Discussion / Exam topics for MKTG321

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Chapter 1

  • What are the 5 steps in a typical decision process that we discussed in class?
  • What does STP stand for and why is it important?
  • Define what “relationship marketing” means.
  • What is the difference between a “need” and a “want”?

Chapter 2

  • Do successful business need to be “ethical” businesses?
  • Why are there so many laws regulating business behavior in the USA?
  • Define “social marketing”.
  • Why are “identity theft” and “data privacy” important ethical issues?

Chapter 3

  • Why do we focus on “perception” more than “reality” in Marketing?
  • We use our senses to perceive the world around us. What are the major components of sensation and why are they important?
  • How can touch and smell be used to influence a consumer/decision maker?
  • What are the stages of “perception”?
  • What does “JND” stand for and why is it important?
  • What is “semiotics” and how is it used on “positioning” of your product/service?

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Chapter 4

  • What is the difference between “behavioral” and “cognitive” learning theories?
  • What is the difference between “classical conditioning” and “instrumental conditional” learning theories?
  • How does repetition influence learning?
  • What is consumer socialization?
  • Describe the theories of “forgetting”.

Chapter 5

  • What is the difference between “hedonic” and “utilitarian” motivation theories?
  • What is meant by the “need for affiliation”, “need for power” and “need for uniqueness”?
  • Describe “positive” affect and “negative” affect.
  • Describe “consumer involvement”. Why is this theory useful?
  • What are the 5-types of “perceived risk”?

Chapter 6

  • What is meant by the “self –concept”?
  • How does the concept of “self-esteem” interact with “social comparison”?
  • What is the “self/product congruence”?
  • Describe some aspects of the “extended self”?
  • What are the traditional identity roles of gender? How are these changing?
  • What is the “ideals of beauty stereotype”?
  • How does culture (or cultural rejection) influence body decoration of modification?

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Chapter 7

  • What areFreud’s 3-part personality components? Describe each part.
  • Adler suggests motivation is to “overcome inferiority” while Sullivan suggests motivation is to “reduce anxiety”. Describe how these 2 theories fit together.
  • What is “trait theory” and why might it be useful to marketers?
  • What is “brand personality” and how can marketers use it?
  • What are the benefits of “Product Complementarity and
    Co-Branding” Strategies?
  • What is VALS and how can it be used to market products and services?

Chapter 8

  • What is an “attitude” and what is an “attitude object”?
  • Describe the 4 parts of the “functional theory of attitudes”.
  • How do high-involvement and low-involvement decisions differ in how they change attitudes?
  • The book suggests we form attitudes in 3 ways: internalization, identification and compliance. Describe each.
  • What is the “consistency principle” and how can it be used to explain changing attitudes?
  • Fishbein’s extended theory of extended action focuses on purchase intentions, social pressure and attitude toward buying. How is this theory different than focusing on the product in the decision process?
  • Building a persuasive message is critical. Detail the dangers suggested in the two-factor theory of message repetition.
  • Describe several key message appeals. How do the motivation theories presented earlier in this chapter fit with these message types.

Chapter 9

  • Describe the 3-types of decision types.
  • Describe the 5-step decision model detailed in figure 9.2 and explain how we can use this to better understand consumers.
  • What is the difference between an “evoked” set and a “consideration” set?
  • What is meant by “compensatory” decision rule? What is meant by “non compensatory” decision making?
  • Describe some of the decision simplification “rules-of-thumb” strategies consumers often use to reduce their effort regarding making decisions.
  • What are some major differences between B2C and B2B decision processes?

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Chapter 10

  • Describe at least 3 “antecedent states” and describe how they influence the purchase environment.
  • What are some easily manipulated elements of the “shopping experience” and how do they influence the consumer?
  • What is the key element in “customer satisfaction”?
  • How does TQM work in the shopping experience?
  • There are several reasons for shopping beyond mere need. What is meant by “Social experiences”, “Sharing of common interests”, “Interpersonal attraction”, “Instant status” and “The thrill of the hunt”?
  • What is meant by “Retailing as Theater”?
  • What does “Expectancy disconfirmation model“ mean?

Chapter 11

  • How can other people influence our decisions?
  • What are 3 sources of “social power”?
  • What is the difference between “membership”. “inspirational”, “avoidance” and “antibrand” membership?
  • List and describe 3 reasons we conform to group pressure.
  • What is meant by “consumer tribes”?
  • Why is “word-of-mouth” information so influential?
  • List and describe 3 reasons we conform to opinion leaders.
  • Describe several “digital” word-of-mouth techniques.
Chapter 12
  • What is “discretionary” income?
  • What are the 3 factors effecting a consumer’s “savings rate”?
  • What is “Plutonomy” and what problems can it cause?
  • Describe the possible directions in “social mobility”.
  • Describe what determines “social class”.
  • What does “social stratification” mean?
  • What does “taste culture” mean?

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Chapter 13

  • What is “acculturation” and why is it is important to understand?
  • Describe the “progressive learning model” of acculturation.
  • What is “de-ethnicization“ and how does Marketing play a role?
  • Describe how one’s subculture influences purchase behavior(s).
  • Describe the “family life cycle”.
Chapter 14
  • What is the definition of “culture”? What is meant by “shared”?
  • Describe the 3 functional areas of “culture”.
  • What is meant by “high culture” and “low culture”? How can cultural artifacts move from one to the other?
  • Define “myth” in terms useful for a marketer.
  • A myth has several functions. Two useful for a marketer to understand are “sociological” and “psychological”. Describe each.
  • What is the difference between a “myth” and a “ritual”?
  • Define the process of “Sacralization” and “Desacralization”.
  • Describe the “diffusion of innovation”. What marketing tactics can be used to change the rate of diffusion?
  • What are the 5 elements that can influence the rate and level of adoption?