Maidstone Youth Music Society

Registered Charity Number 297018

16 Sycamore Crescent, Allington, Maidstone, ME16 0AG

MYMS Manager’s Mobile: 07802-425022 Email:

March 2015

Dear Parents and Players

MYMS Spring Concert - Friday 20th March 2015 – 7:30 p.m. – Invicta Grammar School

I am writing to confirm the arrangements for the above concert and dress rehearsals.

Friday 20th March 2015 – Spring Concert – [for ALL players] - The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. on Friday 20th March. As usual, all parents [plus grandparents, friends and neighbours] are invited to attend. There are no tickets and no admission charge but there will be a raffle on the way in and an opportunity to contribute a donation on the way out. The Committee has decided that we will invite a donation of £1 for a programme. The doors to the main Hall will open at 7:10 p.m. when all the dress rehearsals have finished.

Schedule for Dress Rehearsals in the Hall on the Concert Day [20th March]

3:30 - 4:00 Preparation of Hall. Percussion and Audience Chairs

* MYMS Voices – Can you ALL come as early as possible to help set up the Hall so that we can start your rehearsal promptly at 4:15.

4:15 MYMS Voices [* see above]

4:35 MYWO

5:05 Alpha

5:25 Beta

5:40 Concert

6:00 MYO

6:30 Youth Strings

6:50 Strictly Strings

7:10 End of dress rehearsals

7:30 Concert starts

[Please ensure that all players arrive in good time so that all the rehearsals start – and finish - promptly.]

Concert Dress

MYWO, MYO and Youth Strings

Men: black long-sleeved shirts – sleeves rolled down please, black trousers, socks and shoes, MYMS tie (£12 each – from Richard, MYMS Manager)

Ladies: black sleeved top and trousers, or skirt (knee-length or longer), or similar black dress with plain black tights and black shoes [MYMS Voices – core choir singers can choose either type of concert dress]

Concert, Alpha and Omega Bands and Strictly Strings

Men: white long-sleeved shirts – sleeves rolled down please, black trousers, socks and shoes, MYMS tie (£12 each)

Ladies: white sleeved top, black trousers or skirt (knee-length or longer), black tights and black shoes

Additional Notes: I have been asked by staff and the Committee that you make sure that all shoes are BLACK, that tights are not heavily patterned and that blouses for senior players are black and opaque, rather than see-through.

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Help with Recruitment – please remember that MYMS pays a ‘bounty’ to any current member who introduces a brand new member to MYMS [once that new player has paid their subs]. This has been raised to £10….. This applies both to any new instrumentalists but also to friends of yours who sing but don’t play an instrument to join MYMS Voices.

MYMS 40th Anniversary Celebration Concert – A few copies of the CD of the wonderful concert held in June 2014 are still available. They are being sold now at a discounted price of £5 per CD. Please see Richard.

Future Dates

·  Fridays 27th March, 3rd April, 10th April and *17th April 2015 – MYMS is closed.

·  Please note - [*17th April – Invicta is back but NOT other schools, so MYMS is closed]

·  Friday 24th April 2015 – MYMS restarts for the Summer Term

·  Friday 29th May 2015 – No MYMS

·  Sunday 21st June 2015 – p.m. MYMS Bandstand Concert in Brenchley Gardens [time tbc]

·  Friday 26th June 2015 – Summer Concert and Second General Meeting at Invicta GS – 7:30 p.m.

Steve Seeds – Steve has decided that he is going to hang up his baton at MYMS at the end of the summer term. We shall therefore be bidding him farewell both at the Bandstand Concert on 21st June and in particular at the Summer Concert on Friday 26th June 2015, when we shall pay a special tribute to his long association with MYMS.

Chair and Vice-Chair of MYMS – We have had a recent swap around of roles on the MYMS Committee and Karen Vincent has agreed to take over as the Chair of MYMS. John Marks will take on the Vice-Chair responsibilities.

Maidstone Symphony Orchestra – MYMS has a close link with MSO and we would like to remind you that ALL MYMS students can attend MSO concerts FOR FREE. Their next concert is on Saturday 21st March 2015 at Mote Hall at 7:30 p.m. The programme includes the Elgar Violin Concerto and Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and one of our Youth Orchestra ‘cellists – Sophie Shackleton – will be making her debut amongst the ‘cello section. We wish her well.

Use of the School on a Friday – we are guests of the school for our weekly rehearsals and our relationship is a very strong one. Occasionally, there is the odd hiccup and we need to remind the students of the high standards we expect of them. Students are not allowed to eat anywhere on site other than in the canteen – this includes sweets, as well as anything that the senior students bring in for their supper during the interval [especially anything from the chip shop…]. This will apply on the evening of the concert and the dress rehearsals. There was also a recent incident with students using the main reception area and having their feet up on the chairs and tables. This simply must not happen.

If you want to discuss any aspect of MYMS’ activities or you wish to get more actively involved yourself, please feel free to contact any of us. Our contact details are all on the MYMS website –

Richard Gretton Karen Vincent

MYMS Manager Chair, MYMS Committee

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