HINDU Editorial Wordlist 17 May 2017 and English Vocabulary based on The Hindu daily newspaper. Here we are listed the words used in The HINDU Editorial and providing the usage of words for easy learning. So that it will become very easy to improve vocabulary and learn new words.

English Vocabulary is the deciding factor in many Examinations. It has a major contribution in scoring. Candidate can get more marks with good vocabulary skills in no time. These words may appear in Bank exams (IBPS, SBI), SSC Recruitment Exams (CGL), Railway Recruitment , Entrance Exams (CAT, GRE) and other competitive Exams conducted by state Public service commission.

The Hindu Newspaper Daily Wordlist 17 May 2017 pdf download

  1. ‘Ploy to occupy DharnaChowk before the agitators’
  2. Delhi gang bid to extort money from Baahubali makers foiled
  3. Two naval ships on deployment to Malaysia
  4. Andhra University cracks the whip on erring affiliated colleges

Word / Meaning & Synonyms
noun / Meaning:a person who urges others to protest or rebel.
Synonyms:troublemaker, rabble-rouser, demagogue, soapbox orator, incendiary;
verb / Meaning:prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from succeeding.
Synonyms: frustrate, counter, oppose, baulk, disappoint, impede
noun / Meaning: the movement of troops or equipment to a place or position for military action.
noun / Meaning: a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle, used for flogging or beating a person or for urging on an animal.
Synonyms: thong, strap, belt; crop, switch, birch, cane
verb / Meaning: be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake.
Synonyms: / be in error, be mistaken, mistake,

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HINDU Editorial Wordlist 17 May 2017 - English Vocabulary pdf

The following words are taken from today’s Paper. The Hindu editorial wordlist, vocabulary, meanings and synonyms are very helpful for the IBPS Bank PO and SSC CGL aspirants. Candidates are requested to memorize some words every day. So that it will be useful to Crack the exam.

  1. The menacing spread, starting last Friday, of the malicious software WannaCry,
  2. Cyence estimates the economic damage to be $4 billion, a figure that may not seem daunting
  3. average investor lacking sophisticated financial acumen from a depreciating
  4. Though Mr. Rouhani’s Iran has arguably been more open economically and politically,

Word / Meaning & Synonyms
adjective / Meaning:characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile, bitter, venomous, poisonous,
adjective / Meaning:seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.
Synonyms: formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying;
noun / Meaning: the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.
Synonyms:awareness, shrewdness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness,
adjective / Meaning: having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
Synonyms: worldly-wise, experienced, enlightened, cosmopolitan, knowledgeable
adverb / Meaning:it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief)
Synonyms: plausibly, probably, maybe, perhaps, potentially