WHOLE SCHOOL SEND AUDIT – enabling whole school staff to identify their CPD needs
Questions / Yes / No / CommentsPlease provide honest and accurate responses and examples/evidence of your practice
Do you feel confident in identifying students who may have special educational needs?
Are you aware of how to monitor the progress of students with SEND in your subject/phase of teaching?
Are you confident of how students with SEND should be achieving and making progress?
Do you use AfL effectively to increase the participation and engagement of students with SEND in their learning?
Do you effectively use strategies to support students who present emotional barriers to learning e.g. lack of motivation, persistence, determination?
Do you believe that TA’s are deployed effectively to ensure the support of students with SEND in your classes?
Do you believe and have evidence that the support you offer students with SEND increases studentoutcomes?
Do you believe you provide reasonable adjustments in your planning to meet the needs of students with SEND?
Do you consistently and increasingly use assistive technology to support access to the curriculum for students with SEND?
Do you feel confident in your understanding and support of the needs of each student by ensuring that teaching andlearning responds to individual needs?
Are you familiar with the whole school aims of the provision to meet the needs of students with SEND?
Do you understand and support the aims of our school in respect of students with SEND?
Do you feel involved in the formulation of strategies to increase the inclusiveness in ourschool?
Do you feel confident in your understanding of the range of student specific needs, whichyour current studentcohort presents?
Do you feel confident in applying a range of differentiated strategies to enable greater access to the curriculum for the students you support?
Are there specific areas of SEND which you would want to learn more about?
e.g. specific learning difficulties, speech language & communication difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions etc.
Do you feel well informed of the special arrangements the school provides for students with SEND?
Do you have concerns you when supporting and teaching students with SEND?
Do you haveimmediate needs for SEND specific CPD support? If so please indicate in the ‘comments’ column.
Thank you for your contribution. All responses are confidential and can remain anonymous.