Rubric For Cooperative Learning Group Work

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Group Participation / Seldom contributes to group processes. Takes group off task by being silly or unpleasant. Is not respectful of other group members. May talk almost all of the time, or may be silent almost all of the time. Wants own way. / Contributes inconsistently to group processes, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively or not at all. Listens to contributions of others some of the time. Follows group suggestions some of the time. Accepts decisions of the group some of the time. / Contributes positively to group processes. Accepts and builds upon the contributions of others. Listens to other points of view. Follows others’ suggestions. Allows a balance of talking and listening to occur. Willing to share decision-making. / Contributes enthusiastically to group processes. Encourages others to contribute and integrates everyone’s suggestions into group work. Listens actively and shows leadership and/or follows as appropriate. Involves others in decision-making.
Responsibility / Does not complete duties agreed to. Allows others to complete the required work. Distracts or interrupts others from their work. / Completes some duties agreed to, if not always on time or to acceptable quality. May accept help to complete work. / Performs duties agreed to and completes work with only an occasional reminder or minor assistance. Accepts help to improve quality. / Performs all duties agreed to and completes own work to a high degree of quality. Assists others to complete their work to a higher degree of quality.
Product / Little background knowledge or research is evident in the work. Superficial ideas have been used to produce a project which is contradictory or has many missing steps. Project is confused and incomplete, without clear organization. Content is inaccurate or has commonplace clichés. / Some background knowledge or research makes the project appear complete. However, there are missing steps or irrelevant details to confuse reader/audience. A banal approach does not arouse audience interest. Content is somewhat accurate, but lacking in depth. Organization is rambling. / Sufficient background knowledge or research makes the project complete and satisfying. Some personal ideas are included. A common approach to the project has characteristics which make it solid and acceptable to the audience. Content is mostly accurate and complete. Organization is clear, with no gaps. / Background knowledge or research results in a rich, detailed and powerful project. Personal ideas are integrated with academic knowledge. Originality and creativity combine with attention to presentation which captures audience interest and delights. Content is accurate, comprehensive and well supported. Organization of the project aids understanding.

Sandra Falconer Pace, September 2002