January 28 2015

The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular (organizational) meeting, in the J. Grant Keys

Administration Building, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:30 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski,

President, Commissioner Matt Lundy, Vice-President and Commissioner Ted Kalo, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.


Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bev Bullocks Beidleman, Acting Clerk of Courts gave the prayer today

Commissioner Kalo presented a 4 year old female yellow lab stray that was found on Homewood/Camden Ave., Lorain and is available tomorrow or choose from 29 other dogs.

Commissioner Kokoski reminded everyone that dog licenses are due 1/31 and there is also a $5 heart tag that goes to medical fund

Commissioner Kokoski stated that Beverly Bullocks Beidleman was appointed as Acting Clerk of Courts upon retirement of Ron Nabakowski. The Democratic prescient appointed Tom Orlando, Clerk of Courts. Mr. Orlando introduced himself and thanked everyone for their support and will be keeping Bev Bullocks Beidleman on as his Chief to the Legal Division and he is appreciative and ready to get started and working partners with the Commissioners.

The following business was transacted ______


Various county landowners were presented today to speak on their properties and how they will be affected by the Nexus pipeline.

Richard Baumgartner, Westlake owns 30 acres on SR83/Law Rd., Grafton Township said last week the Commissioners asked for comments on hardship of property owners relating to the pipe. He stated he bought this land 20 years ago with the intention to build a home but he is not sure what to do now with the pipe coming through, he only has 300 ft frontage and not sure if the lot would be then buildable. He has asked Nexus for answers regards to easements but have not heard anything. He presented the Commissioners with a packet of information that outlines his concerns; also FERC has an internet site that also collects comments about proposed pipe projects.

Commissioner Kokoski said her and the Commissioners attended a meeting with Nexus yesterday at LCCC and this is a moving target, they are taking concerns in to account and said information can e found at www.FERC.gov docket #PF15-10-000 or call at 1-844-589-3655 and the Commissioners did raise concerns to them that were raised at last week’s meeting and Nexus is reviewing and showed a map of some rerouting. Mr. Baumgartner said there are several pipelines that run through the states, why, there could be an energy corridor and that is what they have proposed to them, there should be one route.

Laurie Weigelt, SR303, Grafton thanked the Commissioners on attending a meeting and giving us this information but this was not a public meeting and they are well aware of the FERC site. She stated there is an open house on 2/3 from 5-7 at LCCC. She has heard in these private meetings with the public officials they are being offered equipment for safety. Commissioner Kokoski said there was no such offer they presented information.

Mrs. Weigelt said her and her husband raised their kids in Bay village and once they left home for college and Air Force they decided to make a move from suburbs and embrace the new country lifestyle while staying close enough o continue their packaging business and mission work in Cleveland. They purchased a 20 acre horse ranch on SR303 in Grafton Township almost 7 years ago. With the help of their new neighbors, they were able to prepare the land for crops and filed for CAUV with their neighbor farming their land along with his own. They decided to make use of the empty stalls in the barn and rescued some horses and replaced the pasture fences. They also rescued dogs and have neutered/spayed many barn cats. Her husband eventually moved his business from Rocky River to Graton and the have called Lorain their home. Their goals of sharing this land with their family and retire here, are not being destroyed because a gas pipeline has been proposed to tear through 75% of their land. This will evaluate it, hinder crops, eliminate trees, not to mention the safety factor, and that they have nothing to say about it, and that they will have to pay taxes on the land that is being used for a private company and she is not going to be told what she can or cannot do in the area of the pipeline, on their property. This is not only wrong…5th amendment…this 42” pipeline is being placed near her home and they will not live here or leave it to their children with a gas line under their property with a volunteer fire department that will not be prepared to handle it, if it explodes.

She stated that Nexus has lied to her, telling her the pipe would not be on her property, when that is not the case from the report released last week. They said it was being rerouted and the alternate route map shows no change from her property. They also are concerned about the bird migrations, pond life, and the fruit from the orchard of trees they have. They are concerned about the radon gas that is a byproduct of pipelines. They also have used their property for urban charter school kids for field trips, board meetings and mission retreats for refugees thru the connections she has in social work. They do not want their land to be compromised by the pipeline which inadvertently could stop these wonderful visits because they end up moving away. Please help them prevent this gas line from its proposed path for their resident’s rights, safety, property value and environment. It is only logical for the pipeline to be moved a safety corridor that is not near homes. Help us landowners form being threatened with eminent domain from Spectra/Nexus a private company. They ask for consideration of a resolution or letter to express that you do not support this pipeline or such magnitude in Lorain County.

Commissioner Kokoski asked if they have the map they presented for the corridor. She said yes she will get the board a copy.

Beth Zielenski, SR 83, Grafton gave the commissioners copies of articles that in Crain’s Cleveland Business regarding “opposition mounts vs Median County pipeline 10 local governments are opposed to Spectra’s plan –dated January 25, 2015 and “Safety agency finds flaws in gas pipeline oversight in the Associated Press”. She stated they have only seen 1 map and nothing has changed even with their concerns. Commissioner Kokoski stated Nexus is changing all the time. Commissioner Kalo said this is a moving target and they are taking everything into consideration. He spoke with Summit County Council President and they oppose the Nexus pipeline and asked for the consideration to reroute. Ms. Zielenski said she will get the Commissioners a copy of the map with the proposed changes.

Journal entry cont. January 28, 2015

Commissioner Lundy said adjustment have been made and are being considered and not approved until FERC signs off, but usually eminent domain is never utilized and ask these questions were asked that were brought up last week and the answer on record from them were no.

Mrs. Weigelt said her major concern is the closeness of this pipe to her home, there is no distance specified how far/close they can be, even if they go between homes. Commissioner Kokoski aid it is a 50 ft easement and construction is 100 ft. Mrs. Weigelt said 50 ft between homes is a concern. Mr. Cordes said a 50 ft easement for pipe is good but does not know of regulations on the setback and he will look into the easement requirements and set back requirements. Commissioner Kalo said Nexus is to have a map at the 2/3 meeting

Mr. Baumgartner said he has been trying to get a definition of the setbacks and all he can find is “depends on terrain”. He indicated there was a Canadian researcher and stated the setback should be 1000 meters = 3,000 feet, so if easement is 100 feet something is not right.

Commissioner Kokoski said Nexus is to submit maps to FERC in June and they are still debating if it is a 36” or 46” pipe.

Mr. Cordes said please submit all your comments and leave email and phone numbers for follow up conversations.

______(discussion was held on the above)


b.1 RESOLUTION NO. 15-47

In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )

Lorain County Treasurer ) January 28, 2015

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain

County Treasurer.

1 / 1/16/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $1,650.00 / Federal Home Loan Bank, PO#13-0020 / 313381H24 / US BANK / 001050976260
2 / 1/20/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $3,850.00 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#12-0001 / 31331K6K1 / US BANK / 001050976260
3 / 1/20/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $371.39 / Federal National Mortgage assn, PO#12-0062 / 3136G12X6 / US BANK / 001050976260

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______

b.2 RESOLUTION NO. 15-48

In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.

$ 1,967.50 to be appropriated to: cruiser billing inv for fuel charges by jd Williamson const/sheriff gf

$ 1,967.50 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6000-6000

$ 17,762,452.00 to be appropriated to: partial appro for year 2015 employee/salary and pers dept alloc for 2nd, 3rd and 4

$ 17,762,452.00 to 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 quarter/comm. gf

$ 5.614.15 to be appropriated to; reimburse for salaries/cdbg

$ 5,614.15 to 2060-fy13-100-116-07-7070-0000

$ 4,780.45 to be appropriated to: inc to cover inv for unspent grant funds/adult pro intensive super

$ 1,022.43 to 2560-2560-280-280-03-7070-7092

$ 2,364.42 to 2560-2562-280-280-03-7070-7092

$ 1,376.69 to 2560-2563-280-280-03-7070-7092

$ 16.91 to 2560-2565-280-280-03-7070-7092

$ 80,504.00 to be appropriated to: reimburse gf for ema exp/public safety grant

$ 80,504.00 to 2960-2960-100-124-03-7070-0000

$ 1,322,364.45 to be appropriated to: lc regional airport rehab public apron proj/.cra

$ 1,322,264.45 to 7300-0000-100-000-11-6100-6104

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______

b.3 RESOLUTION NO. 15-49

In the matter of authorizing various transfers)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various transfers.

$ 3,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-118-01-6200-0000 pay neoscc inv/gf

To 1000-0000-100-118-01-7070-7070

$ 42,712.86 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 dept reimburse for vac/sick leave payout for ed kroll/auditors

To 1000-0000-200-206-01-5000-5001

$ 42,686.77 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 dept reimburse for vac/sick leave payout for milo glover/sheriff

To 1000-0000-550-000-03-5000-5005

$ 500.00 from 2060-fy13-100-116-07-7070-0000 record center bill/cdbg

To 2060-fy13-100-116-07-7000-7013

$ 75,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-000-06-7000-7000 amend due to additional spending/lcdjfs

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-7000-700

$ 25,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-262-06-7000-7000

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-7000-7000

$ 15,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6002

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-6380-6381

$ 9,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-6050-6050

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6214

Resolution No. 15-49 cont. January 28, 2015

$ 3,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-7070-0000

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-7200-7200

$ 5,000.00 from 2540-0000-560-000-10-6050-6054 insufficient funds/recorder

To 2540-0000-560-000-01-7070-7070

$ 12,847.00 from 2560-2560-280-280-03-5000-5001 salaries to supplies to cover purchase of drug testing supplies, contract

To 2560-2560-280-280-03-6000-0000 serv to salaries to cover inc salaries/adult prob intensive super

$ 2,413.00 from 2560-2563-280-280-03-6200-0000

To 2560-2563-280-280-03-5000-5001

$ 20,000.00 from 3260-0000-550-000-03-5000-5001 prof serv for req on ccw checks done by records for year 2015/sheriff

To 3260-0000-550-000-03-6200-6218 concealed handgun

$ 175,000.00 from 3480-0000-100-000-03-6200-6218 changes in account sys/911

To 3480-0000-100-000-03-6000-6009

$ 50,000.00 from 3520-0000-260-000-06-6000-6002 amend for building rent for inc spending/csea

To 3520-0000-260-000-06-6600-6600

$ 2,000.00 from 7100-7118-300-304-11-6200-0000 cover supplies exp/san eng

To 7100-7118-300-304-11-6000-0000

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.

Motion carried. ______


There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______

b.5 RESOLUTION NO. 15-50

In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)

Services for various county departments ) January 28, 2015

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.

345 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / BPO Jan-Dec 2015 Supplies & Equipment / Sam’s Club / 3,000.00
346 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / Yearly Netmotion Maintenance / CDW-G / 17,590.00
347 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / SBPO Jan-Dec 2015 Utilities & Internet / CenturyTel of Ohio / 5,200.00
348 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / BPO Jan-Dec 2015 Utilities & Internet Svc. / Time Warner Cable / 2,350.00
349 / Auditor’s / 2480 / SBPO Jan-Dec Website Maint. & Support / Emerge, Inc. / 9,000.00
350 / Auditor’s / 1000 / SBPO Jan-Dec Supply Cartridges for Printers / Comdoc Office Systems / 5,068.80
351 / Airport / 7300 / Furnish & Install New Regulator Control / Jess Howard Electric / 2,715.00
352 / Bascule Bridge / 2640 / BPO Jan- Dec 2015 Uniform Rental / Cintas Corporation / 928.72
353 / Bd. Of Elections / 1000 / TSX, AVOS & GEMS Software Licenses / Dominion Voting Systems / 82,768.00
354 / Bd. Of Elections / 1000 / Portable Back-Up Battery, Freight / Marysville Marine Dist. / 4,618.70
355 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / SBPO Jan-Dec 2015 Professional Services / Brzytwa, Quick & McCrystal / 30,000.00
356 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Services in Relation to the Old Courthouse / Brzytwa, Quick & McCrystal / 3,703.64
357 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Microsoft Surface Pro 3 & LED Monitor / Southern Computer / 1,542.78
358 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / Projector Replacement – Judge Miraldi’s / Sound Com System / 7,530.00
359 / Commissioner’s / 1000 / SBPO Consulting Svc- RFP Phone System / Palitto Consulting Serv. / 4,850.00
360 / Community Dev. / 3412 / BPO Jan-Sept Tractor Service & Inspection / Wellington Implement / 1,000.00
361 / Community Dev. / 3412 / SBPO Lease of 3 Vehicles. Jan-June 2015 / Ally Financial dba AFI US / 13,855.02