School Improvement Plan 2016-17

Area / Focus Area / Outcome /Impact / Lead / Link Governor
Pupil Outcomes / 1.To further develop the use of alternative assessment methods to evidence progress in all areas of learning
2. Improve the use of target setting and monitoring of progress towards outcome in EHC plans.
3. Ensure the consistent use of communication approaches in order to promote individual skills for learning and independence.
4.Further develop the KS4 and post 16 curriculum in order to improve outcomes for students / Have an assessment system in place that will allow us to capture progress data on the ‘whole’ child in key areas of learning.
Targets demonstrate progress in the 4 areas of the EHCp.
Each child’s communication needs are being meet consistently and promoting good progress.
Students will access a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to individual need and goals for the future. / Katie Charles
Sue Flavin
Allison Husband
Deborah Fay / Tim Marshall
Susan Tomer
Paobla Meekins
Alice Kemp
Teaching and Learning / 1.Embed a consistent approach to use of AfL in order to strengthen self-assessment and pupil voice.
2. To continue to develop the Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement Approach (RAPRA) at Post 16.
3. Develop a technology strategy that enhances teaching and learning.
4. Implement the Forest schools programme across the school. / Staff use range of strategies to give feedback in a variety of ways and are aware of how to teach pupils to respond.
Students have ownership of their learning targets and they help them move towards their future destinations.
A range of technology is used effectively to support learning
Implementation in September 2017 for all classes to access FS sessions within the school grounds and on visits to other settings / Katie Charles
Katie Charles
Sue Flavin
Paula Rutherford / Tim Marshall
Susanne Askham
Jeff Parker
Nancy Tucker
Personal development, Behaviour and Welfare / 1.  Further develop the PHSE curriculum to promote personal safety enabling students to make informed choices. / Pupils are provided with relevant, up-to-date experiences to allow them to make informed choices about keeping themselves safe / Katie Charles / Corinna Davidson
Leadership and Management / 1.  To work with the LA to secure financial stability and an improved SEND provision within Wiltshire through a collaborative working model.
2.  Further strengthen all levels of leadership in the school.
3.  To complete the development of the school grounds by September 2017.
4.  Develop a 3-year budget to manage the risk of changing SEND funding streams. / Identify partners who will support the school in meeting future challenges and will benefit the children and their families
Distributed leadership is securing consistency of approach in school improvement and effective succession planning.
Implementation in September 2017 for all classes to access FS sessions within the school grounds and on visits to other settings
Needs of pupils are effectively met within budget constraints / Ros Way
Ros Way
Playground working group
Ros Way / Aileen Bates
(MAT steering group)
Aileen Bates
Resource committee
Resource Committee