Name ______Period ______

Accelerated Biology


Chapter 23 Review

Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.

1.  A watertight covering called a(n) ______made it possible for plants to live

in drier habitats.

2.  Pores called ______enable plants to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

3.  A pair of specialized cells called ______borders each stoma.

Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.

4.  How did early plants obtain nutrients from Earth’s rocky surface?

5.  Without water, how do the sperm of plants survive?

6.  How do nonvascular plants differ from vascular plants?

7.  What are four advantages of seeds?





8.  How do flowers make plant reproduction more efficient?

In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.

9.  ______phloem a. zone of actively dividing plant cells

10.  ______xylem b. the part of a plant that grows downward

11.  ______shoot c. tissue that contains soft–walled conducting

cells that transport organic nutrients

12.  ______root

d. the part of a plant that grows upward

13.  ______meristem

e. tissue that contains hard-walled conducting

cells that transport water and mineral nutrients

Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.

14.  Explain why nonvascular plants are said to lack true roots, stems, and leaves.

15.  Why are nonvascular plants smaller than most vascular plants?

16.  Why do nonvascular plants often grow in moist places, such as stream banks or damp forest floors?

Complete each statement by underlining the correct term or phrase in the brackets.

17.  The gametophytes of nonvascular plants are [ smaller / larger ] than the sporophytes.

18.  In nonvascular plants, the eggs and sperm form in [ the same structure / separate structures ], which are often on [ the same plant / two different plants ].

19.  The “leafy” green plants that you recognize as mosses are [ gametophytes / sporophytes ].

20.  Seedless vascular plants have horizontal underground stems called [ roots / rhizomes ].

21.  Seedless vascular plants have a vascular system with [ xylem and phloem / xylem ].

22.  The much smaller [ gametophyte / sporophyte ] of seedless vascular plants develops on or below the surface of the soil.

23.  Seedless vascular plants without roots and leaves are called [ whisk ferns / horsetails ].

24.  The sporophytes of [ ferns / club mosses ] have fronds and a rhizome that is anchored by roots.

25.  In some species of [club mosses / ferns], clusters of nongreen spore–bearing leaves form a structure called a cone.

In the space provided, write which of the following gymnosperms—conifers, cycads, ginkgo, or gnetophytes—is being described.

26.  ______only one living species; has fan-shaped leaves

27.  ______has short stems and palmlike leaves

28.  ______trees and shrubs with needlelike or tiny leaves

29.  ______diverse group of trees, shrubs, and vines

Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.

30.  Most seed plants are flowering plants, or ______.

31.  Small greenish flowers, such as those of oaks and grasses, are adapted for ______pollination.

32.  Angiosperms produce seeds that develop within an enclosed specialized structure called a(n) ______.

33.  The primary role of fruits is to promote ______.