Guide to time registration in connection with FP7/H2020projects!
Special procedures apply to FÅF and RKS. In cases of doubt, the relevant team leaders at FÅF/RKS can be
Guide lines to ProMark (
The European Grant Agreement stipulates that employees paid under EU projects must register their productive time consumption on a monthly basis, and employees and grant recipients must sign the monthly statement. In connection with EU audits, the Research Support Office (RSO) has learned that the European Commission is interested in the productive time consumption, which changes from year to year.
The productive hours for a full-time employment at AU are calculated as follows:
Calculation of max. annualproductive hours:
Total / Totaldays / hours
Days in the year / 365 / d
Weekends / -104 / d
workdays/-hours / 260 / d / 1924 / t
Public holidays/-hours / -10 / d / -74 / t
Vacationdays/-hours / -30 / d / -222 / t
Average sickdays/-hours / -5,81 / d / -43 / t
Senior days, childs 1st. og 2nd. sickday, childcare day / -0,68 / d / -5 / t
Non workingdays/-hours / -46,49 / d / -344 / t
Productivedays/-hours / 213,51 / d / 1580 / t
Lunch / 0 / t
Dailyworkinghours / 7,4 / t
Annualproductivehours / 1580 / t / 1580 / t
Work hours / 1924 / t
Non workinghours / -344 / t
Productivehours / 1580 / t
Time registration template
You can find the template on the RSO webpage.
How to fill in the template
When using the template, your point of reference is the productive hours. You only enter the actual daily productive hours into the template. You do this per day and per workpackage.
The max. annualproductive hours is a maximum, however flextime is allowed as long as it adheres to regulations on the subject at your institute.If you are not working due to vacation days (paid or unpaid), special holiday days, sick days, childcare days, paid or unpaid leave of absence,the reason for the absencecan be written into the template. These days (hours) of absence are, however not part of the monthly time consumption, which might then be different from the budgeted hours from the application and grant agreement negotioationphase.
Declaration on exclusive work for the actionfor Horizon 2020 projects (fulltime declaration)
If an employee (full- or part-time employed) worksexclusively, on a Horizon 2020 project for a given period the employee and the beneficiary can fill in and sign a “declaration on exclusive work for the action”(one per reporting period) that confirms
-The employee has worked exclusively on the project for the full duration of the reporting period, or
-The employee has only worked on the specific project for a consecutive period of at least a month. If the employee has worked sporadically on the project, outside the consecutive period of at least a month, the employee must keep time sheets for those hours.
NOTE – The Declaration on exclusive work for the actionCANNOT BE USED FOR FP7 PROJECTS.