Orestimba High School
Freshmen Honors English (9T)
Instructor: Ms. Garcia
Classroom: K7—Classroom Building
Phone: (209) 862-2916 (OHS office)
English 9 is a course required for graduation—9T is the advanced freshmen English course that encompasses the skills of both English 9 and English 10 courses. It is designed to provide a solid base for students in basic skills of English, while exposing them to the richness of their literary heritage. It is a study of short stories, novels, plays, mythology, non-fiction, and poetry that meet the Common Core Standards for English-Language Arts. There is also an emphasis on writing and critical thinking skills. A refresher course in the Jane Schaffer Writing program will be done, as well as a research paper and numerous other writing assignments. A review of grammatical skills and an exposure to literary terms and SAT vocabulary will also be included.
Suggested Materials—Students are required to come to class ON TIME and PREPARED. In order to be successful in this course, students should have the following materials:
- School-issued Chromebook
- A binder or folder to keep materials for English class—no replacement handouts will be given, and students are expected to keep all class work throughout the year
- College-ruled binder paper—need to have enough for all year
- Pens (blue or black ink only) or pencils—assignments that do not follow this requirement will not be graded and will have to be redone for credit
- Highlighters—multiple colors
- SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) book—a book of the student’s choice to be used for silent reading and the Outside Reading Requirement
Additional materials will be provided by the instructor. However, students are expected to bring materials for class. The instructor is NOT responsible for providing pens, pencils, paper, and other materials on a daily basis.
Reminder: Books borrowed from the Orestimba High School English Department are property of the school and are given to students to enrich their academic experience. Students are responsible for the books they use and will be expected to pay for any books they lose or damage. Students are also allowed to buy the novels—see Ms. Garcia for pricing.
Outside Reading—Each quarter, students are required to read 400 pages on top of their reading for English class. Time is given every day at OHS (during SSR) for students to read daily, but additional reading needs to be done at home. Students need to choose a reading-level appropriate novel and have it approved by the teacher. Book talks will be scheduled with the teacher after school during which students report on their novel of choice. Outside reading constitutes 10% of the student’s grade each quarter. Additional information and requirements will be given regarding this requirement.
Homework—Traditional “homework” is not assigned in this class, but rather consists of assignments not finished during the class period (exceptions being when there are essays, projects, or studying for tests). All work the students complete as homework is due at the beginning of the next class period.
Late Work Policy—Deadlines are an important part of life, and consequences follow as a result of things not being done on time. Assignments turned in late will be given half credit (of the earned score)and must submitted within a week of the due date. While some credit is better than no credit, students are warned that continual late work will not be enough to pass English.
Absences—In the event that a student misses class, it is their responsibility to make-up the work in a timely manner—the OHS Student Handbook details one school day for each day absent to turn in the makeup work. Students must come in before or after school to get assignments, but can also email the teacher for the work. Students are encouraged to use classmates, Canvas, and the homework wall as a resource for absences. Any student who cuts class will NOT be allowed to make up ANY assignments for that day!!!
Cheating—The copying of another student’s work or of information off of the internet is prohibited. If a student is found cheating, they will receive a zero on the assignment and possibly a referral to the administration. Additional incidences will receive stricter punishments as listed in the OHS handbook. The use of an anti-plagiarism website, will be used this year.
Bathroom Policy—Students are allowed to use the bathroom as needed during the period except for the first and last 15 minutes of class. However, all students are encouraged to use the facilities during passing periods as to avoid classroom disruptions (K7 is conveniently located next to the student bathrooms in the K building). Any misuse of this open-ended privilege may result in disciplinary action.
Off-Limits Areas—The teacher’s desk, computers, cabinets, and other qualifying furniture is off-limits to students. Please be respectful of this space and the teacher’s possessions. Additionally, students must be respectful of others property. This respect will be returned to students and their property.
Electronic Devices—Orestimba is now a 1-to-1 campus when it comes to technology, which means all students are given a Chromebook for educational purposes. This means that there is now no need for cellphones, iPods, and other devices in Ms. Garcia’s class. Electronic devices other than Chromebooks must be “off and away” during class time. Misuse of devices will result in confiscation of the items.
Chromebooks—Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebooks to class—charged—everyday. At least half of the work for English will require students to use their Chromebooks, especially when using the Canvas learning system. Students who do not have their Chromebooks for classroom assignments will lose credit for the day. Misuse of Chromebooks in the classroom (i.e. nonacademic website during class, watching movies, etc.) will result in the confiscation of the student’s Chromebook for the class period.
Dress Code—Students are expected to follow all dress code requirements will in class. All clothing must follow OHS handbook policy.
Grade Scale—Students’ grades will be broken up into the following areas and percentages:
- 10%Outside Reading
- 40%Tests (includes essays)
- 50%Assignments (classwork and homework)
English 9T Syllabus Acceptance Form
I, ______,
agree to the following terms listed in the syllabus. By signing, I acknowledge that I have read, discussed, and understand the information presented to me regarding classroom expectations, grading, assignments, materials, technology use, and other behaviors. If I choose to disregard the rules I am also choosing to live with the consequences given by Ms. Garcia (as listed above) and the OHS administration.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Additional Note to Teacher (optional):
Please sign and return this form to Ms. Garcia by:
Please feel free to contact me—email is usually the easiest way (), but I would be happy to take phone calls or set up a meeting.
Ms. Garcia