St. John Paul II Catholic High School


Student- Athlete Handbook 2017-2018



John Calvarese

Assistant Principal

Clifford Pate

Athletic Director

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Mission Statement

St. John Paul II Catholic High School develops young people in spirit, mind and body to foster a lifelong discipleship of Christ in the sacramental life of the Church. We encourage, challenge, and support each student to learn enthusiastically, lead honorably, and live responsibly.

JPII Athletic Program Mission Statement

The mission of St. JohnPaul II Catholic High School Athletic Programis committed toproviding opportunities for each individual student-athlete to reach his/her highest potential while developing the qualities and spirit of a Catholic Christian. By competing at the highest level possible, our program commits to the development of the whole person in mind, body, and spirit.


One of the goals of our athletic program is tohelpourstudent-athletesdevelopintoproductive citizensthroughlearnedactsofsportsmanship and teamwork.TheSt. JohnPaul II Catholic High School Athleticprogramsuccessfullyintegrates the Gospelmessagethatproduceindividualswhoare faith-filled, have respect for others, valuehuman life,andarewillingtosacrificeforthoseinneed.

OurAthleticDepartmentstrivestoofferourstudentstheopportunitytoparticipateandsucceedin a wide range of individualand team activities.Interscholasticsportsshouldoffertheskilled performer anopportunity to compete atthe highestlevel, locally and state wide. JPII believesina comprehensivephysicalactivityandsportsprogram,andstrivestoprovidequalitycoachingand facilities.Budget and facilities will set practicallimitsonthesebutwestrive to continually update our facilities and ourcoaches are constantly challenged to grow and improve.

Thereshouldbenoinherentconflictbetweenathleticsandacademics.Oneofourfundamental responsibilitiesistoencourageeachplayertoachieveacademic success. This is notjusttoearn acceptablegrades,buttosecureasoundandsolideducation and to graduate with the best recordpossible.Weencouragethemtoparticipatein other schoolactivities, to be student leaders and instill an attitude to never accept and be satisfiedwith mediocrity.

Athletic Goals and Objectives



  1. Topromotereligious education–Oursocietyshouldbeginandendinthepersonand teachingsofJesusChrist.Hislife,Hiswork,andHisteachingsprovidein-depth instructionontherelationshipofhumanbeings with the God who created themas wellas therelationshipswitheachother.
  1. Toworkwithothers-Inoursocietyaperson must develop self discipline, respect for authority, andthe spirit ofhard work andsacrifice.Theteamanditsobjectivesmustbe placedhigherthanpersonaldesires.
  1. To be successful–At the middle school and junior varsity levels, the emphasis is on skill development and participation, as well as team success. At the varsity level, team success and performance become more primary objectives and therefore we do not guarantee playing time. All student-athletes will benefit from the development of physical fitness, leadership, teamwork, social skills, self-discipline and integrity.
  1. To developsportsmanship- To acceptanydefeatlikeatruesportsman,knowingwe have done our best. We must learn to treat others as we would have others treat us. We need to develop desirable social traits, including emotional control, honesty, cooperation and dependability.
  1. To improve- Continual improvement is an essential component of good citizenship. As an athlete, you must establish a goal and you must constantly try to achieve that goal. Try to improve in the skills and knowledge required and those personal traits that enhance the success of a team.
  1. Toenjoyathletics-Itisnecessaryforathletestoenjoyparticipation,toacknowledgeall of the personal rewards tobe derived from athletics,and to give sufficiently of themselves inordertoimprovetheprogram.
  1. To developdesirablepersonal healthhabits- Tobe an active, contributingcitizen, it is important to obtaina highdegree of physicalfitnessthroughexerciseandgoodhealth habits, and to develop thedesire to maintain this level of physical fitness after formal competitionhasbeencompleted.

To the Parent

This materialis presented to you becauseyoursonordaughterhasindicatedadesireto participateininterscholasticathletics and you have expressed your willingnessto permit him/her to compete.Your family interest in this importantcomponentofourschoolprogram is gratifying. We believe that participation in sportsprovidesawealthofopportunitiesandexperienceswhich assiststudentsinpersonaladjustments.

Weareconcernedwiththeeducationaldevelopmentofboysandgirlsthroughathleticsandfeel thataproperlycontrolled,well-organizedsportsprogramcanmeetstudentneedsforself- expression, social, mentaland physical growth. It is our intent to conduct

a program that is educationallysoundinpurposeandwillenhanceeachstudent'spersonalgrowth.

Failureto complywiththerulesoftrainingandconductmay result in exclusionfromthesquad.Thisconceptof self-disciplineis tempered byourresponsibilitytorecognizetherightsofthe individual within the objectives of the team. There isnoplaceinhighschoolathleticsforstudents whowillnotdisciplinetheirmindsandbodiesforrigorous competition.Wearestrivingfor excellence and do not want our athletes to compromise with mediocrity.

Likewise,wefeelthatyouhave committed yourselves to certainresponsibilitiesandobligations. We would like to take thisopportunity to acquaintyouwithspecificpoliciesin the following sections thatarenecessaryfor awell-organizedprogramofathletics.

It is the roleof the department of athletics to makerulesthatgovernthespirit ofcompetition for theschool.Theserulesneedabroadbasisofcommunity support, which isachieved only through communication to the parent. It is our hope to accomplish this objective through this athletic publicationforstudentsandparents. Here are some suggestions to ensure a rewarding experience for both parent and student-athlete.

  • Attend games when possible. Your presence is very important to your child. Having first-hand knowledge of the event offers an opportunity for sharing with your student-athlete.
  • Be positive. Being on a school team is an accomplishment. Do not let playing time dictate the athletes’ happiness. Celebrate the fact that the student was good enough to make the team. When things are not going well for your student or the team, be positive and supportive.
  • Coaches will provide discipline and structure. Discipline is vital in athletics. Be supportive of the coach and his/her use of discipline and team structures.
  • Be supportive of the coaching staff in the presence of your student-athlete. Nothing can damage teamwork faster than athletes doubting the capabilities of their coaches. If you have concerns, please contact the coach or the Athletic Director at the appropriate time.
  • Be part of a parent network. Socializing with other parents at games, after games, at team dinners, etc., fosters special relationships. Be positive with each other and remind one another about remaining positive at all times. If you hear a “rumor” that concerns you about an athletic issue, call the coach or Athletic Director to clarify what you have heard.
  • Never should a parent approach or direct specific derogatory remarks to an officialbefore, during or afterany game. “Under state law, it is a crime to assault sporting event officials in the State of Alabama. Legislation passed in December 2001 makes it a specific crime to harass, menace or assault a sports official in the first, second and/or third degree if the crime is committed against a sports official that is performing official duties at a sports event. Under AHSAA rules, each case is judged on its own merits, but the usual penalty is a monetary fine plus probation, restrictive probation and or suspension for the school. The school may be prohibited from playing contests when the individual (or individuals) responsible for the assault is present.” It is obvious the state has made a strong stand against this type of unsportsmanlike behavior and we intend to uphold the same.

To the Athlete

Asa memberof an interscholasticteam atSt. JohnPaulIICatholic High School,you havechosen to become part of agrowing traditionthat stresses gospel values, academic excellence, and athletic determination and commitment. A great athletic traditionis not built overnight; it takes the hard work of many people overmany years.

Ourtraditionis towork hard and winwithhonor every time we take the court or field.Wedesiretowin,butonlywithhonortoourathletes,our catholic schools and ourcatholic community. Over theyearsourteamshaveachievedleagueand tournament championships. Many individuals havesetrecordsandachievedAII-Area,All-Region, and All-Statehonors.

When you wear the colors of our school,you accept the school athletic mission andphilosophy. Youarewillingtoassumethe responsibilities thatgo with them. However, the contributions youmakeshould bea satisfying accomplishment to you and your family.

  1. Responsibility toSelf:One of the most importantoftheseresponsibilitiesistobroadenand developstrength of character and commitment. You owe it toyourself toderive the greatest benefit from yourhighschoolexperiences.Youracademicstudies,yourparticipationinother extracurricular activities as well as insports, prepare you for your life as anadult.
  1. Responsibility to your School:Anotherresponsibilityyouassumeasateammember is to yourschool. St. JohnPaul II Catholic HighSchoolcannotmaintainitspositionas havinganoutstandingschoolunlessyoudoyour best in the activity in which you engage. By participating in athletics to the maximum of your ability, you are contributing to the reputation of your school. You assumealeadershiprolewhenyouareontheathletic squad. The student body and citizens of thecommunityknowyou.Youareonstagewith the spotlight on you. The student body, the communityandothercommunities judgeour school by your conduct andattitude, both on andoff the field. Because of this leadership role,youcancontributesignificantlytoschool spirit and community pride. MakeSt. John Paul IICatholic HighSchoolproudof you, and your community proud of yourschool,byyourconsistentdemonstration of these ideals.
  1. ResponsibilitiestoOthers:Asateammember youalsobearaheavyresponsibilityto yourfamily and community. If you never give your parents anything tobe ashamed of, you will have measured upto the ideal. When you know in yourheart that you have lived up to allteam expectations andrules, that you have practiced to the best of your abilityevery day and that you haveplayedthegame at your highest effort, your community is honored by your actions.

Your teammates and future JPII student Athletes are watching you and the example you set.Setgood examples forall.


The Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA)

All schoolsare voluntarymembers of theAlabamaHighSchoolAthleticAssociationandcompete only with memberschools. Asa member school district,St.JohnPaulIICatholicHighSchool agreestoabidebyandenforceallrulesandregulationspromulgatedbythisassociation.

The primary role of the state associationis to maintainrulesand regulations that ensureequity in competitionforthestudent-athletesandabalancewithothereducationalprograms.The associationsolicitsinputandisresponsivetorequestsforrulemodificationfrommember schools, appointedcommittees,andcoaches'associations.The stateassociation attempts to enforce suchrulesthatassurethegreatestgoodforthegreatestnumberandtoensurethatcompetition isconductedinanappropriatemanner.

The National Federal High School Associations (NFHS)

The NFHS consists of the fifty-one individual state high school athletic and/or activities associations. The purposes of the NFHS are to serve, protect andenhance the interstateactivity interestsofthehighschoolsbelongingtostateassociations; to assist in thoseactivities of the stateassociationswhichcanbestbeoperatedonanationwidescale;tosponsormeetings, publications andactivitieswhichwillpermiteachstateassociationtoprofit by the experience of allothermemberassociations;andtocoordinate thework to minimize duplication.

General Policies

  1. JPII coacheswill follow and abide by allrules of theAHSAA and St. John Paul II Catholic HighSchool.
  1. JPIIcoachesshouldencouragestudentstoparticipateinvarioussportsintheJPII program.Acoachshouldneverputstudentsinapositionofhavingtochooseonesport over anotherby any form of subtle pressureorinfluence withregard to an athlete’s future ina sport; any coach exercising such pressureisliableforremovalofhis/hercoaching position.
  1. Athletic seasonsare defined.Preseason, spring,andfalltrainingshallonlybewith athletes thatare not involved in othersports duringthatseason.
  1. CoachesareexpectedtohandoutallavailableinformationontheirteamstoAthletic Director,parentsandathletesatthebeginningoftheseason(i.e.coachingphilosophy, scheduledpracticesandgames,teamrules,teampolicies,etc).
  1. Allfundraisingeffortsmust be approvedby the Athletic Director andthePrincipal.
  1. Allcorrespondencewiththemediamust be approvedby the Athletic Director, the PrincipalandtheCommunications Coordinator.Exception: Calling in ScoresandStats or giving a quote after winning effort.
  1. Coachesshouldmonitortheirathletes at all times-before, during,and after practice, games, and/or team events.
  1. Useofprofaneorobscenelanguageis notallowed at any time by coaches or athletes.
  1. Athletesandcoachesmustdressappropriately for athletic andschool functions. Athletes must remember even when they are off-campus they may be wearing the JPII Logo and must project a positive image at all times. Travel attire to and from games is up to the head coach, but should be limited to school uniforms or warm-up gear. The team should look uniform and professional when entering any athletic facility.
  1. DUAL SPORT PARTICIPATION:A student may participateintwosports duringthe sameseason under the following conditions:
  2. Student must declare primary sport that takes precedence
  3. The two Coaches must meet and discuss implications of meets/practice time, etc. and have Athletic Director approve coaches’ plans for managing practice time, etc, with Academics being the top priority. A student that is falling behind in work or not putting forth maximum effort should not be allowed to play two simultaneous sports.
  4. Option not available for students to play on two team sports simultaneously. For example, a student could play soccer and run in track events, but they could not play soccer and baseball.
  5. Students will not be charged an additional team fee for participation in two sports during the same season
  1. No team practice is permitted on Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation, including Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil Saturday without the permission of the principal.
  1. ATHLETICCOMMITMENT: Athletes unable to honor their commitments to their chosen sport(includingdanceandcheerleading)foranyreason(grades,disenchantment,peer pressure, etc) will be ineligible to participate in any other sport during that season.For teams that have tryouts, commitment willbe constituted after the last teamcuts have beenmadeandafinalrosterhasbeenposted.Forteamswhichhavenotryouts, commitment will be constituted after six(6) practice days.Athletes who are uncertain aboutmakingacommitmenttoasports programareencouragedtodiscusstheprogram with the Athletic Director before they makea commitment.
  1. Participation in activities, groups and teams is a privilege at JPII Catholic High School. The use of social media by a student considered to be “unbecoming of a Falcon” may result in discipline including suspension or removal from the activity, group, leadership position or team. Please be familiar with the social media policy outlined in the Family Handbook.
  1. Student athletes may drive themselves to events inside Madison County only and they may only transport siblings. For events outside of the county, coaches may arrange bus transportation or use parent drivers over the age of 21 possessing a valid, non-probationary driver’s license. An up-to-date Diocesan Driver Information Form (located under Links and Forms on our website) must also be on file.
  1. Athletes must comply withall itemsintheJPIIFamily andAthletichandbooks including the Drug Abuse Policy set forth by the Diocese of Birmingham. This policy is located on our website under Links and Forms.

Requirements for Participation

AllformsareavailableontheJPIIwebsite.Goto theAthleticpageunderthe“LinksandForms” tab. #1-5 are required by the AHSAA.

  1. PhysicalExamination(AHSAAform) signed by an MD or DO only, good for one calendar year from the month of examination
  1. NFHS Sportsmanship Program Completed online (once in school career)
  1. ConcussionParent/StudentLiabilityWaiverForm (completed yearly)
  1. AHSAA Student Release Form (completed yearly)
  1. Copyof BirthCertificate (must be issued by the Bureau of Vital Statistics from the state where born.)
  1. JPIIParentLiabilityWaiverform
  1. Athletic Fee of $300 per sport must be paid before competition is allowed. This fee will be reduced to $250 if a student participates in a second sport, and $175 if they participate in a third sport (i.e. a three-sport athlete would pay $725 in team fees vs $900). These fees are different for Middle School level teams. Middle schoolers participating on the Varsity Level will pay the $300 fee.

Academic Eligibility Requirements

St.JohnPaulII CatholicHighSchoolstudent-athletesmustperformonandoff thecourt.AtJPII, academicsareakeyparttothesuccessofourstudent-athletes.TheAthleticDepartmenthas eligibilityrequirementsinaccordancewithSt,JohnPaulII CatholicHighSchoolasfollows:

TheAthleticDirector/AssistantPrincipalwillbegincheckinggradesatthetwoweekperiod.Any studenthavingdifficultyinaclass willbestronglyurgedtobegintutoringinthatclass.Several teachersandstudentsarewillingtohelp,andtheJPII’sNHS,withguidancefromtheAssistant Principal,offertutoringassistant.

JPII AcademicEligibilityPolicy

Anathlete’seligibilityinAugustis baseduponAlabamaHighSchoolAthleticAssociation (AHSAA)eligibilityrules.AHSAAstatesstudentsmusthavepassedduringtheprevioustwo semesterssix new Carnegie Units with a withaminimumcompositenumericalaverageof70 inthose six units. Four of those units must be in the core subjects: English,mathematics,scienceandsocialstudies.AtJPII,falleligibilitywillbebased onAHSAAeligibilityrules.

A student that is declared ineligible at the beginning of the school year may regain their eligibility at the end of the first semester by meeting the academic requirements of the last two semesters. The regained eligibility of any student may be determined any time after the end of the first semester but all course requirements use to determine eligibility must be completed no later than the fifth day of the second semester.


  1. Grades will be spot checked (checked for low and/or missing grades) every 3 weeks by the Athletic Director. If a student is found to have “twoDsand/oroneormoreFs” they will be required to meet personally with the Athletic Director and work with counselors to schedule at least one tutoring session that week if there is a academic reason for the low grade. They must show proof from the tutor or teacher to the Athletic Director.
  1. Gradeswillbeofficiallycheckedforcontest eligibilityattheinterim(4½ weeksintothequarter and end of each quarter). At that time, anyathletewhohas“twoDsand/oroneormoreFs”is ineligibletodressforcompetitions. Theathletemayparticipatein limitedpractice and willberequiredtoattendacademictutoringafterschoolwhereapplicable. The grades will be checked weekly to determine if they can be reinstated.
  1. If anathleteis ineligiblebasedon theirquarteror semesterreportcard,theyremain ineligibleuntilgradesarecheckedagain at the 3 week mark. This includes the end of the 2nd semester affecting an athlete’s eligibility at the beginning of the next school year. In this case, a student would miss any competitions before the 3 week check.

Risk of Participation

All athletesand parentsmust realize the risk ofseriousinjurywhichmaybearesultofathletic participation.St. John Paul II Catholic High Schoolwill use the followingsafeguards to make every effort to eliminate injury.

  1. Conducta mandatory parent/athlete meeting prior tothe start of the season to fully explain the athletic policies and to advise, cautionand warn parents/athletes of the potential forinjury.
  1. Maintaina continuingeducation program for coaches to learn themost up-to-date techniquesandskillstobetaughtintheirsport.
  1. Coaches will continuously instruct all athletes aboutthedangersofparticipationintheparticularsport.
  1. Huntsville Hospital provides a full-time athletic trainer on site at JPII to assess, monitor and rehabilitate injuries. This includes access to an orthopedic doctor and clinic availability that may be superior to that of your family doctor. In many cases, the team doctor can both see your athlete in a timely manner and instruct our trainer on how to quickly rehabilitate an injury as to reduce missed practice and playing time. It is imperative that all injuries are reported to the Head Coach first so that they may be aware of the trainer’s involvement in the recovery process.


Astudentisexpectedtoattendallclassesonhisscheduleonthedayofacontestandthenext schoolday following the contest. Habitual absencesbefore and aftera contestmay result in suspensionfromtheteam.Tobeeligibletoparticipatein the contest of the day, the athlete must bepresentatleast2classesonthatday.

Team membersare expected to be present at all practices, teammeetings, contests, and special occasionsunlessexcusedbythehead coach.If you are going to miss for any reason, it is the player’s responsibility to contact the coach(email,phone,etc.)24hoursinadvance.

Financial Obligations and Equipment

Eachsportseason,whenteamsareselected, athletes may beassessedan athletic fee of $300 ($250 for 2nd sport, $175 for a 3rd sport) per sport to helpmaintain the high quality of the athletic program. Additional monies raised by the booster club may be used to purchase uniforms/equipment on a needed basis.

Additional fundraisingperteam may be requiredtohelppurchaseneeds outside of the school’s budget, but must be approved by the Athletic Director. Coaches may ask athletes to purchase a minimal amount of practice gear that would be kept by the athlete at theend of the season.

Equipment/Uniform- All athletesare responsiblefortheproper careandsecurityof equipment/uniformsissuedto them. Schoolfurnished equipment/uniform is to beworn only for contests and practice. All equipment not returned ingoodcondition, other than normal wear and tear, willbesubjecttoafinancialpenalty.