IGSDID2050 Evaluations


Please answer the questions below. Please, try to make constructive comments, so we can use the responses to make corrections to the course. Where appropriate, you can check more than one box. This form is ANONYMOUS.


  • No textbook was assigned to you this term. Should one have been assigned? If so, which?
  • Did you find the books on reserve in the library useful? What, if anything, could the library do to further support your research?
  • What course material should be integrated with additional readings/handouts?

2.Overall Format of Course

  • What corrections would you make to the current % distribution for the grade according to the main course components (Assignments – 10%, Proposal – 50%, Presentations – 15%, Participation/Attitude – 25%)?
  • What changes would you make to the scheduling of class time? Should more/less time be dedicated to some specific activities?
  • Did you find it useful to replace some classes with individual team meetings? Should we have done more or less of that?

3.Assignments (Individual and Team)

  • The individual assignments were (check all boxes that are applicable):

Time consuming;Valuable;A waste of time;  Difficult; Easy;

  • The group assignments were (check all boxes that are applicable):

 Time consuming; Valuable; A waste of time;  Difficult; Easy;

  • The weight of the assignments(10%) on the final grade is:  Too high; Too Low;  About Right;
  • Please, suggest any improvements to the assignments below.


  • Do you think that delaying the writing of the first draft worked for you? If not, why not?
  • What, if anything, should be done differently with respect to the proposal writing?
  • Prof. Carrera prefers to give oral feedback on early drafts during individual team meetings in lieu of class. Did this work for you? If not, what would you prefer?
  • Did you find the Draft Exchange exercise useful? What did you learn from it?
  • How did your team do in terms of peer review? Did it help? Did you do enough of it? What about the Editing pass at the end of each draft? Was that taken seriously?
  • The weight of the proposal (50%) on the final grade is: Too high; Too Low; About Right;
  • Did your writing ability improve during this course?: Yes; No;
  • Below, suggest any improvements to the proposal writing process:


  • Did you find the “silent” presentation useful? If not, can you suggest improvements?
  • Did you find the “slideless” presentation useful? If not, can you suggest improvements?
  • Did you find the “graphics charrette” useful? If not, can you suggest improvements?
  • The weight of presentations (15%) on the final grade is: Too high; Too Low; About Right;
  • Did your ability to give oral presentations improve during this course?: Yes; No;
  • Please, suggest any improvements to the presentations below.


  • In my view my IQP project is Hard; Time consuming; Interesting; Boring;
  • Every week, I spent this much time on the Project: <5 hours;  5-10 hours;  10-20 hrs; >20 hrs;
  • The weight of attitude (25%0 on the final grade is: Too high; Too Low; About Right;
  • Comments about the attitude part of the grade:

7.Library Sessions

  • The library training was Useful; Useless;
  • Did you take advantage of the reference librarians after the initial session? Yes; No;
  • I would improve the library interaction as follows:

8.Writing Tutors

  • Did you take advantage of the Writing Tutors Service?Yes;No;
  • If yes, the writing tutors were, Useful; Useless;
  • If not, why not?

9.Instructor Evaluation

  • Prof. Carrera has been (check all that apply):  useful;  useless;  fair;  unfair;  responsive;  unresponsive;
  • What could the instructor do to better serve the teams?

10.Overall Course Evaluation

  • My expectations for the course have been: met; exceeded; disappointed;  shattered;
  • Are your project skills better than when you started?: Yes; No;
  • Overall, this course is: Useless; Somewhat useful;  Useful;  Very useful;
  • Overall Comments about the course:

11.Critical Thinking Skills

  • First, please define what you mean by “CRITICAL THINKING”
  • Has the course helped you in honing your critical thinking skills?: Yes; No;
  • What exercise/assignment felt most useful in developing critical thinking
  • How can we improve this aspect of the course?

12.Teamwork Skills

  • Did you find the Team Contract useful?: Yes; No;
  • Has the course helped you in honing your teamwork skills?: Yes; No;
  • How can we improve this aspect of the course?

13.Best part(s)

  • Please list the top three benefits you have reaped from this course:




14.Worst part(s)

  • Please list the three worst experiences/components of this course:





Please list the TOP three IMPROVEMENTS that you think will make the course much better for the students. Please EXPAND each suggestion/recommendation as much as possible. Where possible, we will implement changes as soon as feasible…

Top three suggested improvements to ID2050:




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