Initial Meeting of the newly re-constituted Steering Group 21 Aug, 2017 6pm at the Fox and Hounds, Old Somerby
PRESENT: Nigel Ord and Simon Lowndes Parish Councillors, Betty North, Gordon Thompson, Peter Burrows and David Holmes – 4 existing members of the SG. Also present Robert Keith BA Hons, Dip EM MRTPI Chartered Town Planner prospective Consultant.
1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: David Holmes introduced those present.
2. CHAIRMAN – It was agreed Nigel would chair this meeting.
3. OFFICERS: To elect such other Officers as necessary: David Holmes agreed to act a note-taker for this meeting.
4. TERMS OF REFERENCE: Nigel referred to a meeting between Nigel and Simon and Sarah Watson who is responsible for Neighbourhood Planning for the SKDC. Following that meeting a draft of a revised version of the Terms of Reference had been drawn up. It was clear that the PC had overall responsibility for the process and had the authority to appoint members to the Steering Group together with powers of exclusion. The four existing members of the SG were therefore appointed subject to agreeing to the TOR eventually. There was clearly a requirement for the SG to operate with appropriate openness and transparency. The advice received was that the SG need not give public notice of their meetings with no requirement to admit members of the public. Minutes or Notes of the meetings should be made available to the PC for publication on their website. No further Questionnaires are necessary but there will be a need to consult widely with parishioners and stakeholders with a fixed timetable. There may be a need for a Built Character Assessment subject to the guidance of the Consultant. OId Somerby was currently classed as a “Less sustainable village” but it is likely that will change following the publication of the new Local Plan.
The four existing members of the SG indicated their agreement in principle with the amended TOR subject to seeing the final version.
David briefly explained some background of the process already undertaken.
6. CONSULTANT APPOINTMENT: At this stage Robert Keith (Bob) outlined his considerable experience in this field having been involved with some 30-40 such groups including Skillington and Colsterworth PCs who processes were nearing a successful end. As regards our own process he estimated a draft plan could be produced for consultation purposes by next March/April and by early next summer be at the Referendum stage. If he were to be appointed he suggested the way forward would be to proceed now with the costing exercise including PC costs for holding the Pre-Submission Consultation in the form of the proposed Road Show and once agreed make application to Locality for funding. A second application could then be pencilled in after the initial six months. He would then like to meet with some SG members to “Walk the Village” and take away any relevant information from the earlier process. It was important to keep parishioners up to speed on progress.
Bob was thanked for his comments and he left the meeting.
After a brief discussion those present indicated that they were very comfortable indeed in Bob being appointed Consultant. At this point Bob returned and was so informed. Nigel indicated that he would report back to the PC for their necessary approval likely at an early Extra-Ordinary meeting.
7. NEXT MEETING: A provisional date was fixed for 6pm 11 September, 2017 at the Fox and
Hounds. It was noted the conservatory would not be available.
ACTIONS: 1. David and Simon to progress the funding application once costings have been determined.
2.David to let Nigel have details of Bob’s suggested costings for his work.
3.Nigel to progress the TOR and report to PC re the Consultant’s appointment.