Name (Last, First, M.I) / Pay Plan, Series, Grade / Agency/ PA / Div / Appraisal Period
From / To

Position Title



FAS Strategic Goal: Increase U.S. food and agricultural exports by $10 billion by end-year 2018.
Trade Promotion
• Objective 1.1: Increase effectiveness of FAS market development programs and outreach activities
• Objective 1.2: Manage FAS credit guarantee programs to yield the greatest benefit to U.S. agriculture
• Objective 1.3: Maintain a global market intelligence information system that supports policy and program objectives
Trade Policy
• Objective 2.1: Negotiate and enforce market-expanding trade agreements for U.S. exporters of food and agricultural products
• Objective 2.2: Prevent or resolve foreign Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) or Sanitary/Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) measures that hinder U.S. agricultural exports
• Objective 2.3: Pursue the development of rules-based international systems that facilitate global trade
Trade Capacity Building and Food Security
• Objective 3.1: Promote global food security by strengthening agricultural productivity and markets and reducing hunger and malnutrition through food assistance programs.
• Objective 3.2: Enhance partner countries’ capacity for agricultural development and participation in international trade through USDA-led technical assistance and training.
Management Initiatives
• Initiative I: Engage Employees to Enhance Performance
• Initiative II: Provide Civil Rights Services to Agriculture Employees and Customers
• Initiative III: Improve Efforts to Increase Access to FAS Programs and Services
• Initiative IV: Re-Engineer FAS Business Processes to Increase Performance, Efficiency, and Alignment
• Initiative V: Recruit and Hire Skilled, Diverse Individuals to Meet the Program Needs of FAS
• Initiative VI: Enhance Collaboration and Coordination on Critical Issues through Enterprise Governance

No. 1 (Describe below the element title and the duty or responsibility for which the employee is accountable and responsible)Critical


Demonstrates support for FAS strategic goals and initiatives within own organizational unit and contributes to the achievement of overall FAS initiatives. Stresses accountability and continuous improvement to employees/team members, makes timely and effective decisions, and produces results through strategic thinking and decisive action. Ensures a high degree of responsiveness to management, the public, and internal and external customers. Continually reviews, monitors, and strives to improve organizational performance to achieve FAS mission results.
(List the Goal or Initiative with which the Results-Oriented Performance Element will align, and any specific Strategies and Objectives.) / STANDARDS AND MEASURES
(Describe the level expected for "Fully Successful" performance. Include appropriate measures of quality, quantity, cost effectiveness or timeliness.)
Strategies and Objectives:
Strategies and Objectives:
Strategies and Objectives:
  1. ELEMENT RATING (At the end of the rating period, compare the employee's performance with standards, and assign an element rating.)


No. 2 (Describe below the element title and the duty or responsibility for which the employee is accountable and responsible)  Critical
Work is assigned in a fair and effective manner. Technical guidance to subordinate staff is given timely. Performance management is implemented in accordance with procedure. Issues, concerns, or problems are handled promptly and fairly. To the extent possible, staff is properly trained and complies with occupational health and safety programs. Management decisions are supported and implemented within appropriate timeframes.




a) General Supervision / Standards
•Actively creates an environment that promotes staff engagement, integration and collaboration.
•Based on employee feedback and the data collected with the most recent FEVS, identifies both strengths and challenges related to employee engagement, development and satisfaction.
•Works proactively and inclusively with staff members to develop and implement strategies to maintain areas of strength and improve engagement and satisfaction in the organizational unit.
•Promotes open, candid and ongoing dialogue with and among the staff to develop more comprehensive and innovative insights to manage obstacles to engagement.
b) Performance Management / Standards and Measures at the Fully Successful Level:
Effectively manages the performance of employees, ensuring the mission and functions of the organization are carried out successfully. Involves employees in the process, inviting them to participate in developing their own performance plans, collaboratively tracking their progress throughout the year, discussing and addressing such things as unforeseen obstacles, and encouraging them to provide accomplishment reports at the end of the performance year.
All of the following must be met to achieve the “Meets Fully Successful” level of this standard:
•Performance plans align with Departmental and Agency/Staff Office goals and objectives
•Standards define expectations at the Fully Successful level and include credible measures
•Standards are specific enough to hold employees accountable for expectations
•Eligible* subordinate employees’ plans are completed and issued to the employee no later than 15 days from when an employee is assigned to a new position or grade, or detail of 90 days or more
•Eligible* subordinate employees’ new plans are completed and issued to the employee no later than October 30th for each performance year (plans for employees on extended leave or military duty are completed within 15 calendar days if they return after October 30th).
•Potential issues with employees meeting their performance expectations are identified and discussed with employees before they fall below the “Meets Fully Successful” level defined on their performance plans (if applicable)
•If employees do fall below “Meets Fully Successful” at any point, the PIP process is initiated within 15 calendar days
•Subordinate employees’ mid-year reviews are completed no later than April 30th, or by the halfway point of an appraisal period of 180 or more days
•Subordinate employees’ performance ratings** are completed and issued to the employee by October 30th, or within 15 days of an extended rating period (any extended rating period must be completed by the date prescribed in DR-4040-430); ratings for employees on extended leave or military duty, and who worked at least 90 days under a performance plan during the FY, are completed within 15 calendar days of their return
•Ratings demonstrate meaningful distinctions, such that higher performing employees receive higher ratings than lower performing employees
•Subordinate supervisors are held accountable throughout the performance year for carrying out their performance management responsibilities as described above (if applicable)
•The performance expectations and ratings in subordinate organizations are fair and reflective of the individual employees’ respective contributions (if applicable)
* All employees are eligible unless excluded in Section 2 of DR-4040-430 (September 30, 2013).
** If an employee’s performance plan was established within the applicable deadline, but the employee did not perform under the plan for at least 90 days during the appraisal period, a rating cannot be given; this scenario would not impact the supervisor’s element rating.
Standards and Measures at the Exceeds Level:
The accomplishment of at least three of the following will contribute to an “Exceeds Fully Successful” for the Leadership/Supervision element:
•Annual expectations are broken down into quarters on all employees’ performance plans to facilitate accountability, more readily determine employees’ progress toward meeting expectations, and immediately identify and address performance that may fall below the “Fully Successful” standards described in their performance plans
•Formal performance discussions are held with all employees at least once each quarter (including the mid-year review and end-of-year rating), are documented on the employees’ AD-435s, and cover such things as progress toward goals, potential concerns about meeting expectations, unforeseen obstacles to meeting expectations, and adjustments that need to be made to the performance plans to accommodate new projects and/or clarify existing expectations
•All employees’ performance plans clearly define tangible and/or measurable products or initiatives which would contribute to the “Exceeds Fully Successful” level for each performance element
•All employees are invited, and actively coached, to develop proposals for products or initiatives at the “Exceeds” level for their performance elements
•As an experienced supervisor, actively mentored at least one new supervisor in effectively managing employees’ performance (in a formal arrangement with prior approval of the experienced supervisor’s rating official)
•Personally completed a 360° assessment, including a feedback session that is part of an approved process as described in DR-4040-412-001, and feedback was used to measurably improve individual and work unit performance
•All subordinate supervisors completed a 360° assessment, including a feedback session that is part of an approved process as described in DR-4040-412-001, and feedback was used to measurably improve individual and work unit performance (if applicable)
c) Recruitment and Hiring
(if applicable) / Standards:
•Recruits and selects new employees based on organizational goals, budget considerations, and staffing needs.
•When filling a position, engages and collaborates with HR to ensure skills required for the job are identified, posting of the job vacancy is accurate, and assists in identifying contacts for diverse locations or organizations for recruiting purposes.
•Participates as needed with HR in the proper screening of applications, and appropriate categorization of applicants based on qualifications.
•Utilizes flexible hiring authorities when filling a vacancy (e.g., targeted disabilities, student employment, direct hire, appointing veterans, etc.) to ensure diversity in recruitment and hiring.
d) Retention and Succession Planning / Standards:
•Successfully transitions new hires into the position by promptly providing an orientation into the workforce and establishing performance elements and standards.
•Provides ongoing feedback and coaching, and makes appropriate use of the probationary period to assess the new hire's ability to perform in the position.
•Implements retention strategies that focus on key internal processes (e.g., work environment, employee orientation, executing Individual Development Plans for all employees--subject to bargaining obligations, coaching, developing, and mentoring, etc.) that promotes employee growth, supports the health of the workforce and drives the future success of the organization's people and infrastructure.
•Assesses current workforce plans to ensure they are up-to-date in order to meet Program/Agencygoals and objectives.
•Works with senior management officials and HR to comply with the workforce planning process as described in the Department's position management policy.
e) Ensuring Outstanding Customer Service / Standards:
•Supports the Department's strategic goal to ensure USDA programs are delivered efficiently, effectively, and with integrity. Leadership and programmatic decisions are fact-based and data-driven, and reflect the priorities of improved customer service, employee engagement, cost effectiveness and accountability.
•Business processes are continually assessed to identify opportunities to increase effectiveness and efficiency. Short-term, low-cost solutions are cleared for immediate implementation, and proposals for longer-term, larger solutions are developed for leadership's consideration.
•Opportunities to better serve internal and external stakeholders by streamlining procedural requirements are identified, cleared as necessary, and implemented. Staff members are encouraged to identify strategies to improve, consolidate or eliminate duplicative processes which impede excellence in customer service.
•Performance and operational metrics are developed, validated and tracked to ensure customer satisfaction and operational effectiveness.
f) Employee Perspectives / Standards:
•Seeks employee feedback to identify needs and expectations and considers employee perspective when making decisions affecting employees to develop a well-developed staff who are effective and efficient implementers of management decisions.
•Feedback from staff indicates that they understand FAS’s direction, the goals and their role in achieving these goals; understand what is expected of them; were involved in developing their performance plans; understand how well they are performing and where they need to improve; have performance plans that accurately reflect their performance measures; have the necessary tools and resources to accomplish their work; where they do not have what they need, they understand why; have the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs, or a plan to obtain them; are acknowledged and appreciated for good performance.
g) Customer Perspectives / Standards:
•Internal and external stakeholder needs and expectations are considered in making decisions, devising solutions, and resolving conflicts. Those consistent with corporate priorities are included in plans and commitments, and are monitored for success in achieving satisfactory results.
•Feedback from customers indicates satisfaction with the quality of service delivered, including that the service was provided in a collaborative manner and met the customers’ needs, and the quantity and quality of information delivered, including that the information provided increased the customers’ understanding of the agency’s programs.
h) Other, Agency-specific / Standards:
•Adheres to Safety and Occupational Health practices and procedures in order to promote and maintain a safe and healthful work environment for all employees. Upon report of unsafe/unhealthful condition, notifies appropriate office within 48 hours, and follows up and/or takes appropriate action until condition is resolved.
•Demonstrates an understanding of the Privacy Act and applies the Act correctly when exercising controls and safeguards to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of materials containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Ensures PII is protected at all times, including when being transferred, in accordance with agency policy. In addition, ensures all employees supervised comply with the standard. Reports any violations to supervisor within 4 hours of becoming aware of the problem.
9 .ELEMENT RATING (At the end of the rating period, compare the employee's performance with standard
and assign an element rating. Refer to documentation, as necessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet




No. 3 (Describe below the element title and the duty or responsibility for which the employee is accountable and responsible)  Critical
Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity and Inclusion
Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization through both personal leadership and appropriate managerial action. Performs in a nondiscriminatory manner that demonstrates behaviors that conform to civil rights and EEO laws, regulations, and policies, including fairness, cooperation, and respect towards employees and customers.
•Provides EEO/CR/Sexual Harassment/Diversity Information (USDA material) to employees through information sessions, staff meetings, etc., at least 2 times a year.
•Ensures that employees receive required EEO, CR, and Sexual Harassment training within established timeframes.
•Reviews the USDA’s civil rights policy with employees at least 2 times a year to ensure that customers and employees are treated in accordance with the policy.
•Encourages employees to attend training to increase interpersonal skills such as cross-cultural communication, negotiation, dispute resolution, problem solving, active listening, etc.
•Meets USDA-established EEO/CR goals for recruitment, selection, promotion, training, awards, and other personnel activities.
•Models appropriate behavior by treating employees, peers, supervisors, and customers with respect, fairness, and politeness.
13.ELEMENTRATING(Attheendoftheratingperiod,comparetheemployee'sperformancewithstandardandassignanelementrating.Refertodocumentation,asnecessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet



No.Indicateiftheelementiscriticalornoncritical.) / CRITICAL
15c.ELEMENTRATING(Attheendoftheratingperiod,comparetheemployee'sperformancewithstandardandassignanelementrating.Refertodocumentation,asnecessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet



No.Indicateiftheelementiscriticalornoncritical.) / CRITICAL
16c.ELEMENTRATING(Attheendoftheratingperiod,comparetheemployee'sperformancewithstandardandassignanelementrating.Refertodocumentation,asnecessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet



No.Indicateiftheelementiscriticalornoncritical.) / CRITICAL
17c.ELEMENTRATING(Attheendoftheratingperiod,comparetheemployee'sperformancewithstandardandassignanelementrating.Refertodocumentation,asnecessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet



No.Indicateiftheelementiscriticalornoncritical.) / CRITICAL
18c.ELEMENTRATING(Attheendoftheratingperiod,comparetheemployee'sperformancewithstandardandassignanelementrating.Refertodocumentation,asnecessary.) / Exceeds
Fully Successful
Does Not Meet


EmployeeSignatureandDate / SupervisorSignatureandDate
PerformanceManagementProgram(requiredeverytwoyears) /
DealingwithPoorPerformers(asneeded) /
EEOandCivilRights /
LeadershipCompetency: /
LeadershipCompetency: /
LeadershipCompetency: /
LeadershipCompetency: /



a)Howfrequentlydidyoudiscusstheirperformancewithyoursubordinateemployees? / Weekly / Bi-Weekly / Monthly /
Bi-Monthly / Semi-Annually / Annually
b)YouhaveaclearunderstandingofhowyourworkunitcontributestotheAgency'smissionandgoals. / StronglyAgree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / StronglyDisagree
c)YouhaveaclearunderstandingofhowyourAgency'soverallperformanceisassessed. / StronglyAgree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / StronglyDisagree
d)AnofficialinyourAgencyprovidedguidancetoyouabouthowunitperformanceshouldbeconsideredwhendecidingratingsandawards. / StronglyAgree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / StronglyDisagree
e)Theperformanceratingdistributioninyourorganizationisafairreflectionofdistinctionsinperformance. / StronglyAgree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / StronglyDisagree
f)YouhaveaclearunderstandingoftheAgency'sgoalsandinitiativeswithrespecttothescoresfromtheFederalEmployeesViewpointSurvey. / StronglyAgree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / StronglyDisagree