The Global Enterprise Experience---A learning process in our lives!

By Esther Kou Iok Teng, Macau

The Global Enterprise Experience provides me a chance to learn and to develop myself. In these 21 days, I have learned not only to write a proposal, but also to contribute and to share ideas, compromise and to collaborate, in the accomplishment the best project. For me, it is not simply a competition, but a learning process in my lives. It is……

Where the dreams come true

This is the best competition that I have ever worked with. During which, I have the opportunity to work with teammates from other countries, by sharing ideas and working together to accomplish a project. The project is not a game, but one that can be really carried out. The ideas generated from peoples from different countries, which guaranteed the percentage of acceptance and attractiveness in real markets.

Where the talents are explored

Once started, I begin to realize that many good ideas are provide from the teammates. Their thoughts, ideas can be so different from ours. I learn from each other’s, shares our ideas and try to draw the best conclusion. Gradually, I understand the meaning of “mutual development”, when I learn from others, my talents and abilities can also be shown out.

Where we learn to collaborate and contribute

Different of culture and thinking patterns, especially the difference in value belief leads to time-consuming decision-making process. At the first phase, we spend a lot of time on selecting the topic, and time for the preparation of is thus shortened. As a result, we learnt that time management and control is important, especially when the decision of each member varies.

Where the distance seems uncritical

Working together across time zones, worldviews, cultures, personalities, etc. is a great challenge. At the beginning, we spend a lot of time to discuss about the way to have the best communications. Then, when the methods are sought out (using Yahoo Groups and MSN), we are trying to select the best one from the proposed topics. With understanding, scarifying and the heart to work on the project, distance can be no barrier to us.

Where memories are made.

The preparation time is less than a month, but the working process, the ideas generated, and the talents and insights that each members shown left in my mind. We work hard for the completion of the best proposal, we strive hard for the achieving our mutual goal---learn from the competition. Time pass, memories and friendship stays behind.

The proposal was submitted, yet the competition and our business plan is not over. Our ideas, our thoughts, our friendship and our memories will be carried on forever.

Thanks a lot to the organizers of the Global Enterprise Experience!