Head Start/State Preschool

Health/Mental Health/Safety Monitoring Summary

Site: In compliance: Date:

Indicators / Yes / No / Comments / Corrections
Prevention & First Aide & Safety
Staff performs health checks when children arrive and before parents leave.
Parents wash their hands with their children when they arrive.
All bathrooms are separated from cooking, eating & activity areas. Bathrooms are clean & supplied with soap, paper towels & toilet paper.
Staff guide children to wash their hands frequently, and always after toilet use, handling pets or other animals, before food-related activities, whenever hands are contaminated by sneezing, coughing, or other bodily fluids or by blood. Staff and Volunteers also wash hands after assisting children with toileting and before and after food activities.
If potty chairs are used cleaning is done with gloved hands & the contents are emptied into the toilet. The potty chair is then washed, rinsed with bleach solution & contents flushed down the toilet.
The diaper area acceptable & procedure is posted in English & Spanish.
Staff promotes effective dental hygiene among children in conjunction with meals and the tooth brushing procedure is followed.
Toothbrushes are cleaned, properly stored, and replaced as needed.
Children use tissues when appropriate and throw them in the wastebasket after use.
Garbage & trash are stored & disposed of in a sanitary & safe manner.
Children are instructed in pedestrian safety within 30 days of starting the class.
A Staff or Volunteer completes the “Daily health and safety checklist” every day.
Non-porous gloves are available for staff to wear when handling blood or other bodily fluids.
A well-supplied first aide kit is available, accessible to staff, and out of reach of children.
Electrical plugs accessible to children are covered.
Dangerous materials & poisons are stored in locked cabinets & are in separate cabinets than food or medications.
MSDS binders are kept at all centers & updated with new chemicals.
Classroom and playground materials, toys and equipment are in good repair, safe & cleaned daily. No undesirable materials, sharp edges, choking hazards or plastic bags are in child areas. The outdoor area is fenced so no child can leave the premises.
Policies and plans of action for emergencies that require rapid staff response (e.g., child choking) or immediate medical or dental attention are clearly posted.
Exits & evacuation routes are clearly marked & the plans of action are posted in the exit areas.
Emergency lighting is available.
Emergency contact numbers are posted by phones.
Classroom emergency packs, including water, are available in each center & are checked by the Lead teacher yearly.
Fire/ emergency/ evacuation drills are documented & posted.
Children’s Learning Experiences Related to Health
Health/mental health/nutrition education is incorporated into the lesson plan on a regular basis.
Learning about health is reflected in books, songs, games, and finger plays.
Children’s role play incorporates health (e.g., dress up as nurse or doctor).
Adults and children talk about visits to the dentist or doctor.
Children are involved in food activities.
All medications are properly labeled (i.e., name of child/staff, name of medication, dosage, name/number of pharmacy/Doctor).
Medications (cont’d)
Medications are stored under lock and key and out of the reach of children.
Medications needing refrigeration are refrigerated and under lock and key.
Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged to become active in their child’s health care process, including medical, dental, mental health, nutrition.
Parents have opportunity to learn the principles of health and safety.
Children’s Records
Children’s immunizations are up to date.
Health, vision, hearing, and dental screenings are completed within the required time frames, and are documented in the children’s files and on Copa.
Children’s medical, dental, and developmental histories are complete.
Children’s emergency contact information is readily available and easily transportable for off-site activities or evacuation.
Growth assessments are done according to required time frames.
Any necessary follow-up treatment is tracked. Parents are linked to assistance when it is needed
Children/families are linked to a “medical home” within 90 days of enrollment if needed.
Families are provided assistance in obtaining medical insurance if needed.
EHS Only
Infants & toddlers are receiving food appropriate to their readiness levels and eat family style, but are also fed on demand when necessary.
At EHS cribs are spaced appropriately with adequate work space between and not in the way of exits.
Infants are held while being fed.
Breast milk is stored properly and dated.
An individual plan for all current infant needs is posted & kept confidential, but easily accessible to teachers & substitutes.
“What my day was like” form is completed, filed, and given to parents daily.

Please respond with corrections on a copy of this sheet to Health Services Manager by (date)

Comments: more on back if necessary.

Site Person Signature Monitor Signature Director Signature

