Minutes for



August 14, 2016 at 6:00PM

Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books

Welcome: (Linda) "Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community."

Bring to Order: (Bob) "Let's please bring this meeting to order."

Readings: May all beings be free from suffering. ---Namaste means “ I bow to the divine in you.”

Present: Donna H., Gail W., Barry R., Teresa H., Linda M., Julia M., Bob R.

Dates of Interest

•  8/14 Regular Meeting

•  8/27, 9/10 Music in the Park-9/10 We will be selling cookies, brownies, pieces of pie and cake, etc. from 3-5pm

•  9/10 Pre meeting – where? Linda's house

•  9/17 Work on Firewood- Dan will get splitter. We need more fire wood for winter. Yoga Class brought one load from Fred and Jean Peeters. When we can use chain saw they have another load that Dan M. is working on this project.

•  9/18 Regular Meeting

•  Others? Grange Rentals- August 27, Sept. 8th, Sept. 30th, Oct. 15th.

•  10/22nd Harvest Festival

Read and vote on approval of minutes from last meeting – Julia

July minutes – Julia, Linda made motion to accept the minutes. Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Teresa- Total in acct. 2406.76.

$500 Scholarship checked not cashed. $500 paid Insurance. Result of audit “great”. Next meeting Teresa will present audit.

Old /Unfinished Business:

·  Caretaker/Rental Manager business – Thorp

·  Discussed rental policy for new members.

o  They will put in their 10 hours and do nothing else. Thorp feels people are taking advantage of the Grange.

o  Sherwin-Williams gave the Grange a good discount on paint for the outside of the Grange, plus a volunteer to help paint. A wedding to be scheduled later after Grange is pretty up.

o  The banner “Let's Co exist” missing, again

o  The Bats are back and will leave sometime in March or April 2017. We hope to gather bat guano, again and sell it.

o  The blue barrel, we think is for watering.

·  Lions Music in the Park

o  August 27th & Sept 10th – Are we in?

o  We will have bake sale on September 10, 3-5pm. We could use cookies, brownies, pies, cakes and bars..

·  Music Festival Food Booth

§  Last minute stuff to do? Committee has been meeting regularly. They are ready.

·  Volunteer hours for the last month- Barry 6hrs, Teresa 5hrs., Gail 3hrs., Julia 77hrs.

·  Mary Cole Celebration Parade: John and Carrie let us use their Truck, flatbed and straw. The flatbed was decorated. Eve King'Lehman and Mike Hubbard played music. A Thank You was sent to them.

Committee Reports:

·  Scholarship Committee

·  Audit our books – OK?

·  Grange Refresh & Facilities Committee

New Business:

·  Set date for road clean up Saturday, Oct. 1

·  Time 10am to 1pm.

·  Harvest Festival Planning

o  October 22, 2016

o  Chili,Cornbread and Dessert Contest

o  Live Music

o  Reindeer-Cindy Murdock

o  Eugene Bhangra Dance Team

o  Maybe, Mini Golf or something like it.

o  Raffle of Homemade Quilt by Lorna Monson

Good of the Order?