Title of Meeting

/ Patient Participation Group Meeting /

Date & Time

/ Wednesday 29th March .2017




/ 3d Medical Centre

Attendees Present



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/ On-going point of discussion for the practice although our practice has had the CQC visit it is important that we are all aware that this is a 2 yearly visit and to ensure all the practice protocols are being followed by all staff
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Friends and Family Data

/ PPG /

Informed PPG members of our results of Friends and Family test from February 2017 responses

Extremely Likely 18

Likely 28
Neither likely or unlikely 4
Unlikely 3
Extremely unlikely 1
Don’t Know-2
It is impotent to the practice that we are acting on feedback from our patients. Overall the patients do like us here at 3D Medical Centre and would recommend us to their relatives.
Positive comments-Always get good advice
-Get good services all the time
-Female doctor is very good but she is only here on Mondays
-I know I can get an appointment easily and can get good advice
-The doctor I saw was fantastic. Spoke to me as a person with intelligence
Negative comments-Doctor did’nt give medication for child
-no appointments when needed
Action-Staff to be congratulated on their hard work
Staff to inform patients when doctor/nurse is running late
Female Dr Dr Idike booked until end of December 2017
Eunice-ANP will be returning to the surgery from maternity leave on Friday 7th April
Practice Nurse steph will be going off on maternity leave from 5th April and Carolyn will be covering her maternity leave
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Bowel screening

/ RS has been doing another big push to get the number of none responders up. Be Clear on Cancer campaign,A Be Clear on Cancer bowel cancer screening awareness campaign launched across the North West on Monday 9 January and will run until the end of March. The campaign aims to raise awareness of, and promote participation in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme among those who are eligible.
National Bowel Scope Screening programme in Bolton. One-off invitation to attend for a flexible sigmoidoscpy. Patients will be invited from April 2017 onwards to attend Bolton hospital.
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Pride in Practice

/ The practice is in the process of applying for the Gold Standard Pride In Practice award. Excellence in Lesbian, gay and trans healthcare. The practice needs to have leaflets, posters and all practice staff will receive training.
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/ The next cohort of 18 year olds is due to have the MEN ACWY from April 2017 . Letters have been sent out to invite them to attend the surgery.
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Patient On Line

/ The practice has 61 patients who have registered for on line services. The practice needs to have 10% of over 18’s registered for on line services, which is 100 patients.. The staff have done a fantastic job of encouraging patients to register for on line services, as well as checking telephone numbers and addresses.
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Bolton Hospice Cake Sale

/ The surgery will host a charity cake sale on Wednesday 5th April 2017 in aid of Bolton Hospice.
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Overall Comments

/ SS – Feels that the staff here at 3D are excellent, caring and very accommodating
Suggested more online appointments

Date of Next Meeting

/ JUNE 17