Shana Lee Pribesh

Department of Education,
Curriculum & Instruction
Darden College of Education
ED 168-1, Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
P: 757-683-6684 / Residence
1308 Sussex Place
Norfolk, VA 23508
P: 757-489-0592
C: 757-943-1997


Ph.D., 2005, Sociology. The Ohio State University. Dissertation title: “The Consequences of Residential and School Mobility for Adolescents.” Committee: Dr. Douglas B. Downey (chair), Dr. Daniel Lichter, and Dr. James Moody.

M.A., 1997, Sociology. The Ohio State University. Thesis title: “Social Capital, Moving and Educational Performance: Changing People Matters More Than Changing Places.” Committee: Dr. Douglas B. Downey (chair), Dr. Vincent Roscigno, and Dr. Catherine E. Ross.

B.S., 1987, Commerce. University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce.


Dickerson, D.L., Dawkins, K.R., Berry, III, R.Q., & Pribesh, S. 2007. Secondary Earth/Environmental Science Teachers’ Aversion to Videotaped Self-study. Journal of Geoscience Education. (accepted for Nov 2007 issue).

Pribesh, Shana, Gail Dickinson and Katherine Bucher. 2007. 'A Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Cohorts in a School Library Media Specialist Graduate Program: A Preliminary Study.' Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. 47(4): 303-323.

Gill, Brian P., Laura S. Hamilton, J.R. Lockwood, Julie A. Marsh, Ron W. Zimmer, Deanna Hill and Shana Pribesh. 2005. Inspiration, Perspiration, and Time: Operations and Achievement in Edison Schools. Santa Monica: California. RAND Publications.

Downey, Douglas.B. and Shana Pribesh. 2004. When Race Matters: Teachers’ Evaluations of Students’ Behavior. Sociology of Education 77(4): 267-282.

Ross, Catherine E., John Mirowsky and Shana Pribesh. 2002. “Disadvantage, Disorder and Urban Mistrust.” City and Community 1(1): 59-82.

Ross, Catherine E., John Mirowsky and Shana Pribesh. 2001. “Powerlessness and the Amplification of Threat: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Disorder, and Mistrust.” American Sociological Review 66 (4): 568-591.

Pribesh, Shana. 2000. “Debates” in Teaching Sociology of Education: Syllabi and Instructional Materials, Fifth Edition. Eds Ballantine, J., Dixon, J., Hammack, F., King, E., Persell, C., Wagenaar, T. Washington DC: American Sociological Association: 53-55.

“Debates” reprinted 2004 in Teaching the Sociology of Education: A Resource Manual (Sixth Edition). Edited by Jeanne Ballantine, Richard Arum, Floyd Morgan Hammack, Edith King, Caroline Hodges Persell, and Theodore C. Wagenaar. Pgs. 371.

Downey, Douglas B., Brian Powell, Lala Carr Steelman and Shana Pribesh. Summer 1999. “Much Ado About Siblings: Change Models, Sibship Size, and Intellectual Development.” American Sociological Review 64 (2): 193-198.

Pribesh, Shana and Douglas B. Downey. 1999. “Why Are Residential Moves Associated With Poor School Performance?” Demography 36(4): 521-534.


Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University. Norfolk, VA. August 2004 to present. Teach graduate level research methods courses in the Department of Education, Curriculum and Instruction (ECI) of the Darden College of Education. Have dual appointment with the Program for Research and Evaluation of Public Schools (PREPS) as Researcher. Responsibilities include conducting research, writing grants to fund research, and building research capacity of college faculty. Principal Investigator on the five-year, DOE and Norfolk Public Schools’ Evaluation of Smaller Learning Communities Grant.

Research Assistant, RAND Corporation, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA. October 2000 to August 2006. Assisted senior staff implement a four-year evaluation of the Edison Schools. Responsibilities included conducting interviews with school practitioners, preparing case studies, collecting data for quantitative analyses and participating in briefings of senior Edison Schools officials.

Team Leader, Social Policy Action Network and The National Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families: Strengthening Families Study of Services for Non-Custodial Fathers. New York, NY. January/February 2002. Led a team of three interviewers who conducted qualitative interviews with social service practitioners in Columbus, OH.

Project Team Leader, Study of Social Capital in Schools-Within-Schools: University of Michigan funded by the Spencer Foundation. Columbus, Ohio. July 1998 to June 2000. Led project team that conducted qualitative research for the University of Michigan's Study of Social Capital in Schools-Within-Schools. Funded by the Spencer Foundation and directed by Valerie Lee, this study examined the development and maintenance of social capital in five high schools nationwide.

Graduate Research Assistant, Ohio State University: Professors Catherine E. Ross and John Mirowsky. Columbus, Ohio. September 1999 to June 2000. Conducted quantitative analyses for Catherine Ross and John Mirowsky including multi-level and structural equation modeling.

Graduate Research Assistant, Ohio State University: Center for Human Resources Research. Columbus, Ohio. Summer 1998. Conducted analyses on the NLSY79 Child School Survey of 1994-1995 for Dr. Douglas Downey.

Consultant, Ohio State University: The Office of Student Financial Aid. Columbus, Ohio. July 1997 to August 1998. Assisted financial aid office staff implement the U.S. Department of Education’s Quality Assurance Program QAP. Responsibilities included training staff in total quality management techniques, participating in qualitative and quantitative data collections and analyses, and writing reports for federal and university audiences. The Ohio State Student Financial Aid Office administers over $250 million in student aid to 32,000 students per year.

Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Human Resources Research. Columbus, Ohio. September 1995 to September 1997. The Center for Human Resources Research (CHRR) of the Ohio State University, in conjunction with the NORC and the U.S. Census Bureau, conducts the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience (NLS and NLSY) for the U.S. Department of Labor. As a member of the CHRR Documentation Team, applicant’s responsibilities included: Design, write and review user documentation for the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience (NLS and NLSY) such as: NLS Handbook, NLSY79 Users’ Guide, Young Women Users’ Guide, and CAPI Guide; Test surveys and CAPI software before fielding; Comment on survey design and time; and Prepare questions for future survey waves.

Graduate Research Assistant, Ohio State University: Department of Sociology and College of Liberal Arts. Columbus, Ohio. Summer 1996. Worked with Dr. Douglas Downey to develop a critical overview of the literature concerning social capital theory. OSU College of Liberal Art’s Graduate Development Funds provided appointment funding.

Research Analyst, Pelavin Research Institute, Inc. and American Institutes for Research. Washington DC. December 1988 - September 1995. Conducted education policy research: Prepared research, management, and data analysis plans; Responded to clients' quick-turnaround information requests; Wrote data collection instruments; Conducted statistical data analyses of primary and secondary data; Wrote and presented reports, briefings, and memos to policymakers and expert panels; Provided technical assistance to quality assurance program participants and staff; and Managed project staff on concurrent research projects and monitored project budget. Research projects included:

§  Institutional Quality Assurance Program,

§  The Status of Biomedical Facilities,

§  OECD Issue Briefs,

§  Study of Processes and Results of School-Level Resource Allocation,

§  Analysis and Report of Survey Data of USIA Sponsored Freedom Support Act Programs,

§  Evaluation of the Impact of Vocational Rehabilitation Funding on Purchased Services,

§  Maryland's Tomorrow Program Evaluation,

§  Boston University-Chelsea School District Evaluation Project,

§  Income Contingent Loan Demonstration Project,

§  The College Board Equity 2000 Project,

§  Research Associate for the National Center of Education Statistics' National Panel on Education Indicators, and

§  Integrated Quality Control Measurement Project.


Instructor, University of Houston Clear Lake. Houston, TX. 2002-2003. Taught Political Sociology (SOCI 3531) and Theories of Society (SOCI 4232) to college juniors, seniors and graduate students.

Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan: Institute for Survey Research. Ann Arbor, Michigan. June 2000. Served as student instructor for ISR's month-long Multilevel Models for Survey Data instructed by Valerie Lee and Bob Croninger. Responsibilities included teaching students how to use HLM software, construct and interpret multilevel models, present findings in alternate formats, and prepare growth curve models.

Independent Instructor, Ohio State University: Department of Sociology. Columbus, Ohio. September 1998 to June 1999. Taught Sociology of Education (Sociology 320) for three consecutive quarters (AU 98, WI 99, and SP 99).

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ohio State University,: Department of Sociology. Columbus, Ohio. Autumn 1997 to Spring 1998. Assisted Dr. Charles instruct Introduction to Quantitative Methods I (Sociology 549). January 1998 to June 1998. Assisted Dr.s Kaufman and Jang instruct Methods of Sociological Inquiry (Sociology 487) September 1997 to December 1997.


New Investigator Grant Award. Darden College of Education at Old Dominion University. August 2007. Awarded by the DCOE Faculty Governance Organization to the early career faculty member who has secured productive grants.

Exploratory Study of the Relationship between National Board Certification in Library Media and Information Science and Student Academic Achievement. Institute of Museum and Library Services. $291,000. A two-year contract examining the linkages between National Board Certification of library media specialists and student achievement in North Carolina. Project Investigator with co-PI Gail Dickinson.

The value-added effects of Troops to Teachers program completers on student achievement: A meta-analytic approach.

Multi-State Evaluation of At Risk Intervention Educational Services (SES) Providers, University of Memphis, Center for Research in Educational Policy. August 2007. $144,633. A three-year contract to conduct state-level evaluations of supplemental education service providers. Co-Pi with John Nunnery.

Summer Research Fellowship, Old Dominion University Research Foundation. Summer 2007. $6,350. Will conduct exploratory research about the connections of National Board Professional Certification of Library Media Specialists and student achievement.

Smaller Learning Communities Evaluation, U.S. Department of Education and Norfolk Public Schools. Fall 2006. $420,000. Part of a $4.9 million grant to the Norfolk Public Schools to evaluate a five-year initiative to implement smaller learning communities in four high schools. Project Investigator with co-PIs Linda Bol and David Blackburn.

Newport News Gear-UP Evaluation, U.S. Department of Education and Newport News Public Schools. Fall 2006. $429,000. Six-year grant to evaluate Newport New Public Schools implementation of Gear-UP strategies in two high schools. Co-PI with David Blackburn and Steve Myran.

Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc. Research Fellowship. Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc. 2006-2007. $4,000. One year research fellowship that supports a graduate student ($3,200) and myself ($800) to conduct a multi-site evaluation of artist residencies sponsored by Young Audiences of Virginia. Project Investigator.

ACCESS College Foundation Evaluation, ACCESS College Foundation. Spring 2006 to present. $1,200. Part of a larger pro-bono evaluation of parent and student perceptions of services received by ACCESS College Foundation. ACCESS serves students in 28 high schools in the Hampton Roads area. Project Investigator.

Imani Winds Project Evaluation, Virginia Arts Festival, Fall 2005. $500. Created five surveys for the Virgina Arts Festival to use when evaluating the Imani Winds Project Evaluation. Project Investigator.

AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Educational Policy, American Educational Research Association. April 2005. $850. From the AERA Grants Program to attend a three-day statistics seminar covering the AddHealth-AHAA dataset, logistic regression, and propensity score modeling.

Faculty Innovator Grant, Old Dominion University: Center for Learning Technologies. March 2005. $3,000. Co-PI with Jennifer Morrow, ODU Psychology. Using Inquisite to Inform Student Learning and Teaching Effectiveness.

Old Dominion University Professional Discretionary Award, Old Dominion University. 2004-2005. $2,000. To co-direct the NewPAGE Course evaluation.

ECI Professional Development Award, Old Dominion University. Winter 2005. $470. To attend a Qualitative Data Analysis workshop at The Evaluators’ Institute.

Sociology Graduate Research Training Award, The Ohio State University. 1998 and 2000. $3,200. For training at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Survey Research (ISR) – Multilevel Models for Survey Data and Studying Change Over Time with Longitudinal Survey Data.

Sociology Research Fellowship, The Ohio State University. 1999. $3,000. To expand thesis research on adolescents who move, social capital, locus of control and academic performance.

Sociology Graduate Research Support Award, The Ohio State University (funded by the Rabbi Morris Silverman Fund for Research in Human Rights). 1998. $1,000. To conduct research on gender dynamics in industrial work groups.


Pribesh, Shana, Linda Bol, John Nunnery, and Christopher Fischer. November 2007. “Linking Smaller Learning Communities to Student Achievement and Related Outcomes Measures.” American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland.

Pribesh, Shana, Allison Potter, John Nunnery, and Steve Ross. August 2007. “Effectiveness of Supplemental Education Services Providers: A matched samples approach.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: New York City, New York. Sociology of Education Section.

Nunnery, John A., William A. Owings and Shana Pribesh. April 2007. “The Value-Added Effects of Troops to Teachers Program Completers on Student Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Approach.” National Center for Alternative Certification and National Association for Alternative Certification 2007 Joint Conference: Washington D.C.

Gimbert, Belinda, Dean Cristol, Mike Mustain, Shana Pribesh and Neil Stamm. April 2007. “Assessing the impact of content-specific coursework for teaching literacy on middle student achievement through a teacher preparation partnership in a high-need urban school system.” American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois.

Pribesh, Shana and Jennifer Kidd. 2005. “Monitoring the Implementation of a Large-Enrollment, Multidisciplinary Course: Providing Feedback to Stakeholders in Real-Time.” American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Symposium on The Challenge of Evaluating a Multidisciplinary Course for First-Year College Students.

Pribesh, Shana. 2002. “Smokers, Tokers and Geographic Cures.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois. Special Session on Families, Schools and Adolescents.

Ross, Catherine, Shana Pribesh and John Mirowsky. 2000.“Consequences of Neighborhood Disadvantage for Residents' Levels of Trust.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: Washington DC. Urban Section. Presented by Shana Pribesh.

Pribesh, Shana, Francisco Osuna-Currea and Valerie Lee. 2000.“Governance in Schools-Within-School.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Pribesh, Shana. 1999.“Students Who Move and the Accompanying Declines in Locus of Control and Educational Performance.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois. Mental Health Refereed Roundtables.

Pribesh, Shana and Doug Downey. 1998. “Why Are Residential Moves Associated With Poor School Performance?” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: San Francisco, California. Education Refereed Roundtables.

Pribesh, Shana. 1997. “This Bud’s Not for Her: Women in the Microbrewing Industry.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: Toronto, Canada. Sex and Gender Roundtables.