Application form GRC Short Grants- Project data

To be submitted in electronic form as a PDF to the GRC Coordination Office (). The signed application form must be delivered in original by postal mail or in person.

1 Project description
Project title:
Format of activity (e.g. conference, workshop, seminar series, etc.):
Start of activity: / End of activity:
Description of the activity:
Aim(s) / target result(s) of the
Name of main contact person:
Name of 1st co-applicant:
Name of 2nd co-applicant:
Name of 3rd co-applicant:
3 Description of the target group
UZH institutes / research groups for which the topic of the planned activity is relevant:
Approximate number of UZH junior researchers for which the topic of the planned activity is relevant:
How will it be ensured that all potentially interested UZH junior researchers are invited to participate?
Approximate number of participating junior researchers:
PhD candidates UZH:
Postdocs UZH:
External junior researchers*:
*Which universities do the external junior researchers come from?
4 Active involvement of junior researchers in the program
(e.g. (short) presentations, replica, poster session, moderation, “challenger“, etc.)
How will the applicantsbe actively involved in the program?
How will theparticipating junior researchersbe actively involved in the program?
According to which criteria will
the participants actively involved in the program be selected?
5Added value of the activity
Relevance of the activity regarding the applicants’ research projects :
Added value of the activity for the participating junior researchers:
6 Budget
Total amount of requested GRC funding:
A detailed budget must be submitted as a separate document.
7 Financial issues
For the financial processing of the grant, a cost center (Kostenstelle) of a member of the UZH professorial staff is required.
I hereby declare that my cost center can be used for the financial processing of the grant:
First, last name:
Institute, faculty:
Date: / Signature:

Signatures of the applicants

Applicant / main contact person:......

1. Co-applicant:......

2. Co-applicant:......

3. Co-applicant (optional):......


-Program draft (as concrete and detailed as possible)

-Detailed budget(Graduate Campustemplate)

-Applicant data form for each applicant(Graduate Campustemplate)
