1. Aim

1.1  By carrying out a multi agency tasking and coordinating role, the Community Safety Hub aims to improve community safety across the Cannock Chase District by identifying and addressing immediate crime and disorder issues. These shall include:

·  Vulnerable Residents

·  Domestic Abuse

·  Anti Social Behaviour

·  IOM

·  Child Sexual Exploitation

·  Mental Health Updates

·  Evictions

·  Community Triggers

·  Dispersal Notices

·  Civil Injunctions

·  Criminal Behaviour Orders

·  Community Protection Notices

·  Public Space Protection Orders

·  Closure Orders and Notices

·  Absolute Grounds for Possession

·  Crime Trends, Campaigns and Events

·  Lets Work Together referrals

·  Prevent

·  Modern Day Slavery

·  Honour Based Violence

·  Female Genital Mutilation

·  Any other Community Safety Issues

2. Responsibilities

2.1 To tackle community safety issues which require multi agency attention and which are more difficult to address through traditional methods.

2.2 To allocate and coordinate the resources of various partners.

2.3 To use real time intelligence to identify immediate community safety priorities and decide desirable outcomes.

2.4 To apply problem solving approaches to determine appropriate interventions and agree action plans to achieve these outcomes.

2.5 To monitor and assess the impact of actions and interventions.

2.6 To recommend professionals meetings be held outside of the Community Safety Hub where deemed necessary. In a situation where the Chair deems a case requires a professionals meeting, the lead agency, as allocated, shall be tasked and supported, if required, to facilitate the meeting. To ensure accountability, the lead agency shall be required to report back to the Community Safety Hub with an update in a timescale considered appropriate by the Chair.

2.7 To allocate and co-ordinate the resources of various partners, to tackle community safety issues.

2.8 To hear and discuss People Power Fund Applications.

3. Method of Working

3.1 Meetings shall be held once a week on a Tuesday at 10:00 and shall last no longer than one hour, unless the Hub has been extended to accommodate the People Power Fund applications or any other Community Safety related business requested via the Community Safety Hub Chair.

3.2 At meetings, intelligence received from the following sources shall be considered:

·  Police data

·  Intelligence and information provided by partner agencies.

3.3 At each meeting, the current action plan shall be reviewed and updated. Emerging concerns shall be discussed and actions allocated to the appropriate partners.

3.4 Accountability for the delivery of interventions is a team responsibility.

3.5 At each meeting, new cases will be recorded and the current action plan shall be reviewed and updated. Emerging concerns shall be discussed and actions allocated to the appropriate partners.

3.6 Updates on current actions shall be required at every meeting until the problem is resolved or until the Community Safety Hub judges that no further action can be taken. In the event of a member having responsibility for an action but being unable to attend a meeting or send a representative, an update shall be sent to the Partnership inbox prior to the next meeting. In cases where there are protracted or regular delays, the issue shall be raised by the Chair with the Partnership and Communications Manager.

3.7 Partnership Hub minutes shall be sent out to all members on a weekly basis.

3.8 Emails received into the Partnership inbox become the responsibility of the officer allocated to monitoring the account on that particular day. The officer, having contacted relevant agencies, if necessary, shall exercise their professional judgement as to whether they believe escalation to the Community Safety Hub is required or whether traditional working practices are more appropriate. Where the latter approach is adopted, escalation to the Community Safety Hub can occur at a later date should the issue not be resolved. If an officer is unsure on which action to take, they are encouraged to discuss the matter with a Partnership colleague or Chair of the Community Safety Hub.

4. Role of the Chair

4.1 The Chair shall be responsible for ensuring that meetings are run in accordance with the following standards:

·  Firmly but fairly chaired, permitting everyone to contribute in a wide-ranging debate, but where side issues are curtailed

·  Focused on the key issues, with a summary following each discussion and clarification of allocated actions

·  Having time to receive a presentation on an item of importance or interest

·  Held in a comfortable venue free from distraction

·  Adding value by being a pleasant occasion and strengthening the relationship between partners.

5. Membership

5.1 Membership of the group shall be open to voluntary and statutory organisations active in Cannock Chase and with a role to play in improving community safety.

5.2 All members shall be registered signatories to the Staffordshire One Protocol or a recognised agency under statutory information sharing protocols.

5.3 Members shall be of an appropriate level of seniority to ensure the delivery of any actions allocated to their organisation.

5.4 Membership shall include, where possible:

·  Anti-Social Behaviour Prevention Officer

·  Bromford Support Services

·  Cannock Chase District Council - Benefits

·  Cannock Chase District Council - Central Control Unit

·  Cannock Chase District Council - Environmental Protection

·  Cannock Chase District Council – Housing

·  Education

·  Mental Health Services

·  Social Care and Health

·  Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service

·  Staffordshire Police

·  Staffordshire Probation

·  Staffordshire Women’s Aid

·  Staffordshire Youth Offending Service

·  Substance Misuse Teams

·  Support Agencies

·  Vulnerable Persons Champion

·  Staffordshire County Council – Safeguarding, LST, Independent Futures, BRFC

·  SSOTP – Adult Care

·  Youth Offending Team

5.5 Other partners shall be invited to attend the Community Safety Hub, when necessary, at the discretion of the Chair.

5.6 If a named person from an agency is unable to attend, then a deputy must be sent.

6. Responsibilities of Group Members

6.1 Members listed above shall be fully engaged in the process for it to be effective and are expected to:

·  Submit new cases (which must include full names and dates of birth, address, contact telephone numbers and a brief summary) by email to by 3.00pm on the Monday prior to Tuesday’s meeting.

·  Be accountable for reporting back to their organisation, ensuring that it carries out any actions agreed at the meeting and then reporting on progress to the next meeting

·  Raise concerns constructively

·  Allocate resources as and when required

·  Contribute ideas

·  Keep an open mind

·  Remember that the Community Safety Hub is not a substitute for traditional interagency working

·  Feel comfortable to challenge decisions but to ultimately respect their colleagues’ professional judgement.

7. Information Sharing

7.1 All agencies are reminded that the information shared at Community Safety Hub meetings should only be used in relation to crime and disorder purposes, as defined in the Staffordshire One Information Sharing Protocol. This information will only be quoted or used in discussions of this group or in carrying out decisions of this group. It will not be used for any other purpose. Any information will be treated as sensitive and ultimately disposed of in a secure manner and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. By divulging information at/for this meeting, you are agreeing for the information to be shared amongst partners either in the form of secure email or by an encrypted file to AES-256 standard. By signing this register and disclaimer, you agree that the responsibility for the security of the Community Safety Hub Action Sheet and the information contained within transfers to yourself.

7.2 The Chair of the Community Safety Hub will ensure the following with regards to data protection and information security:

·  That locked and password protected printing is engaged for all documents containing Community Safety Hub information and that a final check of the printer is conducted prior to leaving the office every day.

·  That any hard copies containing Community Safety Hub information are stored in locked cabinets when not in use and that any keys for these cabinets are kept in separate and discrete locations.

·  That any hard copies containing Community Safety Hub information are shredded as soon as possible after the meeting.

·  That any electronic files containing Community Safety Hub information are saved on secure network drives as opposed to removable media or C: drives.

·  That the Information Sharing Protocol listed in 7.1, above, is made clear to all those in attendance at every Community Safety Hub meeting and to ensure that their responsibilities regarding the shared ownership of information are understood.

·  That all of those in attendance at every Community Safety Hub sign the register and disclaimer prior to commencement of the meeting.

·  To remind all those in attendance upon completion of the Community Safety Hub their responsibilities regarding security of information should they be taking hard copies from the premises.

·  To conduct a check of the meeting room upon the Community Safety Hub’s conclusion to ensure that no hard copies remain.

·  Minutes of the Community Safety Hub shall be emailed to recognised secure email addresses from the Partnership GCSX email account. Only email addresses ending with the following are considered secure for the purposes of transmission of minutes:,,,,,,,, and

·  If a Community Safety Hub member does not have access to one of the above email addresses, the minutes shall be sent from the Partnership GCSX email account to their normal email address but only after the file has been encrypted to AES 256 standard and password protected. The password must contain upper/lower case letters and numbers, will be changed monthly and will only be divulged in person or via a telephone conversation to recognised authorised recipients.

Updated June 2016