Family name: Chmielewská (born Horváthová)

First name: Eva

Nationality: Slovak

Education & Professional Experience:

Institution / University of applied sciences
(THC Merseburg) - germany
Date: from (month/year):
to (month/year) / 7/1973
Degree (s) or Diploma (s) obtained: / Dipl.Ing. in Technical Chemistry
Institution / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Technical University,
Water Research Institute Bratislava
Date: from (month/year):
to (month/year) / 12/1981
Degree (s) or Diploma (s) obtained: / CSc. (PhD.) in
Environmental Engineering
Institution / Comenius university, faculty of Natural sciences, Bratislava
Date: from (month/year):
to (month/year) / 7/1998
Degree (s) or Diploma (s) obtained: / Assoc. Prof. (Docent) in Inorganic Chemistry
Full Professor in Environmental Engineering
since 2005

7. Language skills: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
English / 4 / 4 / 4
German / 5 / 4 / 4
Russian / 4 / 3 / 3

8. Membership of professional bodies:

Member of International Natural Zeolite Association INZA

Member of International Association of Water Quality, Group on Nutrient Removal,

London, Great Britain

Member of EWA (European Water Association, Sweden)

Faculty Representative in Association of Industrial Ecology ASPEK

Member of American Nano Society (

Member of International Editorial Board for ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION


Research Journal of CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, Indore (INDIA);

Member of International Editorial Board for Columbia Publ. (USA) : INTERNATIONAL


(; Assoc. Editor for Bentham Science Publ. (USA) and the Journal


Member of International Editorial Board for JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH

(a scientific journal of the Academic Publication Council of Kuwait University, );

Member of Editorial Board for Wastes (ODPADY) in Bratislava, Slovak Republic;

Slovak Silicates Association, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Consultant of ZEOCEM Company (Slovakia) and Unipoint AG, Truttikon (Switzerland)

Review Expert of APVV and VEGA grants (Agencies for Science and Research in Slovakia)

and The Grants Team of The Royal Society, London (Great Britain)

Review Expert of International Scientific Journals (Journal of Environmental Management, Journal

of Hazardous Materials, Separation Science and Technology, Environmental Engineering Science,

Environmental Technology, J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Chemical Engineering

Communications, Desalination and Water Treatment, Atmospheric Environment, Brazilian J.

Chemical Engineering, J. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Chemistry & Ecology,

Water Management [in Slovak] );

Survey Quick Appraisal Expert of Major Project Applications for Environment Investments


The Scientific Commettee Member of the Conferences:

3er. Congreso Mexicano de Zeolitas Naturales in Zacatecas, 2003;

INZA Nomination Commettee at Intern. Natural Zeolite Conf. ( 7th Inter. Conference on the

Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, 16-21 July 2006 - Socorro, New Mexico


International Conf. on Chemistry and Environment (2005 Indore, India; 2007 Kuwait City, Kuwait);

7th Int. Symp. Effects of Surface Adsorp. and Catal. on Solids, ISSHAC-7 Kazimierz

Dolny (Poland) 5-11 July 2009;

Recycling of the used transport. batteries and accumulators (WASTE RECYCLING); Sklené

Teplice (Slovakia) 21-24 April 2009;

Iran International Zeolite Conference in Teheran -May 2010, in Arak -June 2012;

The Text Translator from German into Slovak language for INTERPRESS Co. Bratislava (1979-


9. Other skills (e.g. Computer Literacy, etc.):

Computer Literacy

10. Present position:


11. Years within the firm:

19 years

12. Key qualifications:

· Research, development and design of physical and chemical processes for water,

· wastewater and solid waste treatment.

·  Research on processes to identify factors that limit mass transfer, kinetics, equilibria

and phase separation by means of natural clay minerals (clinoptilolite and mordenite).

·  Environmental qality (water, soil and biota) monitoring.

·  Water and solid waste treatment by physico-chemical and biological method (bioremediation techniques).

·  Environmental Policy

13. Specific Eastern Countries experience:

Country / Date: from (month/year) to (month / year)
Germany / 7/1973-8/1977 University Study (Technical Chemistry) in University of Applied Sciences Merseburg
Hungary / 6/1984 cooperation with Technical University of Veszprem on research dealing with Natural clay Minerals utilization for water treatment, Reciprocal expert mobilities
Poland / 3/1990 cooperation with Technical University of Lublin in Environmental Protection Engineering, Projects for small pollution centres
Czech Republic /

7/1992-10/1993 cooperation on Proposal to Minimize the Environmental Endangerment Caused by Mercury Contamination (IFB 911/92/89 DUSLO Šala);

Technical Guidance Manual for a Waste Pesticide Collection Program;

14. Professional Experience Record:

Date: from
(month/year) to
(month/year) / 10/1977-12/1981
Location / Bratislava
Company / Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Position / Research Chemist
Description / Synthesis and Study of Properties of Complexes anchored on the Surface of modified Zeolites;
Analytical experiences on Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, VIS and IR-Spectrometry, Electrochemical Methods, EPR, Thermogravimetry, SEM, rtg-diffractometry and the others.
Date: from
(month/year) to
(month/year) / 12/1981-3/1991
Location / Bratislava
Company / Water Research Institute
Position / Research Scientist, Co-ordinater of Environmental Engineering Projects
Description / Experienced in physico-chemical water analyses, sampling methodology, design of water treatment processes, water conservation and water quality legislation.
Project Manager and co-ordinator of following Research Programs:
Experimental study of geothermal waters pretreatment using chemical processes or their combinations.
Natural Zeolites utilization for ammonia removal from drinking waters (project No. N-05-526-826-06.01).
Exploitation of domestic clinoptilolite for waste water
treatment. Heavy metals removal from various types
of surface waters and industrial disscharges.
Tertiary waste water treatment at tannery waste water facility in Otrokovice (former Czechoslovakia) as the pilot scale demonstration applying selective ion-exchange using domestic clinoptilolite (project No. N-05-526-826-06.02).
Pilot verification for treatment of drinking waters with enhanced ammonia concentration by means of inland clinoptilolite at the pilot scale laboratory of Water Research Institute in Bratislava-Vajnory.
Basic research of fundamental physico-chemical
properties of other industrial exploitable clay minerals,
especially for water purification and treatment
processes (project No.1188 1091 3232912561).
Date: from
(month/year) to
(month/year) / 1/1992-12/1994
Location / Bratislava
Company / Comco Martech, spol. s r.o.
Position / Head of the Company in SR
Description / Managing the subsidiary office of Comco Martech Europe AG in Bratislava and following environmental projects:
Bioremediation Process Certification of the AGIP
Material in Hausleiten Austria with co-operation Eco-
nova AG Wien (1993).
Waste management and disposal options for
chemicals, technical preparates and textiles
pigments residues of TEXICOM Ruzomberok (1993 -
Analyses of underground water and soils
at the industrial area of KABLO Bratislava,
2 phases project (1992 - 1994).
Clean-up of gravel-sandy sites (macadam)
impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons using soil -
washing technology (Comco-Martech Soil - Washer
constructed in Iron Works Vítkovice), co-operation
on bioremediation activities with Slovnaft Bratislava
and Road Construction Works Rožmital (1993 -
Date: from
(month/year) to
(month/year) / 12/1994-
Location / Bratislava
Company / Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Environmental Sciences Section
Position / Full Professor
Description / (1994-1996) co-worker in the VEGA grant of Ministry of the Education No. 1/1099/94: Changes in the selected indicators of ecosystems of Danube river innundation after Hydropower station VDG work; managing the project: Bioindication of immission area of Slovnaft refinery using selected species of biota.
(1996-1998) co-ordinator of the VEGA grant of Ministry of the Education No. 1/3067/EFA: Stabilization of liquid waste contaminated with some radionuclides by means of natural zeolite Nižný Hrabovec.
(1999- continuation of toxic elements i.e.Cd,Pb,Cr,Ni,V biomonitoring at various trophic chain levels of refinery immission zone with comparable measurements of Austrian Schwechat refinery zone.
(2001-2004) Basic Research and Environmental Applications of Clinoptilolite Nižný Hrabovec -
bilateral cooperation with Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg (Germany).
VEGA grant No. 1/8049/01 Materials on the basis of inclusion compounds, their properties and possibility of application; No. 1/8312/01- Cooperation with the Department of Environmental Physics on the Project dealing with utilisation of pyrolytic combustion products for phenol removal; VEGA-grant No. 1/1373/04 Composite microporous materials on the base of aluminosilicates, synthesis, properties and environmental applications; Slovak-Italien Grant 09 105 (2004-6): Radionuclides and other specific pollutants removal from wastewaters using natural tectosilicates based materials and inertization/solidification of resulting sludges (University of Naples, FEDERICO II).
Slovak- Ukrainian Grant SK-UA-01806 (2006-2008);
Inst. for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology – National Academy of Ukraine: Synthesis, Properties and environ. Application of Adsorbents based on natural zeolite and activated charcoal;
VEGA-grant No. 1/0193/09 (2009-2011): Valorization of domestic natural resources based on aluminosilicate for water purification;
Slovak-Chinese Grant No. SK-CN-0002-09 (2009-2011) and SK-CN-0033-12 (2012-2014) „Liquid waste minimization and valorization by multi-dimensional hierarchical composites of natural resources“.
VEGA-grant No. 1/0185/12 (2012-2014): Development of the new generation of environmental adsorbents and biocomposites based on the natural nanomaterials

15. Others:

- co-operation with Faculty of Chemical Technology STU Bratislava,

Department of Environmental Sciences on research grants and student´s

diploma works;

- co-operation on TEMPUS Phare S_JEP-08060 - ESCASU:

Environmental Sciences Curricula at Slovak Universities (1995 - 1997) co-

ordinated by Water Research Institute Bari, Italy and University of Bari, Italy;

- co-operation on TEMPUS Phare S_JEP-09176-95: Biodiversity Protection and

Environmental Management (1996-1998) co-ordinated by Agricultural

University of Wageningen, Netherland;

- co-operation on TEMPUS Phare Structural Joint European Project 11049/96:

Continuing Education in Water Quality Management, Bratislava 1998 with

Faculty of Building Trade STU;

- co-operation on Tempus Phare JEN 4720: Courses in Membrane Processes

with the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of

Chemical Technology STU Bratislava (1996 - 1997), co-ordinated by

University of Bath, Great Britain;

Professional Countries Experience:

(10/1989-2/1990): Fellowship at Institute for Crystalography and Petrography ETH Zürich (Switzerland), consultancy in respect to environmental exploitation of clinoptilolite with Unipoint AG Truttikon;

(10/1990-12/1990): BIT Co. Boulder, Colorado USA; short-term contract for consultancy

(Wyoming zeolite research for heavy metal removal)

(1995 - 3 weeks): University of Bari, National Institute for Water Research, Bari (TEMPUS project cooperation)

(1996 - 2 weeks): Technische Hochschule Giessen, Germany and University of Wageningen, Netherland (TEMPUS project cooperation)

(1997-8, 2 weeks): University of Regensburg, Germany (TEMPUS project cooperation)

(2000,3 weeks): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemistry, Greece; Tsinghua University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Beijing, China; Martin Luther University, Fachbereich Chemie, Institut fűr Analytik und Umwelt Chemie, Halle, Germany; Schevtschenko University, Chemical Faculty, Kiev, Ukraine

(2001, 2 weeks):Kasetsart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand; Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, Mexico (1 week)

(2002, 1 week): National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Section of Economic Geology and Geochemistry, Athens, Greece; Cape Technikon, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa (10 days); University of Salford, University of Wolverhampton, Great Britain

(SOCRATES – 5 days)

(2003, 5 days): University of Napoli FEDERICO II (SOCRATES)

(2005, 7 days): Instituto Superior de Engenharia, University of Porto, Portugal (Socrates/Erasmus)

(2006, 6 days): Instituto de Materiales y Reactivos, Universidad de la Habana

(2007, 11 days): Faculdad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires,

Argentina; Matamata (New Zealand) Blue Pacific Minerals (10 days)

(2009, 10 days): Department of Resources and Env. Eng. Guilin University of Technology, Guilin (China)

(2010, 10 days): School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

(2011, 8 days): Kathmandu University, Department of Civil and Geomatics Eng.Dhulikhel, Nepal; School of Materials Technology, Faculty of Solid State Physics and Nanotechnology, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia (4 days); School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

(2012, 5 days): Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Soul, South Korea; School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

(2013, 7 days) : Iceland Geosurvay, Reykjavík, Iceland; School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, China; National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan

Foreign Conference and Universities lectures:

Tbilisi-SU(1988), Amsterdam-Netherland (1989), Lublin - Poland

(1990), Zűrich-Swiss (1990), Nagoya-Japan (1993), Vienna (1995,

1996, 1997), Bucharest (1998), Ankara- Turkey (1999), Antalya –

Turkey (2000), Thessaloniki - Greece (2000), Beijing - China (2000),

Halle-German (2000), Kiev-Ukraine (2000), Bangkog -Thailand (2001),

Puebla-Mexico (2001), Athens-Greece (2002). Cape Town , South

Africa (2002), Wolverhampton-England (2002), Napoli-Italy (2003),

Zacatecas-Mexico (2003), Porto-Portugal (2005), Indore-India (2005).

Havana (2006), Matamata (New Zealand, 2007), Kuwait (2007),

Shanghai, Guilin (2009), Teheran (2010), Shanghai (2010), Kathmandu

(2011), Ulaan Baatar (2011), Soul, Masan City (South Korea) 2012,

Arak (Iran) 2012, Reykjavik (Island) 2013, Taiwan 2013.


Monographs : 7 (including in German and English)

5 text books

Number of all published papers: 320

Number of papers in refereed scientific journals: over 100

Number of communications in scientific meetings: 134

Number of research projects: over 50

Number of science popularizing articles: 74

Citation index: 353 (SCI 210)

Student Diploma works (MSc., Bc., PhD.)

guidance since 1985: nearly 60

16. References: obtainable from the following

John Malanchuk, MSc., PhD.

Regional Office IT

1133 21st Street

N.W. Suite 710

Washington D.C., USA

20036 . 3390

Tel.: 1- 202 331 8510

Fax: 1- 202 331 8551


Werner Grossmann


Langenmoos 354

CH-8467 Truttikon, Switzerland

Tel.: 41 - 52 3052041

Fax: 41 - 52 3052042

Prof.Ing. Juraj Tolgyessy, DrSc.

Katedra environmentálneho inžinierstva

Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie STU

Radlinského 9

812 37 Bratislava, SR

Tel.: 421 25249 5243

Fax: 421 25249 3198


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