Amendments to the Stock Market
Regulatory Law, N° 7732
by Worker’s Act N° 7983
Article 81.
Amendment of Law N° 7732. Articles 8 and 171 of the Stock Market Regulatory Law, N° 7732, of December 17, 1997, are hereby amended. Their texts shall be read as follows:
“Article 8.
Functions of the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall have the following functions:
a)To undertake the judicial and out-of-Court representation of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, acting on its behalf and at its expense, in the performance of the duties of his office, having the authority as granted under a universal power of attorney without restrictions as to the amounts involved. The Superintendent can delegate his/her authority upon intendants and other officials of the Superintendency, in accordance with the provisions issued by the National Council.
b)To submit to the consideration of the National Council the drafts of the regulations to be issued by the Superintendency, in accordance with this law, as well as the reports and rulings that this Council may require to perform its duties.
c)To submit to the National Council a biannual report on the evolution of the stock market and the situation of the entities under supervision.
d)To impose upon the entities under supervision the cautionary measures and the sanctions foreseen in Title IX of this Law, with the exception of those to be imposed by the National Council.
e)To enforce the regulations and resolutions of the National Council.
f)To exercise the powers vested in him/her as the administrative head of the Superintendency and exhaust administrative proceedings concerning personnel matters. In the case of internal auditing personnel, the Superintendent shall consult the internal auditor.
g)To approve the by-laws and regulations of stock exchanges, clearing and settlement firms, depositories of securities and risk rating companies. The Superintendent can suspend these regulations on a temporary basis, or amend or revoke them when necessary to protect the investing public or free competition, in accordance with the general and objective criteria defined by the regulations issued by the National Council.
h)To authorize the capital reductions and increases of stock exchanges, depositories of securities, investment companies, clearing and settlement firms and other legal entities under supervision, with the exception of those entities under the supervision of the General Superintendency of Financial Entities, the issuers and the brokerage firms. The authorization to reduce and increase the capital of the brokerage firms shall be granted by stock exchanges, which shall require compliance with the capital requirements established for brokerage firms, through regulations, by the National Council.
i)To establish the standards concerning the type and size of the letters on certificates, and the place, on the document, to place the legend described in the second paragraph of Article 13 of this Law.
j)To take all actions necessary for the effective fulfillment of the functions of regulation, supervision and control of the Superintendency, as provided by this Law.
k)To authorize the operation of the entities under supervision as well as the public offering, and inform the National Council about such actions.
l)To require from the parties under supervision all information as may be reasonably necessary, under the conditions and with the frequency determined through regulations by the National Council, to adequately comply with its stock market supervisory functions. For this purpose, it can order auditing visits, without prior notice, to the parties under supervision. The Superintendency can conduct auditing visits to the issuers in order to clarify audit information. However, when issuers place securities for sale, the Superintendency can inspect the placement records of the issuers and issue rules on keeping them.
m)To require information from the parties under supervision with regard to the shareholdings of their shareholders, the members of their Boards of Directors and their employees, until reaching the identification of the individuals ultimately holding those shares, and make it public starting from the percentage established through regulations by the National Council.
n)To require, by means of a reasoned resolution, information from the parties under supervision, their shareholders, directors, officials and advisers, concerning the investments they made directly or indirectly in securities of other entities related to stock markets, as needed to perform their supervisory duties and protect investors from any conflicts of interest that may arise between and among the stock market participants.
o)To require the parties under supervision to provide the information required to the investing public in order to comply with the purposes of this Law.
p)To provide to the public the most ample information on the parties under supervision and the stock market situation, except for the information concerning the individual operations of the parties under control that is not relevant to the investing public, as determined through regulations by the National Council.
q)To see to free competition at stock markets and report the existence of monopolistic practices to the Commission for Promotion of Competition.
r)To request to the National Council the suspension, intervention and revocation of the authorization for operation of the entities under supervision and the suspension or revocation of the authorization for public offering.”
“Article 171.
Functions of the National Council for Supervision of the Financial System. The National Council for Supervision of the Financial System shall have the following functions:
a)To appoint and remove the General Superintendent of Financial Entities, the General Superintendent of Securities and the Superintendent of Retirement Funds, as well as the respective intendants, auditors and the internal subauditor of the Superintendency of Financial Entities.
b)To approve the provisions concerning the authorization, regulation, supervision, control and surveillance which, in accordance with the law, have to be enforced by the General Superintendency of Financial Entities, the General Superintendency of Securities and the Superintendency of Retirement Funds. No requirements that unduly restrict the access of the economic agents to the financial market, limit free competition, or include discriminatory conditions, can be established.
c)To order the suspension of operations and the intervention of the parties regulated by the Superintendencies, as well as to decree their intervention and request their liquidation before the appropriate authorities.
d)To suspend or revoke the authorization granted to the parties regulated by the various Superintendencies, or the authorization for public offering, whenever the respective entity fails to comply with the legal requirements or the regulations issued by the National Council, or when the continuity of the authorization may affect the interests of savers, investors or affiliates, or the market integrity.
e)To approve the rules applicable to the procedures, requirements and terms for the merger or transformation of financial entities.
f)To approve the rules concerning the organization, transfer, registration and operation of financial groups, in accordance with the Structural Law of the Central Bank of Costa Rica.
g)To hear and solve the appeals filed against the resolutions entered by the Superintendencies. The resolutions entered by the Council exhaust administrative proceedings.
h)To hear the appeals filed against the resolutions entered by stock exchanges concerning the authorization of brokerage firms and the imposition of sanctions to brokerage firms and stock brokers, under the Stock Market Regulatory Law. Any person with a lawful interest shall be entitled to appeal.
i)To regulate the exchange of information that can take place between and among the various Superintendencies for the strict performance of their discretionary supervisory duties. The Superintendency receiving information in virtue of this subsection shall have the same confidentiality obligations to which the initial receiver of said information is subject.
j)To approve the general rules of organization of the Superintendencies and internal auditors.
k)To approve the annual operating plan, the budgets, their modifications and the budgetary liquidation of the Supertendencies within the global limit fixed by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, and submit them to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic for final approval thereof.
l)To approve the annual report of each Superintendent as well as the annual reports that Superintendents shall submit on the performance of the parties supervised by the respective Superintendency.
m)To designate at the appropriate time and for the terms it may deem convenient consultative committees composed of representatives of the entities under supervision, the investors or other economic sectors, to examine specific subjects and issue non-binding recommendations.
n)To approve rules defining which individuals or legal entities related by ownership or management with the parties under supervision shall be considered as part of the same economic interest group, for the purpose of ensuring an adequate diversification of portfolios and solving and avoiding conflicts of interest.
o)To approve the provisions concerning accounting and auditing standards, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as well as the frequency and diffusion of the external audits to which the entities under supervision shall be subject. In case of conflict, these provisions shall prevail over those issued by the Professional Association of Public Accountants of Costa Rica.
p)To approve the provisions concerning the periodicity, the scope, the procedures and the publication of the reports submitted by the external auditors of the entities under supervision, in order to achieve as much reliability as possible from these audits.
q)To approve the provisions applicable to the internal auditors of the entities supervised by the Superintendencies, in order that they may duly perform the duties characteristic of their activity, and see that such entities comply with the legal provisions.
r)To approve the provisions that guarantee the supervision and the safeguard of the financial soundness of the retirement systems of the Judicial Branch and any others created by law or collective bargaining agreements.
s)To solve any conflicts of competence that may arise between and among Superintendencies.
t)To exercise any other powers vested in it by the respective laws over the parties supervised by the General Superintendency of Financial Entities, the General Superintendency of Securities and the Superintendency of Retirement Funds.
The National Council can delegate the knowledge of specific matters to commissions composed of some of its members, in accordance with the rules established by it.”
Article 82
Authentic interpretation of Article 190. Article 190 of the Stock Market Regulatory Law, N° 7732, of December 17, 1997, is authentically interpreted in the sense that the provisions therein contained shall be applied to all the acts and contracts to be registered in the National Registry to which this article refers, regardless of the reasons that originated them.
Article 90
Derogates Article 5 of the Stock Market Regulatory Law, N° 7732, of December 17, 1997