The South Australian
Government Gazette
By Authority: B. Morris, Government Printer, South Australia
Acts Assented to:
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988...... 4048
Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Act 2011...... 3192
Air Transport (Route Licensing—Passenger Services) Act 2002.....4048
Animal Welfare Act 1985...... 4048
ANZAC Day Commemoration Act 2005...... 4048
Appropriation Act 2011...... 3192
Architectural Practice Act 2009...... 4048
Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000...... 4048
Commercial Arbitration and Industrial Referral Agreements Act 1986...4048
Commercial Arbitration Act 2011...... 4048
Controlled Substances Act 1984...... 3104, 4048, 3588
Controlled Substances (Offences Relating to Instructions)
Amendment Act 2011...... 3104
Criminal Assets Confiscation Act 2005...... 3104
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935...... 4048, 4154, 4534
Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Pornography) Amendment
Act 2011...... 4534
Development Act 1993...... 4048
Development (Building Rules Consent—Disability Access)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4048
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards)
Act 2011...... 4800
Electrical Products Act 2000...... 4048
Electrical Products (Energy Products) Amendment Act 2011...... 4048
Electronic Transactions Act 2000...... 3104
Electronic Transactions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2011...... 3104
Employment Agents Registration Act 1993...... 4048
Emergency Management Act 2004...... 3588
Evidence Act 1929...... 4048
Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Act 2011...... 4048
Fair Trading Act 1987...... 4430
Family Relationships Act 1975...... 3104
Gaming Machines Act 1992...... 4048
Gas Act 1997...... 4048
Health Care Act 2008...... 4048
Legal Services Commission Act 1977...... 4154
Legal Services Commission (Charges on Land) Amendment
Act 2011...... 4154
Liquor Licensing Act 1997...... 3192, 4364
Liquor Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2001...... 4364
Local Government Act 1999...... 4642
Local Government (Model By-laws) amendment Act 2011...... 4642
Misrepresentation Act 1972...... 4048
Natural Resources Management Act 2004...... 4534
Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4534
Occupational Health, safety and Welfare Act 1986...... 4800
Opal Mining Act 1995...... 4048
Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1990...... 4800
Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Act 2011....4800
Petroleum Products Regulation Act 1995...... 4048
Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2003...... 4048
Racing (Proprietary Business licensing) Act 2000...... 4048
Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982...... 4254
Radiation Protection and Control (Licences and Registration)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4254
Railways (Operations and Access) Act 1997...... 4534
Railways (Operations and Access) (Access Regime Review)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4534
Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2003...... 4048
Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995...... 4430
Retirement Villages Act 1987...... 4048
Road Traffic Act 1961...... 4800
Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Act 2011...... 4800
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982...... 4800
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4800
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995...... 4048
Security and Investigation Agents Act 1995...... 4048
Small Business Commissioner Act 2011...... 4430
Stamp Duties Act 1923...... 3104, 4800
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Act 2010...... 3192
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2011) Act 2011...... 3192
Statutes Amendment (De Facto Relationships) Act 2011...... 3104
Statutes Amendment (Directors; Liability) Act 2011...... 4048
Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax
Avoidance Schemes) Act 2011...... 3104
Summary Offences Act 1953...... 4154
Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body
Modification) Amendment Act 2011...... 4154
Summary Procedure Act 1921...... 3192
Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992...... 4048
Survey Act 1992...... 4048
Taxation Administration Act 1996...... 3104, 4048
Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997...... 4048
Travel Agents Act 1986...... 4048
Veterinary Practice Act 2003...... 4048
WorkCover Corporation Act 1994...... 4800
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986...... 4800
Acts Assented to—continued
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Employer Payments)
Amendment Act 2011...... 4800
Acts Interpretation Act 1915:
Appointments...... 3886, 3970
Revoked the Appointments...... 2965, 3104, 3394,
4096, 4430
Adelaide Cemeteries Authority Act 2001:
Appointments...... 4910
Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Act 1971:
Appointments...... 3886, 3970, 4154
Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Act (Commencement)
Proclamation 2011...... 4136
Administrative Arrangements Act 1994
Instrument of Delegation...... 4912
Notice by the Minister...... 3907, 4642, 4686, 4801
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Adelaide Oval
Redevelopment and management Act) Proclamation 2011...... 4136
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Alice Springs to
Darwin railway Act) Proclamation 2011...... 4762
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Commercial Arbitration
Act) Proclamation 2011...... 4990
Administrative Arrangements (Conferral of Ministerial Functions and
Powers) Proclamation 2011...... 4992
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Education and Early
Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Act) Proclamation 2011..4991
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Intervention Orders
(Prevention of Abuse) Act) Proclamation 2011...... 4271
Administrative Arrangements (Committal of Acts) Proclamation 2011.....4289
Administrative Arrangements (Constitution of Ministers as Bodies
Corporate) Proclamation 2011...... 4298
Administrative Arrangements (Minister for Transport Services)
Proclamation 2011...... 4993
Administrative Arrangements (References to Ministers) Proclamation 2011...4303
Administrative Arrangements (Transfer of Assets, Rights and
Liabilities to Minister for Emergency Services) Proclamation 2011.....3050
Administrative Arrangements (Transfer of Assets, Rights and
Liabilities to Minister for Finance) Proclamation 2011...... 4994
AGL South Australia Pty Ltd:
Default Contract Price...... 2978
Standing and Default Contract Prices...... 2968
Animal Welfare Act 1985:
Appointments...... 4000
Appointments, Resignations, etc.:
Amended the Instrument of Appointment...... 3133
Department of the Premier and Cabinet...... 2964, 3020, 3104, 3132,
3192, 3394, 3446, 3588,
3886, 3970, 4000, 4048,
4096, 4154, 4218, 4254,
4310, 4364, 4430, 4534,
4642, 4686, 4800, 4910,
Erratum...... 4534
Pleased to Authorise...... 3193
Remove from Office...... 3020
Retention of Title...... 2965, 3446
Revoked the Appointment...... 2965, 3104, 3394
4096, 4430, 5097
Aquaculture Act 2001:
Appointments...... 2964
Call for Submissions...... 4413
Grant of Aquaculture Leases...... 3394, 3887, 4255
Aquaculture (Approval of Arno Bay Zones Policy) Notice 2011...... 4114
Aquaculture (Approval of Revocation Policy) Notice 2011...... 4119
Aquaculture (Approval of Streaky Bay zones Policy) Notice 2011...... 4121
Aquaculture Cost Recovery Revocation Policy 2011...... 4120
Aquaculture (Fees) Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 238 of 2011)...... 4626
Aquaculture (Zones—Arno Bay) Policy 2011...... 4115
Aquaculture (Zones—Streaky Bay) Policy 2011...... 4122
Art Gallery Act 1939:
Appointment...... 3132
Associations Incorporation Act 1985:
Deregistration of Associations...... 4048, 4915
Dissolution of Association...... 2966, 3588, 4283
Final Meeting of State Retailers Association of South Australia...... 3016
Australian Road Rules Variation Rules 2011:
(No. 187 of 2011)...... 3118
Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000:
Approval of Contingencies...... 3886
Bills of Sale Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 276 of 2011)...... 5052
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations 2011:
(No. 205 of 2011)...... 3698
Brands Act 1933:
Brands Registered, Transferred or Cancelled—
First Quarter, 2010...... 3194
First Quarter, 2011...... 3888
Second Quarter, 2010...... 3206
Second Quarter 2011...... 3897
Brands Act 1933—continued
Brands Registered, Transferred or Cancelled—
Third Quarter, 2010...... 3395
Third Quarter, 2011...... 4688
Fourth Quarter, 2010...... 3589
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulations 2011:
(No. 251 of 2011)...... 4785
Building Work Contractors Regulations 2011:
(No. 197 of 2011)...... 3496
Adelaide Hills...... 3952
Burnside...... 3264
Cleve...... 4669
Mallala...... 3992
Mount Gambier...... 3879
Port Augusta...... 3006
Victor Harbor...... 5134
Centennial Park Cemetery Authority:
Charter...... 3229
Children’s Protection Act 1993:
Appointment...... 3192
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995:
Declaration...... 3443
Film Festival Guidelines...... 4002
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Variation
Regulations 2011:
(No. 221 of 2011)...... 4180
Commercial Arbitration Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2011...... 4986
Commonwealth Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act...... 3020
Community Titles Regulations 2011:
(No. 202 of 2011)...... 3638
ABC Coffee Pty Ltd (In Liquidation)...... 3585
Au Matin Calme...... 3883
Mican Pty Ltd...... 4283, 4638
Compulsory Third Party Insurance Premium Schedule...... 3215
Constitution Act 1934:
Appointments...... 2965, 3022, 4001, 4096, 4430
Assembly to Fill Vacancy...... 4001
Revoked the Appointment...... 2965, 4430
Constitution (Legislative Council Casual Vacancy) Proclamation 2011.....3933
Constitution (Second Session of 52nd Parliament) Proclamation 2011.....4998
Controlled Substances Act 1984:
Appointments...... 3588
Prohibition of Administering Prescription Drugs...... 3970
Controlled Substances (Offences Relating to Instructions)
Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2011...... 3490
Correctional Services (Appointment of Visiting Tribunals)
Variation Proclamation 2011...... 3935
Adoption of Model By-law...... 4794
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3085
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3251, 4656
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3121
By-laws...... 3264
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4401
Council Meeting Date...... 4794
Road Process Order...... 3439
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3005
Charles Sturt—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3085
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3583
Amendment of Community Land Management Plan...... 3011
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4761, 5094
Town Centre Carparking Fund...... 3952
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3005
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3005
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3085
Allocation of Road Name...... 3581
Appointments...... 4185
Road Process Order...... 3581
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3085
By-law...... 3879
Exclusion from Classification as Community Land...... 4494
Draft for Public Consultation...... 4669
Road Process Order...... 5134
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3581
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4340, 4761
Norwood, Payneham & St Peters—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3121
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3121
Councillor for Ward...... 3582
Exclusion of Land from Classification as Community Land.....3879
Place Naming Policy...... 5093
Prohibition of Traffic...... 4044
Restricted Vehicular Access to Silver Sands Beach...... 4794
Road Process Order...... 4089, 4245
Supplementary Election...... 3582, 4044, 4245, 4669
Vote Counting Location...... 4425
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3086
Changes to Street Names...... 3952
Erratum...... 4281
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4946
Development Plan Amendment...... 3991
Naming of Roundabout...... 4245
Road Process Order...... 3121, 4281, 4425, 5093
Port Adelaide Enfield—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3122
Assignment of Names for New Roads...... 3272
Assignment of Street Names...... 4245
Change of Name for a Portion of a Public Road...... 4794
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3251
Councillor for Ward...... 3439
Determinations...... 4360
Draft for Public Consultation...... 4281
Results of Supplementary Election...... 4636
Road Process Order...... 3582
Supplementary Election...... 3439, 4044, 4245
Port Augusta—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3439
By-law...... 3006
Conversion of Private Road to Public Road...... 3006
Declaration of Public Road...... 4150
Naming of Public Road...... 4282
Road Process Order...... 4494, 5093
Port Lincoln—
Application of By-law Resolution...... 5093
Appointment...... 5093
Change of Public Hearing Date...... 4636
Development Plan Amendment...... 3991
Revocation of Authorised Officer...... 4360
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3008
Change of Name...... 3272
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3008
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3483
Renaming of Road...... 4246
Road Process Order...... 3086
Tea Tree Gully—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3087
Road Process Order...... 3009, 3272
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3087, 3180
Change of Road Name...... 3952
Exclusion from Community Land Classification...... 4905
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3009
By-law...... 5134
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3088
Appointment...... 4425
Area Councillor...... 3991
Close of Roll...... 3991
Road Closure...... 4150
Supplementary Election...... 4282, 4636, 5138
West Torrens—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3087
Assignment of Road Name...... 4905, 5138
Declaration of Public Roads...... 4282
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3009
Mount Gambier Circuit Court Sittings...... 3618, 4065
Port Augusta Circuit Court Sittings...... 3110, 3618, 4065, 4235
Criminal Law Consolidation (General) Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 195 of 2011)...... 3491
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Powers of Magistrates
Court) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2011...... 3049
Crown Land Management Act 2009:
Granting of Leases...... 4218
Dangerous Substances Act 1979:
Appointments...... 4431, 4915
Development Act 1993:
Amendment to the Assessment Report...... 4534
Appointments...... 3394
Decision by the Development Assessment Commission
Under Delegation from the Governor...... 3599, 4802, 5100
Decision by the Presiding Member Development Assessment
Commission under Delegation from the Governor...... 4006
Decision by the Governor...... 4536
Development Plan Amendment...... 3887, 3963, 3991, 4093,
4251, 4534, 4801
Notices by the Deputy Premier...... 3447, 3599, 4219, 4310,
4432, 4444
Erratum...... 4255
Notices by the Minister...... 2967, 3022, 3105, 3133,
3413, 3971, 4049, 4094,
4168, 4189, 4251, 4256, 4444,
4535, 4643, 4686, 4801
Regulated Trees Development Plan Amendment...... 4535
Development (Regulated Trees) Amendment Act (Commencement)
Proclamation 2011...... 4618
Development (Open Space Contribution Scheme) Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 212 of 2011)...... 3940
Development Regulations 2008:
Notice by the Minister...... 3134
Development (Regulated Trees) Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 237 of 2011)...... 4620
Erratum...... 4661
Development (Trusses) Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 218 of 2011)...... 4139
District Councils:
Adelaide Hills—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3088
By-laws...... 3952
Change to Road Name...... 3122, 4636
Erratum...... 4669
Road Process Order...... 3482, 4636
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3089
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3482
District Councils—continued
Development Plan Amendment...... 4425
Road Closure...... 3992, 4636, 4669
Erratum...... 4360
Road Process Order...... 4246
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3089
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3144
Naming of Road...... 4150
Barunga West
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3122
Appointment...... 4185, 4494
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3431
Revocation of Appointment...... 3011
Road Process Order...... 3440, 4056
Berri Barmera—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3011
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3012
Aerodrome Fees...... 3013
Annual Business Plan and Budget...... 3011
Change of Meeting Time and Date...... 4150
Change of Local Government Land to Community
Land Classification...... 3272
Clare & GilbertValleys—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3091
Road Process Order...... 4494
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3123
By-laws...... 4669
Change of Meeting Date...... 4282, 4637
Coober Pedy—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3440
Road Process Order...... 4089
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3092
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4340
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3880
Appointment...... 3880
Resignation...... 4905
Temporary Road Closure...... 5138
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3180
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4465
Temporary Road Closure...... 3962, 5138
Franklin Harbour—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3583
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3092
Change of Load Limit Roads...... 4185
Declaration under the Fire and Emergency Services Act...... 3880
Development Plan Amendment...... 4681
Draft for Public Consultation...... 4905
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3124
Erratum...... 3181
Change of Road Name...... 3962
Temporary Road Closure...... 4681
Renaming of Public Road...... 4905
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3093
Conversion of Private Road to Public Road...... 4637
Road Closure...... 3992
Lower Eyre Peninsula—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3272
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3252, 5094
Road Naming...... 3440
Loxton Waikerie—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3273
Road Process Order...... 5095
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3013
By-laws...... 3992
Renaming of Roads...... 4044, 4494
Road Closures...... 3093, 3273
Mid Murray—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3124
Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer...... 4905
Development Plan Amendment...... 4494
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3125
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4465
Exclusion of Vehicles...... 4150
Notice of Acquisition...... 3440
Renaming of a Public Road...... 4282
Mount Remarkable—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3881
Naracoorte Lucindale—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3181
Appointments...... 3094, 3273, 4246, 4495
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4572
Northern Areas—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3182
Appointment...... 3882
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 2984
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3962
Development Plan Amendment...... 4089
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3013
By-law Variation...... 4186
District Councils—continued
Development Plan Amendment...... 3963
Port Pirie
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3126
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4401
Road Process Order...... 4794, 4905
Renmark Paringa—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3094
Assignment of Road Name...... 3882
Temporary Road Closures...... 4637
Roxby Downs—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3995, 4044
Southern Mallee—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3584
Streaky Bay—
Aerodrome Fees...... 3184
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3183
Development Plan Amendment...... 4360
Road Closure to Vehicles...... 3184
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3094
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3584
Road Process Order...... 4089
Temporary Road Closure...... 4905
Wakefield Regional—
Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3127
Appointments...... 3273
Development Plan Amendment...... 3441
Draft for Public Consultation...... 3441
Resignation of Councillor...... 4282
Road Process Order...... 3127
Supplementary Election...... 4282, 4637, 5095
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3014
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4465
Road Process Order...... 3095, 3963, 4282
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3184
Assignment of Road Names...... 3274
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3015
Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3252
Yorke Peninsula—
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3128
Draft for Public Consultation...... 3882
District Court Act 1991:
Appointment...... 3192
Dog and Cat Management Act 1995:
Appointments...... 3020
Dog Fence Act 1946:
Appointments...... 3020
Education Act 1972:
Appointments...... 3886
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and
Standards) Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2011...... 4986
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and
Standards) Act (Commencement) Regulations 2011:
(No. 279 of 2011)...... 5059
Electoral Act 1985:
Declared Institutions...... 5105
District Polling Places...... 5105
Registration of Political Parties...... 3140
Electoral Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 220 of 2011)...... 4145
Electrical Products (Part 2 Declarations) Variation Proclamation 2011.....4137
Electrical Products Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 217 of 2011)...... 4138
Electricity Act 1996:
Annual Targets...... 4687
Default Contract Prices...... 2972, 2974, 3100,
3193, 3412, 4155
Minimum Specification for an Energy Audit...... 4687
Standing and Default Contract Prices...... 2968
Republished...... 3023
Threshold of Obligation...... 4687
Electricity Corporations Act 1994:
Appointment...... 4218
Electricity (General) Regulations 1997:
Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme...... 4805
Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act (Commencement)
Proclamation 2011...... 3161
Electricity (Principles of Vegetation Clearance) Variation
Regulations 2011:
(No. 275 of 2011)...... 5021
Emergency Management Act 2004:
Appointments...... 3588
Environment Protection Act 1993:
Appointments...... 2965, 3192
Approval of Additional Collection Depots...... 3471, 4370
Approval of Category A Containers...... 3218
Approval of Category B Containers...... 3029, 3218, 4162, 4367, 4922
Revocation of Approval of Category B Containers.....3039, 3217, 3472,
3976, 4167, 4920
Revocation of Collection Depot...... 3471, 3904, 4366
Vary Condition...... 3601
Vary the Approval of Category B Containers...... 3404, 3473, 4161,
4223, 4365
Variation to Existing Approval of Collection Depot...3977, 4013, 4369, 4924
Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Amendment Notice 2011....4659
Environment Protection Authority:
Granting of an Exemption...... 4049
Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993:
Appointments...... 2965, 3394
Environment, Resources and Development Court Variation
Regulations 2011:
(No. 242 of 2011)...... 4662
Equal Opportunity Act 1984:
Appointments...... 3192
Equal Opportunity Tribunal:
Exemptions...... 2966, 3978, 4372
Essential Services Commission Act 2002:
Price Determination...... 2966
Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme Code...... 4805
Expiation of Offences Act 1996:
Appointments...... 4431, 4915
Instrument of Authorisation...... 3105
Expiation of Offences Regulations 2011:
(No. 209 of 2011)...... 3818
Explosives Act 1936-1982:
Appointment...... 4431
Explosives (Government Magazines) Proclamation 2011...... 2998
Explosives Regulations 2011:
(No. 208 of 2011)...... 3719
Extraordinary Gazettes...... 2935, 3187, 4285, 5097
Fair Trading (Pre-paid Funerals Code of Practice) Regulations 2011:
(No. 194 of 2011)...... 3433
Fair Trading Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 252 of 2011)...... 4787
Fair Work Act 1994:
Appointments...... 4431, 4915
Family Relationships (Parentage) Amendment Act (Commencement)
Proclamation 2011...... 4987
Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005:
Appointments...... 3224, 4254
Constitution of a CFS Brigade...... 3140
Dissolution of a CFS Brigade...... 3042
Establishment of Areas for Fire and Emergency Services...... 2966, 4097
Fire Ban Districts...... 4001
[Republished]...... 4097
Fire Danger Season...... 4226, 4372
Fires During the Fire Danger Season...... 4372
Firearms Act 1977:
Appointments...... 3020
Recognised Firearms Club...... 4226
Fisheries Management Act 2007:
Adopted Plan...... 3413, 4049
Appointment of Scientific Observers...... 4257
Closure of Snapper Fishery...... 4313
Exemptions...... 2977, 3224, 3413,
3602, 3905, 4014, 4049,
4168, 4226, 4311, 4373,
4698, 4915, 5106
Permit to Release Fish...... 3413, 4916
Revoked...... 3413, 4170, 4257, 4835
Temporary Prohibition of Fishing Activity...... 4257
Will be Unlawful...... 4310, 5105
Will not be Unlawful...... 3140, 3601, 4014, 4372,
4431, 4643, 4697, 4836, 5105
Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006:
Nominated Certification Stations...... 4050
Gaming Machines Act 1992:
Notice by the Minister...... 3477
Gaming Machines Variation Regulations 2011:
(No. 179 of 2011)...... 3053
(No. 240 of 2011)...... 4631
Gas Act 1997:
Annual Targets...... 4687
Approval and Labelling of Gas Appliances...... 4014
Default Contract Price...... 2978, 5109
Minimum Specification for an Energy Audit...... 4687
Threshold of Obligation...... 4687
Gas Regulations 1997:
Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme...... 4805
Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004:
Exemption...... 3602
Geographical Names Act 1991:
Notice to Alter the Boundaries of Places...... 3605, 4315, 4838, 5110, 5113
Notice to Alter the Name of a Place...... 4098, 5112
Notice to Alter the Names and Boundaries of Places.....4314, 4444, 4837
Notice of Declaration of Names of Places...... 4097, 4837
Corrigendum...... 3604, 4015, 4687
Erratum...... 4226
[Republished]...... 3907
Notice of Intention to Discontinue the Name of a Place and
to Assign Names to Places...... 4258, 4541, 5112
Notice to Rescind the Names of Features...... 4097
Goods Securities Act 1986