Animal Farm End-of-Trimester Projects

Part #1- Complete ONE of the following projects- Due Friday 2/8

Part #2- Write a short (2-3 paragraphs) essay on the question prompt

for the project you choose. Due Tuesday 2/12

Part #3- Present your project to the class on Friday 2/8

1. Find a speech by a famous political leader (from any country) and summarize the theme of his/her speech. Include in your analysis:

·  What was the political leader's message?

·  What was the country of the people supposed to do in response to the speech?

·  Do you agree or disagree with the contentions made in the speech? Why or Why not?

·  Present a memorable part of the speech in class and explain your findings. Please attach a copy of the speech you found! If you found it on You Tube you need to find a written transcript.

Essay Prompt: Think about the effect political leaders have on the public. What is the intention behind Major's speech in Animal Farm (Chapter 1) and how did his speech show his strategy and understanding of psychology?

2. Imagine that you were given a piece of land the size of Texas. You have plenty of farm land, plenty of water resources, plenty of oil reserves, and enough forest land to cover over half of your country.

·  View a WorldAtlas. Notice how the countries are drawn and labeled.

·  Create a map of your country, and include capital, rivers, lakes, forest land, and ranges you would like to have. This should be drawn and colored onto poster board large enough that it is easy to read.

·  Name this country that you have inherited Place the name on the top of the drawing. Why did you choose this name? What does it stand for?

·  Determine the population of your country.

·  Determine the rules that govern your country.Explain why these particular rules were chosen.

Essay Prompt: Explain the idea and enormity of a dictatorship. What happens when you become a leader of the highest order and make intelligent decisions based on what you create?

3. All world leaders have been through a journey to their political office.

·  Research a world leader (past or present) and write a one page summary or a create a PowerPoint of this leader's journey thorough political life. (This must be a real person)When did they become interested in politics? What are their policies?

·  Include a picture of your world leader

Essay Prompt: Use your understanding about politics, history, and political leaders. Compare and contrast real leaders with the pigs attempts at leadership, and relate the book to modern politics.

4. Almost all countries dedicate monumentsto their heroes and leaders.All countries have a national anthem (a song that unites the people of that country.Ours is the Star Spangled Banner)

·  Research the histories of three national monuments and three national anthems of three countries that exist in the modern world.

·  Compare and contrast the significance of the three, and discuss the histories of each as they apply to the politics of today.

·  Place a picture of the monuments and copies of the anthems on poster board or Powerpoint.

Essay Prompt: Explain national pride and victories. Compare modern day national pride to the events in Animal Farm.

5. Windmills are used to generate power for a farm, community or in our case a school.

·  Find a picture of a windmill that currently exists

·  Research how a windmill operates and explain its operation in a one page paper. (DONOTCOPY_RESEARCHANDREWRITEthe information in your own words)

·  Attach to the paper a picture of the windmill you found

·  Build a model of this windmill

Essay Prompt: Explain how important the windmill was to the farm. Describe how devastating its destruction was to the farm in Animal Farm.

6. Managing employees is a difficult job. You have to organize work hours and scheduling.Create a fictional company and a product that the company will manufacture and sell. Answer the following prompts in a PowerPoint or poster presentation.

·  Describe the product to be manufactured

·  Determine the cost of manufacturing the product

·  Determine the selling price of the product

·  Hire five fake employees

·  Write a one week schedule for the work of those employees

·  Determine how much you are going to pay the employees

·  Determine the profit for one week if you sell all of your product.

Essay Prompt: Not only are the animals in animal Farm running a political campaign they are also running a business. Explain how you could effectively managethe farm. What problems might you have? How could you use problem solving to overcome these issues?

7. Over the centuries, many people have gone on strike against companies and industries. These strikes (especially during the early 1900's in America) were often brutal and long. Create a PowerPoint that includes the following:

·  Pictures from a strike in 1900's in America.

·  Explain why the strike occurred

·  What did the workers hope to accomplish? What was the position of management?

·  Research whether or not the employees were successful?

·  Who were the key players in the strike for the employees? For the management?

·  How was the strike resolved?

Essay Prompt: Things fall apart when the rule or boss begins to neglectthe well-being of the employees. How did this influence the early strikes in an America by American Employees? How were those protests similar to the protests in AnimalFarm?

8. Laws and rules are a part of everyone's life.Some are obeyed, some are not, and someare just outright ignored. Some rules are "bent" tohelp an individual or group when they are caught disobeying them.

·  View the rules in the school student handbook

·  Select six rules that you think are frequently changed to benefit one studentor group of students.

·  Rewrite these rules (just as Squealer did) to make exceptions for certain people or groups. Place your rewritten rules on a poster board that is well designed and easily readable.

Essay prompt: Squealer tried to make the rules much more complicated by excusing behavior for some animals and limiting it for others. How can exceptions to rules sometimes cause problems within a society or even within a school? How can exceptions to rules sometimes benefit the school or community? Should expectations to the rules be made, why or why not?