
Social Studies Unit 4 Study Guide

  1. The map shows us the trade routes for SLAVES
  1. Africans, molasses, guns, and lumber were traded in the Triangular Trade.
  2. People who traveled to the colonies and worked for 3 to 7 years to pay off the debt for their ship fare were called indentured servants
  3. How did enslaved Africans combine their African past and the elements of their new culture (in the colonies) to develop a new African-American culture in the colonies?
  4. They brought things with them from Africa and passed them from generation to generation.
  5. They wrote down their history and shared it with one another.
  6. Their slave owners gave them books with their family history written in them.
  7. They stayed close to their family members and told stories that passed down from generation to generation.
  1. The economy of the Southern colonies depended on slavery more than the New England colonies because New England had smaller farms than the Southern colonies
  1. In the Middle colonies, what was an ECONOMIC pull factor? Fertile farm land
  1. Which colony/region is being described? Middle Colonies

●People made their money by farming cash crops.

●Market towns were important for trading.

●The culture and religion in the area was diverse.

●Children went to schools run by different kinds of churches.

8. Which colony/region is being described? Southern Colonies

●Not many towns/cities.

●Plantations/farms spread out.

●Children were home-schooled or tutored at home on the plantation.

●Plantations needed many workers. Enslaved Africans were used to do most of the work.

●Laws called “slave codes” were enforced.

9. Which colony/region is being described? New England Colonies

●Fishing, whaling, and trading were the main ways of making money.

●Puritans made strict laws.

●Religion and education were very important.

●Everyone was expected to be able to read the Bible.

●Town Meetings were where community decisions were made.

10. The three main things accomplished at New England town meetings were: Decisions were made, laws were voted on, and people were elected to public office.

11. The Virginia House of Burgesses helped to develop democracy in the thirteen colonies because it was one of the first examples of representative government in the colonies.

12. Indentured servants were considered an ______during the settlement of the colonies.

  1. Orphan born in America
  2. Over-priced worker
  3. Established labor force
  4. Emerging (brand-new) labor force

13. In the Middle Colonies, a long growing season and rich (fertile) soil were considered the patterns of settlement and control.

14. Because of the development of the Colonial Assemblies, the New England colonists were able to run their everyday affairs

15. Who did the Colonial Assemblies share their power with? A governor who was appointed by the British King.

16. Wealthy landowners in the Southern Colonies hired indentured servants and bought/owned slaves to work on their plantations to help take care of which cash crop?

  1. Potatoes
  2. Wheat
  3. Corn
  4. Rice

17. Who had the most power in the Southern colonial government? Plantation owners

18. How were the lives of enslaved and free Africans alike in colonial America? They were both persecuted by the European colonists.

19. What was the main source of economic growth in the New England colonies? shipping and manufacturing.

20. What is the best title for this map? Triangular Trade Routes