South Pointe Middle School

8th Grade United States History Honors

Kevin Duh

Course Curriculum:

Eighth grade US History Honors is a one year course that takes students through the history of the United States. We will cover from the birth of the United States through World War I. In addition, students will be required to participate in the National History Day project. More information will be given in class. For any questions, please visit

Communication: The easiest and quickest way is through e-mail. I can be reached at . I will respond to all emails within 2 days.Students and parents can access grades through Parent Portal

Google Classroom: Daily agenda, assignments, handouts, and important dates will be posted on Google Classroom regularly*.

*Paper copies of any assignment, handout, and important announcement will also be available in the classroom.

Behavior Expectations

Treat others the way in which you would like to be treated

Be considerate of others and their learning environment. This includes any student, teacher, or visitor to the room.

Come to class prepared and ready to actively contribute to class activities/discussions

Be sure to pick up trash in and around your area even if it is NOT your trash!

When you would like to comment or inquire about a topic please raise your hand. Please do not shout out!

Food and Gum: Only bottled water is allowed in the classroom. No gum or food is to be eaten inside the classroom.

Technology: Technology is to be used for SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. Any infraction of this expectation may result in a loss of technology privileges. Remember, the use of technology is a privilege not a right.

Dress Code is to be followed at ALL TIMES

Tardiness: You are considered tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Once the bell rings, be prepared to learn. If another teacher has held you in his or her class after the bell rings, you are required to bring a note from that teacher. Otherwise, you will be marked tardy. Please make an effort to be punctual and ready to learn.

Class work and Homework:

All work must be labeled with your FIRST and LAST NAME, DATE, and PERIOD along with the assignment title and page #.

All assignments are to be written in pencil, blue/black ink, or typed (Note: Homework CANNOT be typed unless you are given permission).

Please keep your homework in good condition. Do not turn in ripped pages or work that is illegible. I must be able to read your homework in order to give you the grade you have earned. Homework should show pride and effort.

Homework is assigned regularly

Students are responsible for maintaining a U.S. History Unit Portfolio. Materials (such as worksheets) will be provided for the portfolio. This portfolio will contain homework and class work. The portfolio’s final grade will be issued at the end of each unit.

Unexcused Late Work: Any work turned in after the due date is considered late unless you have an excused absence. Late homework will be accepted but the student may only earn up to 50% of the possible points on that given assignment. Late homework is accepted for only one school week, or 5 school days, after the original due date. Late projects/essays/portfolios will lose 10% each day that it is late.

Excused Late Work: It is the student’s responsibility, not the Mr. Duh’s, to obtain information regarding school assignments due to an absence. For each day missed, students have one day to make up all missing class work and homework. Late turn in dates must be discussed with the teacher.


I use a point system for evaluation:

96.5%+ = A+86.5%-89.4% = B+76.5%-79.4% = C+66.5%-69.4% = D+

92.5%-96.4% = A82.5%-86.4% = B72.5%-76.4% = C62.5%-66.4% = D

89.5%-92.4% = A-79.5%-82.4 = B-69.5%-72.4% = C-59.5%-62.4 = D-

Below 59.4% = F

Recommended Materials: These materials are highly recommended to have in class everyday**

  1. Agenda4. Red Pen7. Glue Sticks
  2. Spiral Bound Notebook5. Three-Ring Binder8. Scissors
  3. Pencil and Eraser6. Colored Pencils

**We are requesting voluntary donations of any of the above listed items to the classroom. Every student will be provided with the necessary school supplies regardless of whether you choose to donate supplies. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or would like assistance with supplies

Group Work:Depending on the assignment, groups will either be assigned by Mr. Duh or by the students. If students select groups, students themselves will need to resolve all conflicts. If Mr. Duh assigns groups, Mr. Duh will resolve conflicts and disputes.

Academic Policy:

“I am committed to the academic, social, and ethical development of each member of our learning community. I feel that plagiarism and cheating inhibits my academic achievement and compromises trust between the teacher and me. Therefore, presenting other’s work as my own, without proper documentation and cheating in any way during exams or in class assignments is not permitted. If caught, I will receive a grade of “F” for that assignment, and will be referred to Ms. O’Connell(SSRA) or Ms. Schaller (Assistant Principal). By signing this form, I have read and understand the academic policy on cheating and plagiarism for Mr. Duh’s class.”

Therapy Dog Panther Program in Mr. Duh’s Class

Mr. Duh will have a dog in class on a daily basis. The dog is a Goldendoodle named Laker and will be in training at South Pointe to become a therapy dog for the school. Please be aware that the dog is considered aworking dog for the school community. Below are the following behavioral expectations in terms of interacting with the dog.

  1. Any interaction with the dog is voluntary. You do NOT need to interact with the dog if it makes you uncomfortable in any way.
  2. Remember, the dog is in training throughout the year.
  3. You MUST ask Mr. Duh before petting the dog before, during, or after class.
  4. There can be no more than four students surrounding the dog at a time. If you are the fifth student, you must wait your turn.
  5. Respect the dog.
  6. Do not force pet the dog. If the dog pulls away, please respect the space the dog creates. The dog is trying to tell you that he is uncomfortable and needs some time to get used to the environment.
  7. After petting or any sort of interaction with the dog, you must wash your hands before moving on to another activity.
  8. Any violation of these behavioral expectations can result in a detention or a ban from interacting with the dog.

If you have any allergies or are uncomfortable having a dog in class, please let Mr. Duh know as soon as possible so that you can be placed in another class.

I have read the above Therapy Dog Panther Program and reviewed it with my parents. I understand that if there are any concerns, I will speak to Mr. Duh or Ms. O’Connell about it.

Print name ______

Student signature ______

Parent/guardian signature ______

Video Permission Slip

Throughout the course of this class, Mr. Duh and the 8th grade history department have chosen multiple films to show in class. The purpose of these films are to enhance the student’s learning by means of visual and historical context. Please be advised that alternative assignments will be provided if a student or his/her parent choose to opt out of the film. The film and the MPAA rating is listed below. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Duh.

The Films

  1. National Geographic: Lewis and Clark (TV-G)
  2. America: The Story of US (Not Rated but is commonly shown on the History Channel)
  3. Gettysburg (PG)

Yes, I give my child permission to view these films

No, I do NOT give my child permission to view these films and request an alternate assignment

Yes, I give my child permission to view these films EXCEPT for the following:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______


Student’s Name Parent’s Signature & Date Parent’s Printed Name

Student/Parent Syllabus Contract for South Pointe Middle School

Please sign and return this entire paper to Mr. Duh by ______

I read the preceding information and reviewed it with my parent(s)/guardian(s).

Print name ______

Student signature ______

Parent/guardian signature ______

Parent/guardian e-mail address ______