September 12, 2011
Doug Bower (Santa Rosa)Louann Carlomagno (Sonoma Valley)
Casey D'Angelo (Rincon Valley)Sue Field (Bennett Valley)
Steven Herrington (SCOE)Keller McDonald (WSCUHSD)
Susan Olson (Sebastopol Independent)Chris Rafanelli (Liberty)
Bob Raines (Alexander Valley)Tricia Rast (Petaluma)
Liz Schott (Sebastopol)
Denise Calvert (SCOE)Catherine Conrado (SELPA)
Greg Englar (SELPA)Kathryn Hill (SCOE)
Deborah Malone-Larson (SELPA)Susan Mark-Raymond (SELPA)
Debra Sanders (Santa Rosa)Lynda Scigliano (SELPA)
1a.Keller McDonald called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Tricia Rast acted in Steve Bolman's stead, representing Area II secondary districts.
2a.No adjustments were made to the agenda.
A motion was made by Louann Carlomagno and seconded by Sue Field to adopt the agenda, as presented. The motion carried with all in favor.
3a.There was no input from the public.
4a.Approval of Minutes:
•June 6, 2011
4b.Approval of Contracts/Agreements:
•Ruth Fotouhi: Consulting Services (Not to Exceed $10,608)
•David Girard: Consulting Services (Not to Exceed $2,000)
•Ginny LaVine: Consulting Services (Not to Exceed $20,826)
•John Lyons: Consulting Services (Not to Exceed $4,000)
•Redwood Pediatrics: Consulting Services (Not to Exceed $3,500)
A motion was made by Casey D'Angelo and seconded by Sue Field to approve the consent calendar items. The motion carried with all in favor.
5a.Update on the Sonoma County Charter SELPA:
In an effort to mitigate declining enrollment and revenue, and at the direction of the Superintendents' Council, the SELPA office has continued to move forward with the proposed time line and formation of a Charter-only SELPA for out-of-area charter schools. Without additional revenue, the SELPA will need to reduce staffing and modify services beginning in 2012-13.
To address inquiries regarding the impact a Charter-only SELPA would have on the existing membership, several documents were provided for first review:
(1) a copy of the new Sonoma County Charter Local Plan; (2) a 10-year analysis of ADA; and (3) projected revenue. The Sonoma County Charter Local Plan will be presented for second review and final decision at the October 3, 2011 meeting of the Council, along with a 10-year analysis of special education enrollment compared to overall ADA.
5b.Update on the Community Day School SDC:
In 2010-11, SCOE was asked to consider creating an SDC to serve students in grades 10-12 who had been expelled. At the June 6, 2011 Council meeting, SCOE reported that projected secondary student referrals from member districts for this subgroup were insufficient to generate adequate revenue to operate a class. The Council urged SCOE to contact high school superintendents to request better data.
At the September 12, 2011 meeting of the Council, SCOE provided data collected over the summer from high school superintendents, with results showing only 7 potential student referrals. The Council requested that SCOE provide an SDC cost analysis at the October 3, 2011 meeting. The Council may then refer the topic to the Finance Committee to develop a funding model.
5c.Review Notice of REACH Charter School to Exit the Sonoma County SELPA
in 2012-13:
The REACH Charter School provided the required one-year notification to its administrative unit (Sebastopol Union) and to the SELPA of its intent to leave Sonoma County, effective 2012-2013. Based on recent discussions with REACH Charter School, they indicated they would likely remain in Sonoma County but followed the time line should it decide to exit. The departure of the REACH Charter School would have a negative fiscal impact on the Sonoma County SELPA, and we are hopeful to retain their membership.
5d.SELPA Goals for 2011-12:
Goals for 2010-11 were provided as a starting point for discussion purposes. Keller McDonald encouraged the membership to contact him with suggestions for the 2011-12 goals, but proposed a continued focus on:
- STAR data for students with disabilities
- Building staff capacity at the district level in the area of adaptive technology
- Transition to Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS)
- Pursue opening a Community School SDC
- Move forward with the Charter-only SELPA
5e.Autism Authorization Update:
To assist special education teachers now required by the CTC to attain an autism authorization certificate by October 1, 2013, the Steering Committee recommended the use of 2011-12 and 2012-13 Staff Development funds historically earmarked for districts and the SELPA to offset the cost of acquiring the certification.
Although there are numerous programs to choose from, the SELPA negotiated a special rate of $750/teacher with Project Optimal (based on 100 teachers completing its online autism authorization certificate program). Information and criteria for special education teacher participation in this “scholarship” program was outlined in a letter sent to district superintendents and special education coordinators throughout the county. Teachers have until October 31, 2011 to provide the SELPA Director with a letter of intent.
6a.Consider Revised SELPA Budget for 2011-12:
A motion was made by Steve Herrington and seconded by Sue Field to approve the SELPA budgets, as amended based on a reduction of 5 to 2 furlough days for all SCOE employees for the 2011-12 school year. The motion carried with all in favor.
6b.Consider Approval of MOU with County Mental Health for 2011-12 and
Allocation Plan for Mental Health Services Funding:
The MOU with County Mental Health for 2011-12 was presented for review, however the Finance Committee is still working on an allocation plan for Mental Health Services funding.
A motion was made by Steve Herrington and seconded by Bob Raines to approve the MOU between County Mental Health and the SELPA on behalf of its member districts for 2011-12. The motion carried with all in favor.
Keller McDonald recognized Catherine Conrado and the SELPA staff for acting quickly to address the legislative enactment of July 1, 2011, requiring districts to assume responsibility for providing mental health services to students with disabilities. The transition training provided by the SELPA on August 19, 2011 was very informative.
6c.Consider Approval of the Assistive Technology Grantees for 2011-12:
A motion was made by Bob Raines and seconded by Casey D'Angelo to approve: (1) 4 first-year ATC grant applications submitted by Sonoma Valley, Rincon Valley, the Redwood Consortium, and Healdsburg and 5 second-year applications submitted by Cotati-Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Roseland, Windsor, and the West County Consortium; (2) a proposed distribution of the $20,000 ATC grant [$10,000 divided equally between the 4 first-year applicants at $2,500/each and $10,000 divided equally between the 5 second-year applicants at $2,000 each]; (3) a revised timeline to review applications, notify applicants, and to disseminate funding; and (4) a progress report to be provided by the SELPA in Spring 2012. The motion carried with all in favor.
6d.Consider Approval of New Members to the Finance Committee:
A motion was made by Sue Field and seconded by Steve Herrington approving appointments to the Finance Committee: (1) Business Managers Anne Baron and Joe Pandolfo; (2) Steering Committee member Diane Ashton; and (3) Charter School administrator Robert Tavonnati. The appointment of a Superintendent was deferred to the October 3, 2011 meeting of the Council. The motion carried with all in favor.
6e.Consider Approval of New Member to the Steering Committee:
A motion was made by Steve Herrington and seconded by Sue Field approving the appointment of Special Education Director Diane Ashton to serve on the Steering Committee representing Area III. The motion carried with all in favor.
7a.Discussion Items:
•California's Assignment of Special Education Responsibilities in County Jails
•SELPA Goals
•Community School SDC
•Fiscal Allocation Plan for Educationally Related Mental Health Services
7b.Action Items:
•Consider Approval of the new Sonoma County Charter Local Plan
•Consider Appointment of a Superintendent to serve on the Finance Committee
8a.The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynda Scigliano
SELPA Administrative Assistant