Directions: Each of the following problems has a question and two statements which are labeled (1) and (2). Use the data given in (1) and (2) together with other available information (such as the number of hours in a day, the definition of clockwise, mathematical facts, etc.) to decide whether the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Then fill in space
(A) if you can get the answer from (1) alone but not from (2) alone;
(B) if you can get the answer from (2) alone but not from (1) alone;
(C) if you can get the answer from (1) and (2) together, although neither statement by itself suffices;
(D) if statement (1) alone suffices and statement (2) alone suffices;
(E) if you cannot get the answer form statements (1) and (2) together, but need even more data.
All numbers used in this section are real numbers. A figure given for a problem is intended to provide information consistent with that in the question, but not necessarily with the additional information contained in the statements.
1. How many degrees Celsius is 100° Fahrenheit?
Degrees Celsius = 5/9 (degrees Fahrenheit) - 32
Degrees Fahrenheit = 9/5 (degrees Celsius) + 32
2. What is the area of the shaded part of the circle? O is the center of the circle.
The radius of the circle is 4.
x is 60.
3. What was Mr. Kliman's income in 1970?
His total income for 1968, 1969, and 1970 was $ 41,000.
He made 20% more in 1969 than he did in 1968.

4. If I and I' are straight lines, find y.
x = 100
z = 80
5. Is X > Y?
(X + Y)2 > 0
X is positive
6. How long will it take to travel from A to B? It takes 4 hours to travel from A to B and back to A.
It takes 25% more time to travel from A to B than it does to travel from B to A.
C is midway between A and B, and it takes 2 hours to travel from A to C and back to A.
7. Did ABC Company make a profit in 1980?
ABC Company made a profit in 1979.
ABC Company made a profit in 1981.
8. Did the price of a bushel of soybeans increase during every week of 1980?
The price of a bushel of soybeans was $2 on January 1, 1980.
The price of a bushel of soybeans was $4 on January 1, 1981.

9. Fifty students have signed up for at least one of the courses German I and English I. How many of the 50 students are taking German I but not English I?
16 students are taking German I and English I.
The number of students taking English I but not German I is the same as the number taking German I but not English I.
10. The XYZ Corporation has 7,000 employees. What is the average yearly wage of an employee of the XYZ Corporation?
4,000 of the employees are executives.
The total amount the company pays in wages each year is $ 77,000,000.

The question format from 11-25 are same as the question formatsof 1-10.