The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of West Walton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th October 2016 at 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall, Mill Road, West Walton.

PresentChairmanDavid Cummings

Councillors Amanda Cuthbert, Chris Gray, Roy Groom, Trevor Harrison, Christine Holden, Martin Jaggard, Michael Knowles, Bernie Ward and David Ward.

Clerk – Emma Bateman

Members of the public – Mr M Cobbold, Mr P Miller, Mrs S Miller, Mrs L Mockford, Mr F Hobbs, Mr P Williman, Mrs C Barsby, Mrs A Williams, Mr R Williams, Mrs H Kidger.

200/16 Apologies - To consider accepting apologies for absence

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Mayhew.

201/16Public Participation - To allow public participation

  1. Mr Cobbold asked about the process for applicants of planning applications that had been refused by the Planning Authority to proceed to appeal and how to contact the Highway Engineer for information on their responses to planning application consultations. Advice was given that the applicants have a right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate and if they wished to do so, consultees are advised if this is the case and have an opportunity to make further representations to the Planning Inspectorate. Advice was given that the response from the Highway Engineer will have been published on the Borough Council’s website.
  2. Village Hall Representatives – The Village Hall Committee Chairman, Mr Hobbs, advised the Parish Council that there had been issues with vandalism after a party at the Village Hall on 1st October. There had been considerable damage and rubbish left. The Committee contacted the Police as soon as the damage was discovered. The Committee are in contact with the hirer and their family who have agreed to pay for the damage. The Vice Chairman, Mrs Mockford, advised that the committee had met to discuss the situation and changes to the hire agreement to prevent situations similar to this arising again. Mrs Mockford advised that there had been no issues with vandalism for about 20 years and that the Committee had been overwhelmed with offers of help from local residents and good wishes that they are very grateful for. The next consideration for the Village Hall Committee is to investigate CCTV and funding it.
  3. Mr R Williams – it was noted that the parish council had investigated the cost of a trod for Lynn Road and that this had not been taken forward. Cllr Cummings advised that this is due to the very high cost of installing a trod. Mr Williams requested that this be discussed again at a future meeting. Cllr Cummings agreed to add as an agenda item for November.

202/16 Minutes - To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 13th September 2016.

Cllr Gray proposed the minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting held on 13th September 2016 having been previously circulated are accepted as a true record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Cuthbert. Agreed.

203/16 Declarations of Interest of any items on the agenda and to consider any requests for dispensations.

No declarations were made.

204/16 Matters dealt with since the last meeting

Matters are agenda items.

205/16 Planning Matters

  1. Applications for consultation with the parish council

There were no planning applications received for the meeting.

  1. Borough Council decisions

16/01124/FM Crown Farm, Mill Road, WW - Construction of an agricultural building. Application Permitted, 29th September 2016, Delegated Decision

16/01388/F Linward, Harps Hall Road, WH - Detached double garage. Application Permitted, 29th September 2016.

16/01446/F Gaersfield Farm, Harps Hall, Road, WH - Proposed annex to dwelling (attached). Application Permitted, 29th September 2016, Delegated Decision.

16/00758/F Foxhall Farm, Harps Hall Road, WH- Proposed sheep shed. Application Permitted, 16th September 2016, Delegated Decision.

16/01103/F Foxhall Farm, Harps Hall Road, WH - Retention of agricultural store. Application Permitted, 16th September 2016, Delegated Decision.

  1. Appeals

APP/V2635/W/16/3147121 – reference Planning Application No 15/01103/F Land 40m south west of The Old Mill, Common Road South, Walton Highway. The appeal is dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate.

206/16 Financial Matters

  1. Donation request - Councillors discussed the request for a donation from Norfolk CAB. It was agreed that the Wisbech branch was the preferred branch to support to as residents from West Walton would be more likely to seek help and advice there. Councillors asked the Clerk to write to the Wisbech branch.
  2. To approve payments as listed overleaf and to accept receipts

PaymentsEx VATVATInc VAT

  1. CGM LtdGrass cutting239.0047.80286.80
  2. West Walton Village HallGrant for electrical work962.00962.00
  3. Mrs E BatemanSalary and expenses408.74408.74


  1. VariousAllotment Rents7385.377385.37
  2. Co-op Funerals2 x ashes plots (re Roberts)160.00160.00
  1. To look at the books of account

Cllr Gray looked at the Books.

207/16 Correspondence – To receive items for information

  1. Lloyds Bank re Mary Dale Foundation – letter sent to (the late) Mr A Garford and passed to the Parish Council. Mr Williman has been investigating this on behalf of the parish council and will contact Lloyds Bank, will report at the next meeting.
  2. British Telecom – adopt a kiosk scheme.
  3. KLWNBC – Parish Training sessions “Considerations when determining planning applications”.
  4. East Coast Community Fund – Public events, Drop in session Thursday 3rd November, Bishops Lynn House, Tuesday Market Place, King’s Lynn 3pm to 6pm.

208/16 Parliamentary Boundary Changes

Cllr Groom advised that there is a proposal to change the parliamentary boundary with West Walton and Walpole Highway being incorporated into North West Norfolk again. The website for all the details is Cllr Groom requested that all councillors should look at the site and respond as individuals. Councillors discussed and agreed for the Clerk to respond for the Parish Council as supporting the move.

209/16 St Mary’s Churchyard – to discuss the church wall and other repointing and painting requirements

The Clerk reported that Cllr Mayhew, Mrs Knights and the Clerk had looked at the Architects Report and walked round the Churchyard to look at all the points raised. It was agreed to get quotes for the repointing of the wall and remedial work to the tombs.

It was noted that the painting of the memorial gates had been arranged in the past by Mrs Clayton. Councillors agreed to ask Mrs Knight to check with Mrs Clayton first about this.

210/16 To consider projects for the Parish Partnership Scheme - Mobile Speed Awareness signs

Councillors received information on mobile speed awareness signs would like to investigate SAM2 Mobile Speed Awareness Signs and requested the clerk to ask a representative from Westcotec to come and give advice on ideal locations for the signs.

211/16 To consider projects for the parish:

  1. A defibrillator for the village – councillors would like to consider and requested more information.
  2. New Play Equipment for older children and exercise equipment for seniors – councillors agreed to form a sub-committee and look at new equipment. Cllrs Cummings, Cuthbert, Gray and Jaggard will meet on 1st November to look through brochures and start to form a plan. Councillors agreed that Cllr Mayhew should be invited to attend.
  3. Village Sign – defer to November
  4. Bus Shelter panels – the cost of these (two panels) was discussed and it was felt that it may be better to have just one panel. Clerk to ask Westcotec for the price of supply and fit of one panel only.

212/16 To discuss the specification for improvements to carpark at the playing field – this item was deferred to November as quotes had not been received.

213/16 Village Hall and School House - to receive information from the Village Hall Committee regarding the recent vandalism

  1. Vandalism – information was received from the Committee in Public Participation 201/16. 2. This will be an agenda item for November as well.
  2. Committee meeting – the next VHC meeting will be on Tuesday 8th November at 10.30am. A volunteer from the Parish Council is needed to attend.
  3. School House – there were no updates.

214/16 Allotments – to receive information on Allotments

Two applications had been received for the allotments, one for the larger allotments numbers 1, 2&3 and 14b (if available) and one for 14b only. Councillors agreed to let the applicant who applied for all the available allotments to have Nos 1, 2&3 and the other applicant to have No 14b.

215/16 Cemetery – to receive applications for memorials and receive reports of faults

Nothing received.

216/16 Village Hall – to receive a report from the representative

Duplication of agenda item, already discussed under 201/16.2. and 213/16.1. and 2.

217/16 Playing Field – to receive any reports of faults

The repairs to the Normandie Unit will cost £71.96 plus VAT. Councillors agreed for this to go ahead.

218/16 Villagers’ concerns – to receive villagers concerns reported to Councillors

  1. Lynn Road/St Paul’s Rd junction – the hedge at the new property has been removed and will be replaced with a low fence. Councillors were asked to monitor the situation with visibility.
  2. Parking on pavements – concerns were raised about parking on pavements and if it is illegal or not or can it be banned. Clerk to contact Police and other agencies for information.

219/16 Highways – To receive reports of road and footpath faults

  1. School Road – near 225 School Road there are two sunken manhole covers.
  2. Lynn Road, Walton Highway – cracks in the highway.
  3. School Road – near 106 and 110 sunken drains.

220/16 Streetlighting – To receive any reports of streetlight faults

Nothing reported

221/16 Next Agenda – to receive items for the next agenda

Trod on Lynn Road, Village Hall and CCTV plus other items noted in the minutes.

222/16 Date and Time of next meetings –Ordinary Parish Council meeting Tuesday 8th Novemberat 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall.