Proposed Traffic Signals at Beaumont Street/Gloucester Street/St John Street Junction

Summary of Comments Received

Reference / Details of Comments
(a)  / Question need for traffic signals/could cause greater congestion, noise and pollution/too costly
(b)  / Prefer pedestrian crossing/zebra crossing
(c) / Object to impact of street furniture on important historical street (‘Oxford’s finest streetscape’) / ’it is unsightly’
(d) / Need to preserve open, unobstructed vista along Beaumont Street
(e) / Provide an improvement that is more sensitive to the environment
(f) / No signals – instead provide larger and wider central refuges in Beaumont Street
(g) / Would be of benefit to cyclists but money could be better spent elsewhere
(h) / Could increase rat-running along St John Street/seek ‘access only’ traffic in St John Street
(i) / Reduce parking in Beaumont Street to improve visibility for vehicles exiting the side roads/ ban all parking near the junction, including disabled drivers
(j) / Need to provide cycle advanced stop lines
(k) / Provide yellow box in junction
(l) / Build-outs may cause problems to cyclists on Beaumont Street
(m) / Scheme is ‘over-engineered and over-designed’
(o) / Narrowing of road will cause a hazard to cyclists and emergency vehicles
(p) / Concern about delivery vehicle access with signals layout
(q) / Loss of parking spaces
(r) / Lack of information on benefits of scheme
(s) / Could affect cars exiting underground car park
(t) / Better to spend money on Green Road roundabout or improve overall level of street lighting for cyclists and pedestrians/improve bottleneck bridges at Eynsham and Newbridge instead to improve congestion
(u) / Provide a mini roundabout instead
(v) / Narrowing of Beaumont Street will prevent left turn into Gloucester Street when there are long queues of west-bound traffic in Beaumont Street
(w) / Welcome prospect of improved pedestrian conditions but consider a single pedestrian crossing is preferred
(x) / Scheme is very helpful to overcome difficulties in negotiating access/egress between Beaumont Street and Gloucester Street
(y) / Concern about disruption during works
(z) / Scheme needs pedestrian railings
(aa) / Offers a safer facility for vulnerable users (but cyclists not specifically catered for).
(bb) / Will cause potential capacity loss.