What’s in food - macronutrients?

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Which nutrients are known as macronutrients? / a) iron, calcium, zinc
b) vitamins A, B, C and D
c) carbohydrate, protein and fat
What units are used to measure macronutrients? / a) micrograms
b) grams
c) milligrams
What are the two main types of carbohydrate? / a) starch and sugar
b) alcohol and starch
c) fat and starch
1g of carbohydrate provides how many kcals or kJ? / a) 4 kcals (17kJ)
b) 8 kcals (34kJ)
c) 12 kcals (51kJ)
Which of the following is a monosaccharide? / a) sucrose
b) starch
c) glucose
Which of the following is correct? / a) glucose + fructose = sucrose
b) glucose + glucose = sucrose
c) glucose + galactose = sucrose
Starch is an example of which type of carbohydrate? / a) monosaccharide
b) disaccharide
c) polysaccharide
What is the main function of carbohydrate? / a) to protect the body from disease
b) to supply vitamin C
c) to supply the body with a source of glucose
Proteins are made up from which of the following? / a) amino acids
b) glycogen
c) glycerides
How many essential amino acids are required by adults? / a) 6
b) 8
c) 10
Which foods have the higher biological value? / a) plant
b) animal
c) both the same
Which statement best describes protein complementation? / a) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the amino acids of one protein may compensate for the limitations of the other
b) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the flavour and texture complements the other
c) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the amino acids of one protein are better than the other
What are the main functions of protein? / a) energy
b) growth and repair of the body
c) fighting infections
The amount of protein we need changes during a lifetime. What is The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for protein for the average man? / a) 40g
b) 56g
c) 65g
Triglycerides are made up of which molecules? / a) amino acids + glycerol
b) glycerol + fatty acids
c) fatty acids + glycerine
Eating too many saturated fats can have adverse effects on health. What are they? / a) associated with raised blood cholesterol
b) associated with the development of insulin resistance and/or increased risk of type 2 diabetes
c) associated with both a) and b)
What is one of the main functions of fat? / a) keep food moist
b) a carrier of water soluble vitamins
c) concentrated source of energy
Why are alpha linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6) called essential fatty acids? / a) the body can synthesise these fatty acids
b) the body cannot synthesise these fatty acids
c) only adults can synthesise these fatty acids
It is recommended that fat should not make up more than what percentage of food energy? / a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 35%

What’s in food - macronutrients?

Which nutrients are known as macronutrients? / a) iron, calcium, zinc
b) vitamins A, B, C and D
c) carbohydrate, protein and fat
What units are used to measure macronutrients? / a) micrograms
b) grams
c) milligrams
What are the two main types of carbohydrate? / a) starch and sugar
b) alcohol and starch
c) fat and starch
1g of carbohydrate provides how many kcals or kJ? / a) 4 kcals (17kJ)
b) 8 kcals (34kJ)
c) 12 kcals (51kJ)
Which of the following is a monosaccharide? / a) sucrose
b) starch
c) glucose
Which of the following is correct? / a) glucose + fructose = sucrose
b) glucose + glucose = sucrose
c) glucose + galactose = sucrose
Starch is an example of which type of carbohydrate? / a) monosaccharide
b) disaccharide
c) polysaccharide
What is the main function of carbohydrate? / a) to protect the body from disease
b) to supply vitamin C
c) to supply the body with a source of glucose
Proteins are made up from which of the following? / a) amino acids
b) glycogen
c) glycerides
How many essential amino acids are required by adults? / a) 6
b) 8
c) 10
Which foods have the higher biological value? / a) plant
b) animal
c) both the same
Which statement best describes protein complementation? / a) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the amino acids of one protein may compensate for the limitations of the other
b) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the flavour and texture complements the other
c) When two foods are eaten at a meal, such as a cereal (e.g. bread) and pulses (e.g. baked beans), the amino acids of one protein are better than the other
What are the main functions of protein? / a) energy
b) growth and repair of the body
c) fighting infections
The amount of protein we need changes during a lifetime. What is The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for protein for the average man? / a) 40g
b) 56g
c) 65g
Triglycerides are made up of which molecules? / a) amino acids + glycerol
b) glycerol + fatty acids
c) fatty acids + glycerine
Eating too many saturated fats can have adverse effects on health. What are they? / a) associated with raised blood cholesterol
b) associated with the development of insulin resistance and/or increased risk of type 2 diabetes
c) associated with both a) and b)
What is one of the main functions of fat? / a) keep food moist
b) a carrier of water soluble vitamins
c) concentrated source of energy
Why are alpha linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6) called essential fatty acids? / a) the body can synthesise these fatty acids
b) the body cannot synthesise these fatty acids
c) only adults can synthesise these fatty acids
It is recommended that fat should not make up more than what percentage of food energy? / a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 35%

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