Science & Technology Tool - Stage 1 (Version 1: 26 August 14)

Values & Attitudes / Knowledge & Understanding
ST1-1VA ☒
ST1-2VA ☒
ST1-3VA ☒ / ST1-6PW
Physical World / ST1-7PW
Physical world / ST1-8ES
Earth & Space / ST1-9ES
Earth & Space / ST1-10LW
Living World / ST1-11LW
Living World
Material World / ST1-13MW
Material World / ST1-14BE
Built Environments / ST1-15I
Information / ST1-16P
Students describe a range of places and spaces in the local environment and how their purposes influence their design.
Define Discover Dream Design Deliver Debrief (21st Century Fluencies- Solution Fluency)
Context / Working Scientifically ST1-4WS / 1.Question & Predict / Explicit Teaching/Learning Activities
Lesson one- Define and Explore/Produce(Define/Discover/Dream)
(Explore/Define/Dream)Observe ways people use a range of places and spaces in their local environment, eg.areas within the schoolyard and the home.
-Overview of different structures/facilities (built environments)
-Overview of why we have boundaries, fences, signs and rules.
Discuss what an ‘enclosure’ is and look at the different types. (*Some at home- Rabbit hutch/Bird cage- *some in zoos).
Describe what an enclosure could look like. What are some things you would find in an enclosure (fence, water, food area, trees, windows, other animals)
Students take photographs of any enclosures within their home environment (eg. Bird cage, rabbit/guinea pig hutch- develop or email for class to see (present/discuss/describe differences).
Students stick picture in book and draw and label the enclosure.
Read Gibbon Island- PM READERS
Putting fish in a tank (slowly adding the water)
Lesson two- Question and Predict

Insulation- Polar Bears
Discuss enclosures within a zoo and identify the different needs of animals.
Students list the different animals they usually see within a zoo. Students then sort animals into their environmental categories.
Wet environment (Tropical/Fresh Water fish)
Hot environment
Cold/Wet environment
Dry Environment
Brainstorm with the students the different environments and then sort animals into their category as a class.
Students produce there findings on the computer.
Lesson three- Define and Explore/Evaluate
Sort supplied animal pictures into categories and then draw their enclosure around the animal. Students will then draw a birds eye view of this into their pamphlet map.
Lesson four- Define and Explore/Evaluate/Communicate
1.Create a Zoo pamphlet including entry prices, different shows and times and a map
2. Present to class and discuss the differences between zoo’s and as a class decide what zoo is the cheapest to go to and which zoo has more to offer.
Lesson five- Plan and Conduct Investigation/Produce
[Process, Analyse and Evaluate/ Generate and Develop/Communicate
1. Students create a Diorama displaying an animal enclosure of the students’ choice.
2. Present to the class / 6.Define and Explore / Working Technologically ST1-5WT
2.Plan Investigations
Focus / 3.Conduct Investigations / 7.Generate & Develop
Assessment Strategies
Of / 4.Process Analyse / 8.Produce
5..Communicate / 9.Evaluate