Almond and Western Edinburgh Health and Community Care Sub Group

Full Meeting

Note of meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2013 at10.00am

Parkgrove Road, The Drumbrae Library Hub, Drum Brae Drive, Edinburgh

PRESENT: Councillor Paul Edie (PE), Ewan McCormick (EMcC), Kerry Murray (KM), Gillian Johnston (GJ), Margaret Brechin (MB), Theresa Straczynski (TS), David Belfall (DF), PC Bel Brown (BB), PC Tommy Williamson (TM), Rachel Howe (RH)

APOLOGIES:Joan Best, Natalie Hoy, Emma Dempsey, Lyndsey McLellan, PC Katy Millar, Helen Purves, Patricia Eason, Aisha Chaudhary

Issue / Discussion/Outcome / Action by
1. / Welcome and Introductions /
  • Councillor Edie welcomed the group and read out the apologies received

2. / Minutes from previous meeting/Matters arising /
  • Buggy Walks – Helen is going to contact Margaret Brechin about walks in Kirkliston.
  • Mobile cinema is available from Corstorphine Police Station and at a cost of £70 can access films from Film Bank and these are the latest films that are available in video rental stores. Some youths are not interested as they would rather see the newest films that are currently in the cinema, more popular with older people and number one film that is booked out is ‘Casablanca’. Cannot use own films or bought films as this is due to copyright and performers rights. BB will look into Netflix/love films
/ BB Action
3. / Time Banking – Kate Kasprowicz /
  • Kate Kasprowicz unable to make the meeting so asked for this to be on the agenda for the next full meeting

4. / Themed Western Edinburgh Meeting – Live Well in Later Life /
  • Event planned for Tuesday 23rd April 2013 in St Ninian’s Church, Corstorphine.
  • There will be up to 40 stalls offering information and promoting awareness, and will also be an opportunity for stallholders to network. 34 stalls confirmed so far
  • Dr Robin Balfour is the clinical lead for South East but it is unlike he will be able to attend the event but all practice managers and GP’s are aware of the event
  • Similar event was held in the Assembly Rooms in November and was a great success with over 1,000 people turning out.
  • ‘Save the date’ e-mails was circulated a couple of weeks ago
  • Adverts on Radio Forth, the Metro and Edinburgh Evening News a fortnight before the event
  • The highest number of older people is in the Western area.
  • Taking over St Ninian’s on the 23rd with all the stall holders in the main hall, lunches and then taster sessions from Edinburgh Leisure in the smaller hall and then several small rooms that could be used to 1:1s
  • Event starts at 11am with an opening introduction from Councillor Balfour and then closes at 4pm. Lunches will be between 12noon and 1.30pm.
  • At 4.30pm approx. there will be a focused formal Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting to discuss formal business.
  • Outstanding tasks is tea and coffee provision and then transport e.g. SEAG
  • Jim Conner and Gillian Johnston met with Day Care in Drumbrae and discussed themes and it was agreed that Social Isolation, alcohol issues, personal safety, contact with outside organisations e.g. utilities, Dementia, Fuel poverty and cold calling zones were common themes and things they would like to see action on.
  • Event will be aimed at 3rd age (60 to 75 year olds) and 4th age (75+)
  • Leaflets will be printed this week and Kerry and Rachel to liaise regarding distribution to GP Practices. St Ninian’s have approx. 1,000 people through their doors per week at events, etc so they will help with advertising.
  • Stalls offering information on Welfare Reform/bedroom tax
  • Citizens Advice will be there and able to give advice on writing a will
/ GJ & RH Action
5. / A.O.C.B. /
  • Kerry Murray circulated an e-mail and to make people aware of some sessions on the Personal Independence Payments with replaces Disability Living Allowance from June 2013. There is 3 sessions planned for 30 people at time –
-11th March 10.00 to 12.00 Dean of GuildCourtRoom, City Chambers
-11th March 13.00 to 15.00 European Room, City Chambers
-18th March 13.00 to 15.00 Dunedin Room, City Chambers
Please contact to book a place
6. / Date for next meeting / Next meeting – TBC
  • NOTE - Dr Robin Balfour is the clinical lead for South East not South West as previously show - apologies