Discussion – Technology and Learning – Mobile Technology and Online LMS

This article builds on the work of Madinach and Cline (1993).Holland (2001) Professional Development in Technology.pdf. Anarticle by Brian Wilson in thewinter issue of the BC TEAL Newsletter(pp. 13-15) was an initial inspiration for this workshop - how to make the most of technological affordances in your particular context.

In groups of four discuss how you feel about various online LMS platforms for your teaching context. Which LMS would you be most comfortable utilizing for the courses that you teach? What do you feel you know how to do when it comes to integrating technology and learning, and what do you still need to learn? How did the workshop today help clarify these things for you?You will have 20 minutes for discussion, and prepare your spokesperson to present a brief summary.

·  manager - manages the discussion by making sure everyone has time to speak

·  secretary - takes notes on important points brought forward in discussion

·  spokes person - presents important group discussion points in a 2-minute summary

·  critical analyst -asks additional critical questions to all group members

Discussion Questions:

1. How did managing the LMS go today? Whatwas informative andimportant for you?

2. What do you feel you have masteredwhen it comes to integrating technology and learning, and what do you still need to explore?

3.What are some things to consider when implementing a particular LMS in your particular teaching context?

4. What are the advantages/ disadvantages of open source vs. proprietary LMSs?

Please post your thoughts on the discussion board. You can also record message of your personal response to the questions above by usingSpeakpipe Voice Recorderonline or download an mP3 from your phone: How to use Speakpipe(Thank you Nathan Hall!)

© A. Van Dyke and Sarah Kay for BC TEAL 2016