MAC Citrix Instructions (At Home)
Keywords: Application, Clinical, Citrix, Cit, MAC
3 Steps (User does not have Citrix installed on MAC)
Note: The Providor needs CAG access (Citrix Acess Gateway) , after the agreement is signed, they will be added to the group. The WEB site only works externally, if they are having problems accessing it, make sure you are not trying the site from an internal computer
A. MAC Machine Name
How to change the Machine Name OS X Citrix client passes to the Citrix Farm (NETBIOS Name in Windows)
From the Mac Desktop open System Preferences from the Dock or Click on the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of the screen on the menu bar. Note: The computer name cannot have any spaces or be greater than 13 characters.
2. Click on the Sharing folder under the Internet and Network section:
Change the Computer Name to something without Spaces and has a 13 character limit. You cannot use a Computer Name with spaces or more than 13 characters.
B. Install Citrix / If you have installed Citrix before, please delete.
1. Use your web browser (Safari) to go to www.citrix.com You will see the menu bar at the top of the screen (in the browser window)
2. Click on Support, Downloads.
2. Select: Citrix Clients
3. Select: Citrix Online Plug-in for Mac - Version 11.0 NEW!
3. Down Load Citrix online web plugin
a. downloaded the online web plugin using the download manager, "giving it unrestricted access to my machine"
b. save it
c. run the installer
C. Connect to Citrix:
MAC Remote Access to Citrix 4.5
Any doctors requesting access to citrix from home we are no longer handing out disks. The procedure will be the same where the doctor comes in, signs the agreement but now you will add them to a group in AD called CAG Access and direct them to log in at an external web site.These sites only work externally so if you get calls that they are having problems accessing it, make sure they are not trying the site from an internal computer
The provider may also sign the form on line in Learning Central: UNM Hospitals Citrix Software Authorization for Home access to PowerChart
From a web browser:
External access (for those authorized to access the farms externally) there are two web URL’s.
UNMH Citrix applications (example Isite) – https://employeeportal.health.unm.edu
Cerner Millennium applications (example Powerchart) – https://him.health.unm.edu
(Save to Favorites)
You may also connect via: http://hospitals.unm.edu for UNMH Employees
These will require your HSC (Novell) user ID and password to sign into the access gateway. You will have three panes. The leftmost is the actual Citrix farm with the applications you are authorized to use. The middle pane is for web sites and on the employee portal will contain the Check Your Pay and Check Your Hours web links. The rightmost pane is for file access.
1. From a web browser (Safari) , see above (Save to Favorites)
2. Log in with your Novell Username and Password
3. Sign on again to Citrix Access Gateway using your Novell User name and Password.
Note: Some users may have an older version of Citrix, you will need to delete Citrix and install download as requested.
4. Scroll to right and select do not detect / chose already installed Clients
5. You will then see your application set and can securely access Citrix from home.
Connect to Cerner Millennium Applications
If you get an “error encrc5” you do have an old Citrix version on your MAC.
13. Preparing to connect
14. Select program
Note: Typing on Powerchart logon screen / you will not able to type on login screen until you read below.
1. When you login using the Citrix user name and password, the web site automatically finds the citrix mac plug-in which opens a little blue icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. It also opens a second little icon on the right side of the dock, next to the trash can. This second icon is called "HNAM Logon".
3. If you click on this icon, it disappears and shows up as kind of a floating grey bar labeled "HNAM Logon" at the bottom left corner of screen.
4. Now Type on the powerchart logon screen.
If you have any questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at 272-DATA