RoadmapforFresno Community College ADNProgram and CSUDominguez Hills RN-BSNProgram

AdmissionRequirements for Fresno Community College (FCC)

FCC has afour-semester AssociateDegree inNursing (ADN) Program. Prerequisite course requirementsmust be met prior to acceptance intothe nursing program. Prerequisites include:

  1. Graduated from high school with a minimum cumulative grade point average GPA of C+ (2.5), or completed General Educational Development (GED) test with an average standard score of 45.
  2. Have completed all application course prerequisites with a grade of “C” or better.
  3. Have a minimum cumulative college grade point average GPA of 2.5 or higher.

ADN-AdmissionRequirementsRN-BSN Transfer requirements

Prerequisite GE Requirement / CSURequirement
CHEM 3A Introduction to General Chemistry w/lab or higher / MeetsCSU GE area B1 and B3 and BSN program pre-requisite requirement.
BIOL 20 Human Anatomy or BIOL 21A Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/labs / Meet CSU GE area B2 and B3
BIOL 22 Human Physiology or BIOL 21B Human Anatomy & Physiology II w/labs / Meet CSU GE area B2 and B3
BIOL 31 Microbiology w/lab / MeetsCSU GE area B2 and B3
ENGL 1A or 1AH Reading & Composition / Meets CSU GE area A2
COMM 1 Public Speaking or
COMM 2 Interpersonal Communication or
COMM 8 Group Communication / Meet CSU GE area A1
SOC 1A or 1AH Introduction to Sociology or
ANTHRO 2 or 2H Cultural Anthropology / Meet CSU GE area D1
PSY 2 or 2H General Psychology / Meet CSU GE area D and E
MATH 103 Intermediate Algebra or higher / Does not meet CSU GE area B4
MATH 11 Elementary Statistics or
MATH/PSY 42 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences meet CSU GE area B4 and BSN program pre-requisite requirement.

AdditionalGE coursesrequired forthe Associate ofScienceDegree, Registered Nurse are noted inthe table below: Courses must be completed with a “C” or higher grade.

GraduationRequirements / CSURequirement
POLSCI 2 or 2H American Government / Meet CSU GE area D
Arts/Humanities- 3 units / Meets CSU GE area C1 or C2
( select a course that satisfies both FCC and CSU requirements)
PE/DANCE Activity- 2 Courses / Partially meets CSU GE area E unless the course is 3 units.

Note: Students areencouraged tocomplete themajority ofGE graduation requirements prior toenrollment in nursing coursework.

Additional highly recommended generaleducation courses for a seamless transition to

CSU Dominguez Hills RN to BSN programare noted inthe table below:

Recommended Course / CSURequirement
PHIL 2 or PHIL 6 / Meet CSU GE area A3- Critical Thinking
MATH 11orMATH/PSY 42 / Meet CSU GE area B4- Statistics
HIST 11 or HIST 12/12H / Meet CSU GE area D
Please note:CSU requires students to meet both U.S History & American Institutions
Six (6) Additional units in Arts/Humanities / Meet CSU GE area C1 and C2

For more information:

Review the General Education Requirements for California University Certification

(CSU-CE) in the Fresno City College Course Catalog.


Aminimumgrade of“C” in all nursing courses and in therequired GE courses is required. An overall grade point average of2.0must be maintained toremain in good standingin the college.

HowDo I Apply to FCC ?

Directions to apply to the nursing program can be found on the FCC Nursing Program website:

Students are admitted into the

program in the fall and spring semesters. Application filing periods can be found on the website.

Prospective students are required to attend Allied Health and Nursing Program Orientation.


Semester 1 / Units
RN 31 Foundations & Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing / 4
RN 32 Foundations & Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical / 2
RN 32A Foundations & Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Skills / 2
RN 33 Transcultural Health Care ((may be waived for the students in the FCC/CSUDH Dual Enrollment Program who already have taken BSN 306) / 1
RN 35A Pharmacology A: Introduction to Pharmacology / 1
Total Units / 10
Semester 2 / Units
RN 35B Pharmacology B: Nursing Pharmacological Applications / 2
RN 41 Nursing Care of the Adult w/Common Health Problems / 2.5
RN 42 Nursing Care of the Adult w/Common Health Problems Clinical / 2
RN 42A Nursing Care of the Adult w/Common Health Problems Skills / 1
RN 45 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family Theory / 2
RN 46 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family Clinical / 2
Total Units / 11.5
Semester 3 / Units
RN 51 Nursing Care for the Adult w/Complex Health Problems / 3
RN 52 Nursing Care for the Adult w/Complex Health Problems Clinical / 2
RN 52A Nursing Care for the Adult w/Complex Health Problems Skills / .5
RN 53 Nursing Care for the Older Adult / 1
RN 55 Nursing Care for Infants & Children / 2
RN 56 Nursing Care for Infants & Children Clinical / 2
Total Units / 10.5
Semester 4 / Units
RN 61 Nursing Care for the Critically Ill Adult and Coordinator Care / 2.5
RN 62 Nursing Care for the Critically Ill Adult and Coordinator Care Clinical / 3.5
RN 62A Nursing Care for the Critically Ill Adult and Coordinator Care Skills / .5
RN 65 Nursing Care for the Client w/Behavioral & Emotional Disorders / 2
RN 66 Nursing Care for the Client w/Behavioral & Emotional Disorders Clinical / 2
Total Units / 10.5

Total Nursing Units = 42.5



Completionofa community collegenursing programdoes NOT guarantee admission tothe CSU. Eligible students are usually admitted every fall and spring semester. Students are encouragedto complete any lower division general educationcourses prior to enrollment.


  • 60 or more transferable college units (70 semester units/105 quarter units maximum accepted from community colleges and 96 units from a four-year institution)
  • Current RN licensure in the United States or transcripts noting you are near the end of the program
  • College GPA of at least 2.0. However, applicants with a Bachelor's degree in another major are considered 2nd baccalaureate students.
  • GPA (from the 1st bachelor's degree) of at least 2.5 or higher is required.
  • Completion of the following Prerequisite courses including the Basic GE Courses (the golden 4 are noted with a *)
  • It is strongly recommended that you obtain GE Certification from a community college prior to admission.

CSUDH Nursing Program Prerequisite Course / CSU GE-Breadth Area
• Oral communication * / A1
• Written communication * / A2
• Critical thinking * / A3
• Statistics * / B4
• College Chemistry: general, inorganic, organic or integrated (with associated lab if required at the institution where the course was taken) † / B1, (B3)
• Human anatomy (with required lab) / B2, B3
• Human physiology (with required lab) / B2, B3
• Microbiology (with required lab) / B2, B3



The cumulative total for an ADN graduate to obtain a BSN degree is 120 units. With 70 units transferred from FCC to CSUDH, most RN-BSN students need to complete 50 units at CSUDH. Out of these 50 units, 6 units are given for NCLEX credit once the students submit their RN license to the CSUDH School of Nursing—leaving 44 units for students to complete.

Course / Units / Upper Division General Education
BSN 302 Concepts ofProfessional
Nursing Practice / 3
BSN 306 Cultural Diversity in
Healthcare / 3 / Satisfies upper divisionGE- category
D and G
BSN 307 Health Care Informatics and
Technology / 3
BSN 340 Professional Collaborationin
Nursing Practice / 3
BSN 346 Pathophysiology / 3 / Satisfies upper divisionGE - category B
BSN 380 Health Assessment / 3
BSN 381 Health Assessment Skills Lab / 1
BSN 400 Health Promotion and
Teaching / 3
BSN 408 GerontologicalNursing
Practice / 3
BSN 422 Community Based Nursing / 3
BSN 423 Community Based NursingRole
Performance / 2
BSN 430 Healthcare Systems, Policy and
Finance / 3
BSN 450 Principles ofLeadership and
Management in Nursing / 3
BSN 451 Leadership/Management Role
Performance / 2
BSN 460 Nursing Research Utilization / 3
Upper division humanities requirement / 3 / Satisfies upper divisionGE-category
Elective: BSN 494 Independent Study / 1-3 / If students need units to meet the 120-unit requirement.
Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (ENG 350 or GWE) / 0-3 / Students may take a challenge exam. If failing, students must take ENG 350.
NCLEX credit / 6 / Once students submit the RN license to SON.
Total Units / 50-56

Note: CSUDH is not a cohort-based program,hence there is flexibility in course sequencingas long asthe followingrules are followed:

1. In general, complete 300levelcourses priorto 400 levelcourses

2. Complete 346 priorto or concurrently with 380/381

3. Complete 346 and 380/381 before enrolling in 422/423L and 450/451L

BSN Degree Requirements

  1. Completion of 120 semester units with the required 2.0 GPA.
  2. Completion of the lower division General Education requirement (48 semester units)
  3. Satisfaction of the American Institutions requirement in U.S. Constitution, State and Local Government.
  4. Satisfaction of Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) by exam or course (
  5. Satisfaction of the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) requirement or exemption and English Placement test or exemption.
  6. Complete the residence requirement of 30 semester units earned through CSUDH while an admitted SON student. Residence units refer to those units earned at CSUDH while an officially admitted student in a degree program. Residence requirements for a bachelor's degree include a minimum of 30 semester units in residence of which 24 units must be in upper division courses and 18 units must be earned in the major.

Examples of the plan of study (as a full-time student, a part-time student, and a full-time, accelerated student) can be found at

Created on 03/21/16 by:

Stephanie R. Robinson, RN, MHA


Associate Degree Nursing Program

Fresno Community College

Nop Ratanasiripong,PhD,RN,CCRC

Assistant Professor/RN-BSN Program Coordinator

School of Nursing

California State University,Dominguez Hills