
I understand that the Internet can connect me to much useful information stored on computers around the world. While I have access to the Internet:

I will use it only for educational purposes.

I will not look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive.

If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will:

a)Clear any offensive pictures or information from my screen; and

b)Immediately, quietly, inform my teacher.

I will not reveal home addresses or phone numbers – mine or anyone else’s.

I will not use the internet to annoy or offend anyone else.

I understand that if the school decides I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken. This may include loss of my Internet access for some time.

……………………………………… (Student’s signature) ..………………… (Date)

Parent or Guardian

I understand that the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences.

I also understand that it gives access to information on computers around the world; that the school control what is on those computers; and that a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.

I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information should depend finally upon responsible use by students.

I believe ……………………………….………….(Name of student) understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access the Internet under the school rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. This may include loss of Internet access for some time.

……………………………………….. (Parent or guardian’s name)

………………………………………..(Parent or guardian’s signature) …………………..(Date)

I/We give permission for our child /children to participate in the following activities as organized by the school. I/We understand that prior notice will be given on each occasion by the school at which time we can withhold permission by advising the Principal in writing if deemed necessary. / YES / NO
  1. To compete in Interschool Sports.

  1. To participate in school-based sports activities.

  1. I have signed the consent form for my child to appear in the school newsletters, website, brochures, videos or other Media releases.

  1. To attend educational concerts, shows, functions and competitions.

  1. To access the Internet subject to school requirements and practices as indicated on the Computer agreement above.

  1. To attend respective Religious Education Classes.

  1. I have received a copy of the Parent Handbook (including Responsible Behaviour Plan)

  1. I/We give permission for my child/children to be treated for head lice by parent volunteers and school staff using conditioner and a comb.

I understand all major excursions and sports transport will be by chartered bus.
Signed: Dated: / /



In Term 2 each year, the religious instruction programs provided at this school by approved instructors of the faith groups who visit the school are:

Title of program delivered at the school, authorised by relevant faith group. / Single or cooperative arrangement for delivering program / Name and contact details of program’s coordinator.
Christian Outreach Centre
Seventh Day Adventist
Uniting / Combined churches
Cooperative arrangement “GodSpace” program / Carol Blundell – 40612309
Roman Catholic / Single arrangement / Angie Pennisi-40616633

Our school records show that you have nominated______religion.

If you would like ______to participate in one of the RE programs listed above, please complete the form below nominating which of the programs you would like your child to participate in. One of these is delivered under a combined cooperative arrangement and one single arrangement.

Privacy Notice

The Department of Education Training and Employment is collecting this information in accordance with Education (General Provisions) Regulation 2006(Qld) Part 5 to determine student participation in a religious instruction program. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees within the department. Your information will be stored securely and will not be used or disclosed without your consent except as required or authorised by law

I wish to withdraw my child from religious instruction

Student Name: ______Year: ______

I do not wish my child to attend any of the programs provided by faith group/s at the school.

Signature of Parent: ______Date: ______

I wish my child to change his/her religious instruction program

Student Name: ______Year: ______

Although not a member of the participating faith group/s, I wish my child to attend the

Religious instruction program ______

Signature of Parent:______Date: ______

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