PE and Sport Premium 2017-2018

Allocated £17960

Phoenix St peter Academy
Item project / Planned cost / Objectives / Impact
Staff training / £2000 / Increase the content knowledge on Physical Education and to increase the variety and quality of Physical Education and School Sport provision and delivery.
Teachers will be sent on courses to allow them to learn new physical activities which could be used in a variety of different ways within school.
We will be sending the PE lead on a management course and other members of staff on, Gymnastics, dance, fencing, athletics, orienteering, touckball and Early Years sport courses.
/ Teachers will gain more confidence in teaching PE which will allow children greater education.
Extra-Curricular Activities
/ £1500 / Increase the amount of extra-curricular clubs on offer during and after school hours. The funding will allow external coaches to deliver expert lead clubs.
We will be looking to make links with ultimate boxing, Waveney wolves’ American football, Waveney gymnastics, Lowestoft town fc and a dance company.
/ Investing in afterschool clubs will provide more opportunity for our children and will hopefully encourage to participate in sports outside of school.
Sports Fixtures/Travel
/ £1600 / The school will hire coaches to transport students and staff to School Sport fixtures and tournaments.
/ Children will be able participate in more sports fixtures, which will then allow more children to have the opportunity of representing the school in a competitive event.
Sports Partnership Contributions and health membership / £975 / We have signed up to the Lowestoft and Beccles sports partnership and the reach 2 sports partnership.
This will allow children more opportunity to compete against other children in sports competitions. / Children will become more confident in participating in sports.
Also Investing in the new NSSHP Health will give the school further opportunities to meeting the requirements of Ofsted’s new Health Agenda for schools, which will also allow our children to understand more regarding Healthy Active Lifestyles.
Sports Equipment / £2250 / Purchasing equipment which will increase variety of physical activities to use in Physical Education and extra-curricular clubs. Purchasing equipment could also be used to support School Sports fixtures, such as shin pads for each student and goal keepers gloves. / For children to learn and participate in new sports. It will give children a wider range of sport to participate in.
Medal and trophies / £335 / Medals and trophies purchased for extra-curricular achievements and for intra-sport competitions, this will Increase the enthusiasm and promote positive competition / Will give children a sense of achievement and will give children a target that is achievable.
Sports kit for KS1 and LKS2 / £500 / KS1 will continue to participate in R2EASP events. Providing them with a school kit, this will give the children representing the school a greater sense of pride. / Will make the children feel part of a team.
Smooga / £5000 / This will provide a safe area for children to participate in sports in all weather, this would be used before, during and for afterschool clubs. / All children will have access to sports clubs during the day.
Staff cover / £1500 / This will allow the Pe instructor and a member of staff to attend the competition with the children. Their class be covered at school with a supply. / Children will not miss out on attending the sports competitions.
Total money spent / £15,660 / Money left over £2,300

Created by Ashley Carver
