Provisional programme

Sunday, 8June 2014
13.00–16.30 / For Latvians and Lithuanians: Organized trip by bus from Riga Central Market Fish Pavillion to Haapsalu (292 km)
16.30–18.00 / Arrival in Haapsalu, check-in at Hotel Kongo (19, Kalda st)

18.00–20.00 / Opening event in the Haapsalu Episcopal Castle (3, Lossiplats st– ca 700 m from the hotel)
Monday, 9 June 2014
All lectures in the hotel’s seminar room
07.30–08.45 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
09.00–10.00 / Welcome and introductions: Participants present themselves. They are expected to bring an object of their own choice that symbolises their self-perception as professional.
10.00–11.00 / Lecture: Introduction to Interpretation
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
11.15–13.00 / Lecture & Practical exercise: Interpretation
13.00–14.00 / Lunchin the hotel
14.00–15.30 / Practical work: The idea of ‘gaze’ in interpretation
15.30–15.45 / Coffee break
15.45–17.00 / Discussion based on exercise;
Summing up & conversation around interpretation
18.30 / Dinner in the hotel
Free evening
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
All lectures in the hotel’s seminar room
7.30–8.45 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
09.00–10.30 / Lecture and conversation: The importance of Inclusion; theoretical underpinning
10.30–11.00 / Conversation: Inclusion
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
11.15–12.00 / Lecture: Representation
12.00–13.00 / Conversation: Representation
13.00–14.00 / Lunch in the hotel
14.00–17.00 / Ilon’s Wonderland and Old Town Hall, branches of the Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums (5, Kooli st and 2, Kooli st – ca 700 m from the hotel)

17.30–20.00 / Dinner and social event in Aibolands Museum (31/32, Sadama st – ca 1,2 km from Ilon’s Wonderland and ca 1,5 km back to the hotel)

Wednesday, 11 June 2014
All lectures in the hotel’s seminar room
7.30–8.45 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
09.00–11.00 / Reflection on the excursion, bringing out access & inclusion themes
Lecture and conversation: Museums and Learning, an Overview
Set practical task for excursion (learning theme)
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
11.15 / Departure to Pärnu
12.45–13.45 / Lunch in Pärnu
13.45–16.00 / Pärnu Museum

16.00 / Departure to Kurgja
17.00–19.45 / Dinner and social event in the Farm Museum of Carl Robert Jakobson in Kurgja village

22.00 / Back in the hotel
Thursday, 12 June 2014
All lectures in the hotel’s seminar room
7.30–8.45 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
09.00–11.00 / Reflection on excursion combined with discussion on Learning
Lecture and conversation: Learning Styles
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
11.15–13.00 / Lecture: Policy
13.00–14.00 / Lunch in the hotel
14.00–15.30 / Practical Activity:Working with Policies
15.30–15.45 / Coffee break
16.00–18.00 / Evald Okas Museum (24, Karja st) and Haapsalu Lace Centre (25, Karja st) - – ca 350 m from the hotel

18.30 / Dinner in the hotel
Friday, 13 June 2014
All lectures in the hotel’s seminar room
7.30–8.45 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
9.00–11.00 / Lecture: Evaluation
Reports on Exercise
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
11.15–13.00 / Discussion and Practical Exercise: Connecting the themes
13.00–14.00 / Lunch in the hotel
14.00–15.30 / Summing up and Feedback: Interpretation, Access & Inclusion, Learning: taking it away
Practical work: Action planning
15.30–16.00 / Dr.Hinz’s presentation
17.30–20.30 / Festive ending of the BMS-2014 at Railway Museum, branch of the Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums (2, Raudtee st – ca 800 m from the hotel)

Address by ICOM president Dr.Hans-Martin Hinz
Saturday, 14 June 2014
7.00 / Breakfast in the hotel (only for those who stay in the hotel)
8.00 / Depart for home (Planned arrival time in Riga 11.30)