Uponjoiningtheteam, everyrowermustprovidesatisfactoryevidenceofswimming abilityBEFOREgettinginaClubboat. Therewillbenoexceptionstothisrequirement,so pleasedon'task.It isyourresponsibilityto obtaintheapprovedcertificateandreturn to DUC via email at or via mail to Dallas United Crew, Registration, PO Box 25428, Dallas, TX 75225. This must be done BEFORE youwillbe permitted on the water.

DUC requires one of the following:

  • Boy Scouts of America Lifesaving Merit Badge;
  • Red Cross Lifeguard Training Certificate;
  • Current membership on a middle school or club competitive swim team;
  • Swimming ability document from a previous rowing club which meets our criteria;
  • Scuba Certification; or
  • DUC Certification of Swimming Ability.

If you are unable to provide one of the first 5 items above, you may take a swim test at your convenience at the Lake Highlands YMCA, the Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center, or any other pool of your choice.

The swim test requirements are as follows:

  1. 200 yards of continuous swimming, using any stroke or combination of strokes, without stopping or resting. There is no time limit or specific stroke requirements.
  2. 10 minutes of a vertical tread in deep water and putting on a lifejacket while treading.

Lake Highlands YMCA

8920 Stults Road, Dallas, 75243


Times – Please contact the YMCA directly to determine dates/times swim tests will be administered.

Cost – Free for LH or Gold YMCA members / $10 for non-members

Bring your certification form with you and get it signed.

Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center

411 N. Washington, Dallas, 75246


Times – Please contact BTLC directly to determine dates/times swim tests will be administered.

Cost - $20

Bring your certification form with you and get it signed.

If you have any questions, please contact

To Whom ItMay Concern:

The YMCA was requested by Dallas United Crew to administer a swimming proficiency test to ______at the YMCA.

The DUC swim test requirements are as follows:

  1. 200 yards of continuous swimming, using any stroke or combination of strokes, without stopping or resting. There is no time limit or specific stroke requirements.
  2. 10 minutes of a vertical tread in deep water and putting on a lifejacket while treading.

I hereby certify that has completed the swim test requirements as stated above on this date: .


Aquatic Fitness Specialist, YMCA

-- OR --

Lifeguard on Duty

Printed name:

Circle one:

Lake Highlands YMCABaylor Tom Landry Fitness Center

8920 Stults Road411 N. Washington

Dallas, TX 75243Dallas, TX 75246

Other (indicate below):

Revised 7/23/2014