The main objective of this course is to give students a broad, exploratory overview of art, incorporating basic materials, execution in creativity, construction, design, technical skills, and art appreciation. The elements and principals of art will be covered through engaging projects. Traditional drawn animation, the tools and equipment of traditional animation, including basic animation drawing skills, will be covered in this class. The focus of this course will be the appreciation and enjoyment of the artistic process.


  • Develop a joy in creating
  • Learn basic elements and principles of art and design
  • Exposure to different artists and their work
  • Introduce various mediums and skills associated with the visual arts
  • Cover the five state standards for art
  • Artistic Perception
  • Creative Expression
  • Historical and Cultural Content
  • Aesthetic Valuing
  • Connections, Relationships, And Applications


The numerical notations are standards aligned:

4- Advanced (90-100% A’s)

3- Proficient (80-89% B’s)

2- Basic (70-79% C’s)

1- Below Basic (60-69% D’s)

0- Far Below Basic (Not passing or F)

Overall, the projects will be assessed on the following:

  • Craftsmanship
  • Effort
  • Following directions
  • Successful development of new skill
  • Originality
  • Application of what has been introduced
  • There is no extra credit. There is no homework although students may be asked to bring in small items like plastic bags and newspaper.
  • Assignments will not be accepted after two weeks beyond the due date unless there is a pre-arrangement with the teacher prior to the deadline.

Office hours:

I open my classroom by 8 a.m. and the students are welcome to come in to work on missed or incomplete assignments. They need to check in with the front office before coming back to room 409. I am available to meet with students on Mondays and Wednesday during the lunch period to discuss any issues or provide additional assistance.I’m pretty flexible, so just ask!

Parents are always welcome in our classroom and need not call ahead to visit room 409. We ask that you please sign in with our office staff to obtain a visitor’s pass (a policy insuring the safety of our students).I maintain a bare bones website on Edlio which is available through our school web site. It has the syllabi posted and contact information. I post assignments along with suggested viewings and reading using Google Classroom. I will give students a log in code at the beginning of the year so they can access all materials online, which helps when the student needs to be absent from class. If you want access to it, your student can invite you using your email address.

School Website:

My conference time is period three and you may reach me through our school network at , or you may call the school for an appointment at 284- 3260 ext. 1409. Parent/Student questions regarding assignments can be emailed to the above address.

Conduct Agreement to be initialed by Guardian and Student

Student Name:______

Period number:______

I will work constructively in groups by adhering to following rules:

  • I will meet my teacher at the door every class, have eye contact and great her. I will meet classmates properly by introducing myself, making sure I can pronounce each of the participants’ names. Student Initials:______Guardian: ______
  • I will find things I have in common with group members. This makes it easier to address differences in opinions when you have something in common.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I will let everyone havean opportunity to talk. I won’t finish other peoples’ sentences. Speaking louder and faster doesn’t make my idea any better.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I will check my ego at the door. Ideas should be descriptions of them and not named for the originator. For example, a stop motion film would be referred to as “The Exploding Car Chase” and not “Tom’s idea”.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I will praise my classmates. I will find the positive (even if it’s a stretch). Every suggestion could add a possibility to each endeavor.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • Instead of imposing my ideas on others by saying “I think we should do A, not B” I will try to phrase my ideas to allow people to offer comments rather than defend one choice by saying “What if we did A, instead of B?”

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I will help my peers by giving honest feedback. In return I have the right to be in my group and have my work critiqued and displayed. I will contribute to the common good. To not do so would be selfish.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

I will care for the materials and supplies in the art room.

  • I understand that the use of the ipads, light boxes, cameras and all other ephemeral supplies are a privilege, not a right, and I agree to make every effort to care for my assigned device. I understand that inappropriate use or carelessness may result in losing privileges.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I will treat internet spaces as classroom spaces. I understand that speech that is inappropriate for class is not appropriate for my submissions or messages. I will conduct myself in a manner reflective of a representative of my school.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______

  • I understand that failure to abide by these terms and conditions may result in my losing the opportunity to use the ipads and other materials used in room 409.

Student Initials:______Guardian: ______