Who do these eyes belong to?

One summer night when the air burned hot

The Master of the Marshes woke from his plot

He could hear a chorus of gurgling sounds

So he upped from his sleep and went on his rounds

He followed the noise to the pond by the lake

That ran to the sea like a slithering snake

He followed the noise to two white rings

Blinking away as the sound still sings

Who do these eyes belong to?

The answer came in a grumbly croak

He couldn’t see who, the darkness a cloak

The voice said ‘I am a creature of night

Ask me some questions ‘til you get it right’

The master spluttered and sneezed with surprise

What a cheek had the owner of these flickering eyes

But he longed to return to his slumbersome snores

So he bowed to the creature, ‘I’ll ask once more…’

Who do these eyes belong to?

‘No no’ came the reply ‘You must make a guess’

If you get it right, I will confess

In his weary state, the master gave in;

‘If I do as you say will you stop this din?’

The creature spoke and agreed to shush

‘If you guess who I am, I’ll leave you in hush’

So the master thought and pondered the sight

Of the two white pupils that blinked in the night

Who do these eyes belong to?

‘Are you a bat? They come out in the dark

And they sleep in the church roof or the trees in the park

Are you blind, do you see with your ears?

And do you eat moths? That’s what I hear.’

I’m not a bat! I cannot fly

I sleep near the water, I don’t like to be dry

I can see perfectly, look at my peepers

I don’t eat moths, just crawlies and creepers

Who do these eyes belong to?

‘Are you a badger? With black and white bristles

Do you live underground, beneath grass and thistles?

Do you only feel safe to come out and play

When the darkness of night swallows lightness of day?’

‘I’m not a badger! My colour is green

I live in the rushes and I’m glad to be seen

When the sunshine is up and the sky is still bright

I’ll hopscotch on lily pads and dance in the light’

Who do these eyes belong to?

‘Are you a mole, do you like to dig?

Have paws that are flat and sharp and big?

Do you snuffle and sniffle to see what’s smelly

Using your nose to catch worms for your belly?’

‘I’m not a mole! I cannot dig holes

For there is a web between my toes

And if I want to catch something for my tea

I use my tongue to bring it to me!’

Who do these eyes belong to?

The master grew tired, he’d asked such a lot

And still did not know what creature he’d got

It lived near pond and loved to be wet

It ate all the creepy crawlies it met

It had webs on its feet, caught food with its tongue

He wanted to guess but he couldn’t be wrong

It was green in colour and loved to play

Jumping on lilypads all through the day

Who do these eyes belong to?

(Ask the audience) Do you know?!

(They answer) A frog!!!

Well let’s see…

The master decided to take his chance

To stop the creature’s song and dance

It was all he longed for, to sleep like a log

So he shouted his guess, ‘Are you a frog?’

‘Yes’ said the creature! And to great surprise

There suddenly opened a thousand more eyes

There were eyes upon eyes, all startling white

Blinking and brightening up the dark night

Who do these eyes belong to?

To the froglets ofcourse! The spring is here

The frogsporn hatches at this time of year

And the noise got much louder, deafening now

As a thousand small frogs joined in with the row

But the Master of Marshes, he no longer cared

As he danced and he pranced and he leaped in the air

For the noise made him happy, and he hummed in tune

With the song of the frogs by the light of the moon

·  There is potential here to teach a frog song and dance

·  Also for the group to join in with ‘Who do these eyes belong to?’