2011 Administrator’s Guide


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Table of Contents

Administrators Guide - Setting Up Your Organization 1

Create or change the settings for a business unit 1

Create a new business unit 2

Set auto-number formats 2

Set system-wide settings 3

Set fiscal year settings 4

Work with connections 5

Work with connections and connection roles 6

Set preferences for product updates 6

Create or edit a site 6

Set system-wide privacy preferences 7

Determining E-mail Access for Your Organization 8

Controlling Data Access 8

Business Units 8

Security Roles 8

Overriding Security Roles 8

Securing Custom Fields 9

Work with Security Roles 9

Work with Business Units 11

Create or change the settings for a business unit 11

Assign a different parent business unit 12

Change the business unit for a record 13

Enable or disable a business unit 13

Work with Teams 14

Create or edit a team 14

Add or remove team members 15

Managing Users 16

Add or remove users for a territory 16

Manage a User's Record 17

Work with Your User Record and Work Hours 18

Work with Announcements 19

View announcements 19

Work with Integrated Instant Messenging 20

Send or Copy a Shortcut 22

Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router 24

Work with E-mail Templates 24

E-mail Permissions 25

Permissions required for e-mail-related tasks 25

View Your User Profile 26

Using Connect to Define How Records Relate 27

Work with connections 27

Work with connections and connection roles 28

Using Connect to Define How Records Relate 28

Managing Relationship Roles 29

Using Relationship Roles 29

Types of Relationships 29

Managing Relationship Roles 30

Work with Relationship Roles 30

Relationship Roles Dialog Box 30

Customer Relationship Form 32

Opportunity Relationship Dialog Box 33

Changing Regional and Language Options for Your Organization 35

Adding and Removing Currencies 35

Activate or deactivate a currency 35

Language Settings Dialog Box 36

Translating Customized Entity and Field Text 36

Export Customized Entity and Field Text for Translation 37

Work with Territories 38

Managing Users 38

Create or edit a territory 38

Work with Fiscal Year Settings 39

Work with salespeople 40

Add Users 43

Enable or disable a user record 44

Reassign user records individually or in bulk 45

Create or edit a territory 46

Creating the Product Catalog 47

Work with Discount Lists 47

Creating the Product Catalog 48

Using Discount Lists as Incentives 48

Create or edit a discount list 48

Create or edit a discount 49

Deactivate or activate a discount list 50

Selling Products Individually and in Groups 51

Work with Unit Groups 52

Create a unit group 52

Using Price Lists 53

Work with Price Lists 53

Create or edit a price list 53

Add or edit price list items 55

Deactivate or activate a price list 58

Creating a Product in the Product Catalog 58

Work with Products 59

Create or edit a product 59

Reclassify a product 62

Set the default price list 62

Add or remove substitute products 63

Add or edit price list items 64

Convert a product into a kit 67

Add products to a kit 67

Deactivate or activate a product 68

Configuring Marketing 69

Marketing Permissions 69

Permissions required for marketing tasks 69

View Your User Profile 73

Scheduling Services for Your Customers 74

Navigating the Service Calendar 74

Service Calendar 75

View the Service Calendar 75

Find and view the work schedule for an individual resource 80

View a list of resources 84

Booking Service Activities in the Service Calendar 87

Schedule Service Activity 87

Work with Service Activities 87

Work with the Workplace Calendar 87

View the calendar in the Workplace area 88

Print the details of an activity from a calendar 88

Create or edit an appointment 89

Work with Appointments 91

Creating Contracts 91

Work with Contracts 91

Create or edit a contract 91

Add or edit a contract line 94

Invoice and activate a contract 95

Cancel or delete a contract 96

Renew a contract 97

Use the Closed Activity list 97

Supporting Customer Service with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 98

Work with Cases 98

Use the Closed Activity list 103

Send an article from a case 103

Auditing data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 104

Tracking changes for entity relationships 104

Enabling document management on entities 108

Understanding how document management works 108

Understanding how document libraries and folders are created 109

Enabling document management on entities 111

Create or edit site records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 112

Create or edit document location records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 114

Monitoring and Managing System Jobs 115

Work with System Jobs 116

Cancel or change the status of a system job 116

Duplicates Detected Form 117

Creating and Using Workflows 117

Workflow Lifecycle 118

Lesson 1: Workflow structure 118

Monitor and Manage Workflows 120

Work with Workflows 121

Create or edit a workflow 121

Add or change dynamic values in a workflow 124

Creating and Using Workflows 125

Publish or unpublish a workflow 126

Specify Workflow Condition Form 126

Specify the conditions for a workflow step 127

Add or change dynamic values in a workflow 127

Start an On-Demand Workflow 129

Creating and Using Dialogs 129

Understanding dialogs structure 129

Work with dialogs 130

Start a dialog 131

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Administrator’s Guide vii

2011 Administrator’s Guide: Set system-wide settings

Administrators Guide - Setting Up Your Organization

Create or change the settings for a business unit

Can I do this task?

This task requires the System Administrator or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions. More information about specific permissions and performing this task while offline: Configuration Permissions

1.  In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Administration, and then click Business Units.

2.  Do one of the following:

Create a new business unit

a.  On the Actions toolbar, click New.

b.  In the Business Unit form, enter the information that you want for the new business unit.

4  On the General tab, enter a name for the new business unit.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM fills the Parent Business field with the name of the root business unit. You can use the Lookup button to change the value in the Parent Business field if a new business unit has a different parent.

4  You can also fill in any other fields that you want, including a division and contact information.

4  On the Addresses tab, you can enter information for the business unit's Bill to and Ship to addresses.

c.  Click Save. After saving the record, you can click the record types under Organization to see a list of related records, and to change the settings for selected records.

Change the settings for an existing business unit

d.  Under Common, click Information, and then select the General or Addresses tab and enter or change values.

You cannot delete or rename a business unit.

e.  Under Organization or System Jobs, select a record type to see the list of related records, and to change the settings for selected records.

Use the buttons on the Actions toolbar to add new records, enable or disable a listed record, and make other changes.

3.  Click Save or Save and Close.


You cannot change the name of or delete a business unit after it has been created.


To add users to a business unit:

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Administration, and then click Users.
  2. Select one or more users, and then on the Actions menu, click Change Business Unit.

Related Topics
Work with Business Units 17
Controlling Data Access 15

Create a new business unit

a.  On the Actions toolbar, click New.

b.  In the Business Unit form, enter the information that you want for the new business unit.

4  On the General tab, enter a name for the new business unit.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM fills the Parent Business field with the name of the root business unit. You can use the Lookup button to change the value in the Parent Business field if a new business unit has a different parent.

4  You can also fill in any other fields that you want, including a division and contact information.

4  On the Addresses tab, you can enter information for the business unit's Bill to and Ship to addresses.

c.  Click Save. After saving the record, you can click the record types under Organization to see a list of related records, and to change the settings for selected records.

Set auto-number formats

Can I do this task?

This task requires the System Administrator or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions. More information about specific permissions and performing this task while offline: Configuration Permissions

1.  In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Administration, and then click Auto-Numbering.

2.  In the Set Auto-Numbering dialog box, click a tab to select the record type that you want to change.

3.  In the Prefix box, enter up to 3 characters, symbols, or numbers.

Prefixes are system-wide and are used for all system-generated numbers for the selected record type. If you change the prefix for a record type, it will not change the prefix of numbers that have already been assigned.

4.  In the Number box, enter the starting number.

If you have not set a numbering format before, the Number box displays 1000. After you set the numbering format and save your settings, this field is set to read-only and you cannot modify it.

5.  If you are setting auto-numbering formats on any tab except Articles, in the Suffix Length list, click a number. In the confirmation message, click OK.

6.  To save your settings, click OK.


·  The suffix is used for records that were created while you were offline and for which the number cannot be guaranteed to be unique.

·  The prefix of the tracking token for e-mail messages is set in the System Settings area. More information: Manage System Settings

Set system-wide settings

Can I do this task?

This task requires a manager, vice president, CEO-Business Manager, System Administrator, or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions. More information about specific permissions and performing this task while offline: Configuration Permissions

Use this dialog box to set system-level settings for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Step-by-step Help is available for the settings on each tab.

More information: Manage System Settings

1.  In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click System, click Administration, and then click System Settings.

2.  On the following tabs, make any changes:

4  General

Set the options that affect how names and currency are displayed, how records are shared, and if attachments are allowed.

4  Calendar

Set the maximum length of an appointment.

4  Formats

Set the regional format for how numbers, currency, time, and dates are displayed.

4  Auditing

Select to start auditing and choose which areas to audit.

4  E-mail

Set the options that control how e-mail is tracked and managed.

4  Marketing

Set the options that control how marketing campaign e-mail features are managed.

4  Customization

Set whether Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be opened in application mode.

4  Outlook

Set the options for how users can synchronize with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.

4  Reporting

Specify report categories.

4  Goal

Set the roll-up frequency and expiry time.

3.  To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

Related Topics
Manage a User's Record 22

Set fiscal year settings

Can I do this task?

This task requires the System Administrator or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions. More information about specific permissions and performing this task while offline: Sales Permissions


Fiscal year options affect the way in which your organization's data is stored in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database. Therefore, you can set the fiscal year options only once. You cannot change these settings after you have set them.

1.  In the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Business Management, and then click Fiscal Year Settings.

2.  You must enter information in the following fields:

4  Start Date

Select the date you want the fiscal year to start.

4  Template

Select the template that describes how your fiscal year is divided.

4  Fiscal Year

Select how you want to display the fiscal year.

4  Named Based On

This setting will determine whether the fiscal year name is displayed based on when the fiscal year starts or when it ends.

4  Fiscal Period

Select the abbreviation you want to display to represent the fiscal period.

4  Display As

Select whether you want a space, no space, a hypen, or a dash between the fiscal year abbreviation and the year.

3.  To save your settings, click OK.

Related Topics
Work with salespeople 43
Work with Territories 40

Work with connections

A connection allows you to show how a record relates to you. You can use it to identify a contact as your colleague or how a record relates to another record, such as an account referred by a coworker.

4.  Select the record to which you want to add a connection to, and in the Collaborate group, click Connect.