Student Teacher ______Date______

Assignment ______

Cooperating Teacher's Signature ______

Student Teacher's Signature ______

Please respond to the following statements by placing an "X" in the column that best indicates the student teacher's level of performance, according to the rubric below. Your evaluations should be based on what an entry level teacher should know and be able to do. This evaluation activity is an integral part of our overall Teacher Education Program assessment plan. If you have any suggestions for revision of this process or form please note them at the end of this document.

Unsatisfactory / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished
The student teacher does not appear to understand the concepts underlying the component and does not apply the component at an acceptable level. / The student teacher appears to understand the concepts underlying the component and attempts to implement its elements. Implementation is intermittent and/ or not entirely successful. / The student teacher clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it well. Implementation is consistent and effective. / The student teacher has demonstrated an exemplary ability to understand and apply this component .

Goal I: The candidate has the knowledge bases necessary to be an effective teacher in her/his field.

U / B / P / D
Demonstrates effective planning and organization skill
Demonstrates adequate knowledge of subject matter
Exhibits a positive self-concept
Goal II: The candidate can apply effective teaching strategies to meet the needs of all learners.








Uses a variety of instructional resources
Provides a setting conducive to learning
Implements the lesson plans effectively
Accommodates a variety of ability levels
Monitors and evaluates student progress and understanding
Manages instructional activities efficiently and ensures student time on task
Incorporates effective questioning techniques/wait time
Motivates students
Maintains high expectations for student achievement
Maintains high standards for student behavior
Fulfills professional responsibilities
Demonstrates dependability and self-reliance
Practices appropriate grooming and health habits
Goal III: The candidate fosters relationships and collaborates with school constituencies.
U / B / P / D
Provides clear, concise explanations and directions
Communicates effectively with students
Demonstrates sensitivity toward student diversity
Demonstrates a positive attitude toward teaching

Written Comments:

Teacher Education Program-White Student Teacher-Pink

Cooperating Teacher-Yellow Major Advisor-Gold