Playground Leaders

Teacher Card 1


Aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1)Identify the qualities that a leader should have.

2)Show understanding of the 6 key principles of leadership.

Resources needed: Pictures of leaders (sporting if possible), A4 sheets of each of the 6 key leadership principles, whiteboard and pens, paper, pens andleadership qualities worksheets. Assortment of small equipment, spots, benches (chalk), marker discs, paper, pencils


  • Put up pictures of various leaders and ask who they are and what do they do?

E.g. Prime Minister, England Football team captain, American President, School Head Teacher, England Rugby team captain.

They are all leaders in their own field. Who do they lead/ have they led?

Highlight some of the qualities that they have had to demonstrate. E.g. organise, motivate, encourage, listen, talk, (communicate), make decisions, co-operate, mediate, keep safe, Etc.

  • COMMUNICATION - Sit back to back & draw a picture – explain it to your partner who without looking has to copy it. Ask! Were you successful? What difficulties did you encounter?
  • COMMUNICATION / VOICE PROJECTION -Tell your neighbour a nursery rhyme – keep moving back. What do you have to do so that your partner can hear you?
  • CO-OPERATION / ENJOYMENT / RESPONSIBILITY / SAFETY / COMMUNICATION / ORGANISATION- Play some Bench Games. Arranging teams in order of ….. Dates of Birth, House Number, Height, Etc. Which of the 6 KEY WORDS did you use? Try again without speaking. How have things changed? Why?
  • Play ‘Crossing the Swamp’ – Stress need to plan route / tactics in advance. Which of the 6 KEY WORDS did you use?Why did you succeed / fail?
  • Put up the 6 principles of leadership ENJOYMENT, CO-OPERATION, ORGANISATION, SAFETY, COMMUNICATION and RESPONSIBILITY. By using question and answer ensure that all of the young leaders understand the meaning of each word.
  • Build a Leader – Draw a stick person on the white board.

Ask the children to draw things onto the person to make them a good leader. They must give a reason for this item/feature. Some ideas below.

The leader has -

Big ears because he / she has to be able to listen

Big eyes to look out for safety issues or good work or mis-use of equipment

Different hats because they have lots of jobs to do

Big mouth to be loud and clear when giving instructions, and to encourage and praise people who are doing well or trying hard

Smiley mouth to show he / she is friendly, helpful and approachable

Equipment because they have to look after it and get it out and put away

A brain to think of ideas

The t-shirt, to remind everyone to get changed for PE

Feet to move around quickly, and check that everyone is playing correctly, fairly and happily

Arms to carry equipment, and a watch to keep an eye on the time

Hands and thumbs to help in demonstration, and givingpeople encouragement and praise

  • Whilst doing the above task put the various parts of the‘leader’ under the appropriate ‘quality’ and ask the students to give their ideas and write them under the appropriate heading too,


  • Leaders working in small groupsdirect them to one of the 6 leadership qualities. They are given one minute to discuss what the word will mean in their role as a leader.

The questions they need to answer are:

When I am leading other people, why is it important to:be organised / make sure everything is safe / make tasks enjoyable / communicate with others / co-operate with others / be responsible for the things that happen?

When I am leading other people what can I do to make sure tasks are: organised / safe / enjoyable / done with suitable communication / done with suitable co-operation / done responsibly?

Now get each group to feed back their ideas.

If you have time you could move groups around the different words and then get them to feedback the answers to the questions posed for each quality.

Students to complete leadership qualities work sheet.

Students could also make a poster to show what qualities a young leader needs using words and pictures. Have a competition!


Recap the 6 qualities.

Recap all the qualities that the group thinks a good leader should have.