Name ______

Earth and Space Science 1st Semester Review


1.  Scientific Method

2.  Theory

3.  Cosmology

4.  Astronomy

5.  Solar System

6.  Celestial Sphere

7.  Star

8.  Galaxy

9.  Galaxy Cluster

10.  Universe

11.  Light Year

12.  Geocentric

13.  Heliocentric

14.  Big Bang Theory

15.  Solar nebula

16.  Planetesimals

17.  Jovian planets

18.  Terrestrial planets

19.  Nebula

20.  Protosun

21.  Protostars

22.  Protoplanets

23.  Comet

24.  Asteroids

25.  geology

26.  stratigraphy

27.  sedimentary rock

28.  metamorphic rock

29.  igneous rock

30.  basin

31.  grade

32.  strata

33.  unconformity

34.  intrusion

35.  fault

36.  fossils

37.  lithification

38.  The Big Bang Theory states that the universe was created ______years ago.


39.  Hubble's law states that the further away the galaxy, the ______it is moving away from the earth.

40.  After the Big Bang, ______caused clumps of matter to form and eventually become galaxies.

41.  ______is when light seen coming from an object is proportionally shifted to appear redder.

42.  When a star like our sun dies, it goes through several stages:

a. All of the fuel, ______, is used up.

b. The force of ______is stronger than the heat from the nuclear fusion and the center of the star shrinks.

c. The outside of the star expands and the star becomes a ______giant.

d. The denser core causes it to heat up and causes more nuclear fusion to occur, this time with ______as its fuel. The star is now a "normal" size again.

e. Eventually, that fuel is used up, and the star becomes a ______giant again.

f. As the core collapses, a ______dwarf is formed along with planetary ______.

43.  When a massive star dies, it goes through several stages:

a. It goes through the same stages as a smaller star but instead of becoming a ______giant twice, it goes through several cycles.

b. After all of the fuel is used up, it becomes a ______.

c. If it is very massive, it keeps collapsing until it becomes a ______star.

d. If it is extremely massive, it will not stop collapsing and will become a ______

44.  What did Tycho do?

45.  What did Kepler do?

46.  What did Newton do?

47.  What are Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion?



48.  What are Newton’s Laws of Motion?




49.  List the three main pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang Theory.




50.  Explain the theory of the Open Universe.

51.  Explain the theory of the Closed Universe.

52.  What causes the heat of a star in its center?

53.  How is a star "born"?

54.  Three clues as to how the solar system formed are:

  1. All planets ______in the same direction around the sun.
  1. Most planets ______in the same direction on their axis.
  1. Planetary orbits are in nearly the same ______.

55.  The flat, rapidly rotating cloud of gas and dust as our solar system was being made was a ______.

56.  The contraction of the solar nebula made it spin faster and ______up. (compressed gas does this.)

57.  How old is our solar system?

58.  What are leftover icy planetesimals called?

59.  What are leftover rocky and metallic planetesimals called?

60.  Name the planets in order from the sun outward.

61.  Explain the Giant Impact Theory of the moon.

a. / Sun / h. / Uranus
b. / Mercury / i. / Neptune
c. / Venus / j. / Pluto
d. / Earth / k. / Asteroid Belt
e. / Mars / l. / Kuiper Belt
f. / Jupiter / m. / Oort Cloud
g. / Saturn

62.  _____made of about 70% hydrogen and 28% helium

63.  _____solid and covered with craters; has almost no atmosphere

64.  _____rocky and very hot surface; atmosphere completely hides the surface and traps heat

65.  _____liquid covers 71% of the surface; has one moon

66.  _____has a thin atmosphere that contains mostly carbon dioxide; has two small moons

67.  _____has the Great Red Spot, a storm of swirling gas; has 39 moons

68.  _____has rings that are not solid; they are composed of small countless particles

69.  _____blue-green because of the methane in its atmosphere

70.  _____from 1979 to 1999, it was the ninth planet

71.  _____the only planet that has not been visited by a spacecraft

72.  _____between Mars and Jupiter; has between 700,000 and 1.7 million small bodies

73.  _____outside Neptune; holds short-period comets

74.  _____beyond Pluto; holds long-period comets

75.  The first atmosphere was made up of ______and ______.

76.  The second atmosphere was made up mainly of ______, ______, and ______.

77.  In the development of Earth's third atmosphere, ______increased and ______decreased.

78.  The current composition of the atmosphere was established about a ______years ago.

79.  What was the period of time where there were no rocks because the Earth was molten?

80.  What was the period of time where Earth's crust cooled enough that rocks and continental plates began to form?

81.  What was the period of time in which continental accretion occurred, making supercontinent cycles and ice ages?

82.  What is the period of time which is the current eon and covers roughly 545 million years?

83.  This era started with Pannotia, broke up into a large number of small continents, then ended with Pangaea.

84.  During this era, Pangaea split into Laurasia and Gondwana, then broke up into modern-day continents

85.  During this era, Laurasia become North America and Eurasia.

86.  Earth's second atmosphere was established by the ______of volcanoes.

87.  In Earth's second atmosphere, there was no ______(unlike today) and, therefore, no ______to stop radiation from flooding the surface.

88.  As the Earth cooled, the water vapor formed ______and ______.

89.  Low CO2 levels in the third atmosphere caused an ______because solar radiation decreased.

a. / molten / e. / subduction
b. / tectonic activity / f. / accretion
c. / cratonization / g. / orogeny
d. / mantle

90.  _____liquified by heat

91.  _____forces or conditions within the earth that cause movements of the crust

92.  _____the making of a relatively rigid and immobile continental portion of the Earth's crust

93.  _____the portion of the Earth between the crust and the core

94.  _____the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another

95.  _____the growing together of separate parts into a single whole

96.  _____the process of mountain making or upheaval

97.  Give one of the two reasons why the first atmosphere was lost very quickly.

98.  In the first atmosphere, give one reason the earth was extremely hot.

99.  Why did the Earth warm up after the ice age?

100.  CHART:

Word Bank:

Proterozoic, Archean, Phanerozoic, Hadeon

Present-day atmosphere, molten--not solid, cooling and solidification, atmosphere developing

No life, aquatic life to humans, prokaryotes, algae

4.5 bya-3.8 bya / 3.8 bya-2.7 bya / 2.7 bya-.590 bya / .590 bya-present
a. / Mercury / d. / Mars
b. / Venus / e. / Astroid Belt
c. / Earth

____ 101. atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds

____ 102. the temperature difference between the hottest and coldest spots is 600°

____ 103. ice in craters that do not get sunlight

____ 104. only planet capable of sustaining life

____ 105. morning star and evening star

____ 106. 2 moons--Deimos and Phobos

____ 107. made of rocky and/or iron-nickel material

____ 108. 365 days to orbit the sun

____ 109. found in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter

____ 110. the Red Planet

a. / Jupiter / d. / Neptune
b. / Saturn / e. / Pluto
c. / Uranus

____ 111. Has 13 moons

____ 112. Has at least 31 moons

____ 113. 2/3 the size of our moon

____ 114. Its moon, Titan, is the largest moon to orbit backwards around a planet

____ 115. Largest planet in our solar system

____ 116. Ring system made of thousands of water ice particles

____ 117. Dwarf planet

____ 118. Rotates on its side

____ 119. Has the Great Red Spot

____ 120. Icy and has faint rings

a. / Explorer / f. / Surveyor
b. / Pioneer / g. / Mercury
c. / Ranger / h. / Gemini
d. / Mariner / i. / Apollo
e. / Voyager

____ 121. mission was to gain information about Jupiter and Saturn, but went on to explore Uranus and Neptune, also

____ 122. designed for planetary exploration; explored the outermost planets and left the solar system

____ 123. first man-in-space program; unmanned missions carried a chimpanzee

____ 124. designed to obtain close-up images of the moon and then impact

____ 125. 2 man space flights; up to two weeks in space

____ 126. designed to investigate Mars, Venus and Mercury

____ 127. designed to land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth

____ 128. designed for soft landings on the moon; all five are still there

____ 129. discovered the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere

130. What is the significance of Apollo 13?

131. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

132. What is the significance of the Apollo 1 mission?

133. What is the significance of Apollo 11?

134. What did James Ussher do in the mid-1600s?

135. What is catastrophism?

136. Who is credited with formulating the doctrine of uniformitarianism?

137. The forces and processes that can be observed shaping our present day landscapes have also operated in the geologic past. The preceding statement refers to ______.

138. Fossils which denote particular short periods of time in the geologic past are referred to as ______.

139. Who is credited with formulating the law of superposition?

140. What does electron capture do for the atomic number?

141. What does an alpha particle consist of?

142. In which type of radioactive decay does the atomic number increase by one?

143. ______dating occurs when events are placed in their proper sequence or order without knowing their absolute ages.

144. List three different types of unconformities.




145. The principle of ______states that younger rock layers are on top of older rock layers.

146. ______popularized the theory of uniformitarianism and was a friend of Charles Darwin.

147. According to the principle of ______, fossil organisms succeed each other in a definite and determinable order.

148. What are two conditions that favor the preservation of an organism as a fossil?

149. What is a half-life?

150. Radioactivity is when the forces binding protons and neutrons together are not strong enough, and the nuclei spontaneously ______.

151.  When the organism dies, carbon-14 decays to form ______by beta emission.

152.  Probably the most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks is ______.

153.  The hardest naturally occurring mineral is the ______.

154.  The color of a mineral in a powdered form is known as ______.

155.  An aggregate of one or more minerals is called a ______.

a. / geology / h. / strata
b. / stratigraphy / i. / unconformity
c. / sedimentary rock / j. / intrusion
d. / metamorphic rock / k. / fault
e. / igneous rock / l. / fossils
f. / basin / m. / lithification
g. / grade

_____156. rock formed from the weathered products of pre-existing rocks that have been transported, deposited and hardened

_____157. a circular downfolded structure

_____158. the remains or traces of prehistoric life

_____159. the study of rock layers, especially sedimentary rocks

_____160. molten rock that moves upward through existing rock

_____161. rock formed from crystallized molten magma

_____162. a surface that represents a break in the rock record

_____163. study of the Earth, its form and composition, and the changes it has undergone and is undergoing

_____164. the process of converting sediments to solid rock

_____165. gradually decreasing sediment

_____166. rock formed deep in the Earth by heat and/or pressure

_____167. parallel layers of sedimentary rock

_____168. a break in rock along which movement has occurred