Writing Assessment: Kindergarten (revised 10/11)
The first two writing assessments can be done in a small group, such as at a workstation. Each prompt should be read and discussed prior to the students writing. The end of the year goal is for students to illustrate, write, and revise independently. The Kindergarten Writing Check List may be used. The rubric for each prompt should be reviewed and discussed so students have a clear understanding of expectations.
Writing Prompts
(One Day)
Beginning of Year Prompt: “Draw a picture of yourself. Write about yourself (ex: write your name, write about something you would like to share about yourself…).” Encourage students to try and write about their picture. After completion of the prompt the student will reread to the teacher. The teacher will then scribe on the paper what the child reads. (This will be used only as a sample, not scored.)
End of 1st Quarter Prompt: “Draw a picture of your family. Write about your family (ex: label family members, write your family members names, write about something you like to do with your family…).” Encourage students to write about their picture. After completion of the prompt the students will reread to the teacher. The teacher will then scribe on the paper what the child reads. (This will be the first scored writing prompt.)
December Prompt: “Draw a picture of yourself and what you like to do in the winter. Write about something you like to do in the winter (ex: build a snowman, fort, snow angel, sledding).” Encourage students to write about their picture. After completion of the prompt the student will reread to the teacher. The teacher will then scribe on the paper what the child reads.
May Prompt:
(Day One – done in whole group.) “Draw a picture of yourself and what you like to do at school. Write about your picture (ex: working on reading or math, listening to a story, working at a special station…).” Encourage students to add details to their pictures (but do not color) and to write several sentences (sentences will be written on a separate paper, not under illustration). Remind them that they will be editing tomorrow. After completion of the prompt the student will reread and edit independently.
(Day Two – done in whole group). Students will make final revisions on their writing. Have students reread their writing. Encourage them to add more picture details (by coloring), reread and edit their sentences again looking for any errors they might have missed on day one. They will then rewrite their sentences under their illustrations independently.