends reminders each semester to assist in assuring the accuracy of the lists. Once again it’s time for the College community to review individual and departmental online directory listings to verify that the information is still accurate and current.
To check the MC Online Phone Directories listings:
1. Go to the College website home page at
2. Click on the Directories link in the upper right corner under the Search box.
3. Click on the People (White Pages) or the Departments (Yellow Pages) links.
4. Type a name in the Search box and click Search button.
To report changes to departmental Yellow Pages listings, or for questions/comments, please e-mail the Central Directory Administration at: MC Directory Update.
The table of online directory unit administrators can also be viewed on the OIT Website at
Spring 2010 Inside MC Online Attachment