Othello, The Movie

Each group is competing to land a contract with a production company. I am the CEO of this company and I want to make a major motion picture of Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello and, to help in this assignment, we’re going to assume no one has ever had this idea before.

There is an issue, however: I don’t know anything about this story except that there’s a hero, violence, jealousy and death. As a result, I’m sure it could be a hit, as those are all ingredients of a blockbuster.

I’m investing a large sum of money into this project, so sloppy and unprofessional work isn’t worth my time. I don’t have time for excuses, either. There is too much competition in the corporate world for me to deal with petty in company fighting, disorganization, or how one of your group members isn’t doing their part. Deal with it; I want to make a movie.

1. Movie poster

____effectively depicts the major themes/ significant ideas from Othello.

____appears professional/ looks like an actual movie poster.

____gives the viewer an idea of what the movie is about.

____the group is able to easily explain their decision for creating the poster.

Poster:40 points

2. Casting

____a minimum of four characters (each character is worth 10 points)

____a clear written comparative analysis which justifies your choice of actor based on any qualities you deem relevant (previous work, personal history, etc.) but should be more than “we imagine Othello to look a lot like insert actor’s name here.” This should be an exploration of the character that is then related to the chosen actor/ actress.

____includes photographs and appears visually professional, both in the portfolio and during the presentation.

Portfolio:40 points

3. Additional/ Alternate scene OR alternate ending

You need to create one of these in order to add to the story based on YOUR INTERPRETATION of Othello.

____at least two pages long, typed and double spaced (may be written as a script or in paragraphs).

____includes a justification of how this scene/ ending adds to the story. In short, you’re explaining WHY it is included.

____is appropriate for your version of Othello, not completely random. This should add depth/ characterization to your version of Othello.

____grammatically correct, thorough, and uses the appropriate character names and personalities.

Portfolio:20 points

4. The Preview

You need to create a video preview for your recreation of Othello, which can be no longer than 3 minutes.

____includes 3 separate scenes from the play

____fits the tone of the movie you are trying to create.

____introduced the preview thoroughly (discussed the different scenes included, gave the audience any necessary information)

____written explanation which explains/ analyzes your preview, including any motifs/ symbols you chose to include.

Movie/ Trailer: 40 points

7. Presentation

____includes professional visual aides.

____demonstrates a critical knowledge of the play and a confidence in your understanding and interpretation

____equal participation from all group members

____at least 10 minutes long

____group was dressed professionally and presentation was given professionally

Presentation:30 points

Grand Total:170 points

I am allowing you to choose your group. Choose your group wisely. Should you decide to work only with your closest friends and then you realize that these people are not reliable in a group, it is your own fault for choosing to work with them. You will receive a group grade on this project, so work with people that are going to HELP YOU. If you have a problem within your group, FIGURE IT OUT. Remember, I’m the CEO, you’re trying to sell me.

The group that “lands the contract” will receive extra credit. Trust me, you want this extra credit.